With deep roots in the french lands on which it still carries its destiny, chateau seccesion tries, still, through every detail of its construction, to tell the details of the history that it lived. Built in the 12th century, it had to go through great trials, vandalism and arson, and had to patiently wait the 1700s to be given a foundation. Then, after 100 more years, it deserved a second floor as well. Patiently and stoically, chateau seccesion endured bombardments during the first world war, being repaid with restorations after its end, but unfortunately was abandoned after the second world war. It then passed in the property of a lawyer that didn’t see after its rights, the time and degradation being the true owners that now reclaim their rights. With a high visual intensity, the degraded rooms that are now mainly collapsed still have the patience to keep alive the last stages of the castle’s history Chateau Seccesion- patiently, endures the last separation.

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    L O S T : I N : T H E : W O O D S

    S T R A T E G Y

    H O L Y : R A Y


    N E E D : B L O O D

    L I V I N G : M E A N S : F I G H T

    G A M E : I N : S H A D O W


    C R A Z Y : N I G H T


    S T R A I G H T : A H E A D

    H O U S E : O F : E M B R O I D E R I E S