The United States’ Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, meaning the end to decades of federal constitutional protections of abortion rights. The ripple effects from such a major decision are continuing to hit communities of all sizes, with protests taking place and activists considering any and all options remaining.

Millions of people seeking abortions could soon be forced to travel across state lines for the procedure, adding to the cost of an already often expensive healthcare service. Thus, some enterprises have come forth offering options to their employees if they ever are faced with the difficult decision and little means. One of them is Dick’s Sporting Goods.

More info: LinkedIn


    After the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Dick’s Sporting Goods decided to provide up to $4,000 in travel expenses for employees in need of reproductive healthcare

    Image credits: Mike Mozart (not the actual photo)

    For employees who live in a state that restricts abortion access, Dick’s Sporting Goods is set to provide up to $4,000 in travel expense reimbursement, which will provide the means for people to travel to the nearest location where care is legally available.

    The benefit will be provided to any employee, spouse or dependent enrolled in the company’s medical plan, along with one support person.

    Lauren Hobart, the President and CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods, put out an announcement on the day of the official overturning of Roe v. Wade. The LinkedIn post expressed their commitment to their workers’ health and wellbeing.


    She stated that the reimbursement will be “available for anyone who lives in a state where abortion is made illegal” following the decision.

    “Thirteen U.S. states contained ‘trigger laws’ that made it so abortion would be either completely illegal or extremely restricted as soon as the court overturned Roe v. Wade, because conservatives have been plotting this for decades,” Lauren stated. “Many other states have unenforced anti-abortion laws on the books that will now be back in play.”

    The President and CEO, Lauren Hobart, announced on her LinkedIn page that the funds would be “available for anyone living in a state where abortion is made illegal”

    Image credits: Lauren Hobart

    At the present moment, it is unclear if the store’s new policy applies to states where abortion is banned very early in pregnancy, such as at six weeks, before most people know that they’re pregnant.


    Lauren also addressed the employees who may be against abortion rights, explaining that the health of those who need reproductive care comes before opinions or beliefs, allowing everyone to “choose what is best for them.”

    This announcement was met with lots of praise, with Dick’s company stock price increasing by 9.6 percent, as seen on MarketWatch. Dick’s Sporting Goods is not the only company making this kind of offer to its employees, with several others making the same move. These companies include Microsoft, Yelp, Starbucks, JPMorgan Chase, Apple, Netflix, and Amazon.

    Lauren explained that the health of those who need reproductive care comes before opinions or beliefs, allowing everyone to “choose what is best for them”

    Image credits: ProgressOhio (not the actual photo)

    This is just the beginning of the changing landscape of reproductive health in America, with corporations increasingly being pulled into political matters by investors, customers and employees alike. The court’s decision to roll back the nearly 50-year-old landmark ruling is expected to hit people of color and other marginalized, low-income people most strongly.


    As reported by the CNN, state leaders in Utah are already facing legal action after the state moved quickly to ban most abortions following the Friday ruling. Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit claiming the newly enacted law violates multiple civil liberties guaranteed in the state’s constitution, such as the right to determine family composition and equal protection, among others.

    Performing an abortion in Utah under its ban is now a second-degree felony in nearly all cases, according to the lawsuit, which names the governor and the attorney general among the defendants.

    The announcement was met with lots of praise, with Dick’s company stock price increasing by 9.6 percent

    Image credits: Lauren Hobart

    Abortions are not an easy choice to make in any case or situation, especially when the mother’s life is endangered. With an ectopic pregnancy, where the egg implants itself outside of the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes, it won’t develop into a baby and could lead to internal bleeding if the pregnancy continues.


    This is just one of many examples; other times it’s the child’s life that may be compromised with a continued pregnancy.

    A woman, named Menaca, shared her story with Planned Parenthood. At a routine 20-week ultrasound, she and her husband found out that their baby had several heart defects. After many visits to specialists asking whether anything could be done after their baby was born, they were met with negative answers.

    “They could not tell us how long he would live, but that he would be in pain since he did not have a fully functioning heart,” she said. “We decided to spare him the suffering and interrupted the pregnancy at 22 weeks.”

    This is just the beginning of the changing landscape of reproductive health in America, and we will continue to observe the situation


    Image credits: Fibonacci Blue (not the actual photo)

    Menaca believes that “no government has the right to have a say in such personal and life altering decisions” and is grateful that she had the chance which has now been taken away from millions of women.


    We will continue to observe the situation as it unfolds. If you are someone in need of reproductive healthcare, here are some resources; and if you’re going out to protest this decision, here are some tips and advice to keep yourself safe.

    Many people have supported the sports goods store’s decision. Let us know your thoughts on the matter

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