There’s a silent universal nod for what things people commonly find irritating. Like, when someone’s loudly gobbling a mouthful, or picking their teeth with bare hands (worse, braces!), or when a person in front of you is biting their nails like they were some salty caramel popcorn. Apologies for ruining whatever it is that you were eating.
But people are so much more complex than that. You see, among the universally annoying and “no, we won’t be friends after that” list stands a bunch of very subtle little things that for many mortal ones, like you and me, don’t even raise an eyebrow, but for others, provoke a full-on breakdown.
So let’s dive deep into the sea of stuff people find annoying, although often totally irrational.
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When the TV show you're watching goes to an ad and the volume goes from reasonable to incredibly loud without having changed the volume.
Having to watch movies with your thumb on the volume buttons on the remote - have to turn it up to hear talking, then its immediately too loud for action sequences and wakes up the kids. Movie night ends before it even starts.
Same applies to TV shows when the commercials are louder than the show you're watching.
People who step closer to you when you step away from them. You were violating my personal space, and I’m trying to fix that. Come on.
That's why elbows exist. I allways pop it to back when I stand in line somewhere. It helps 😄
Drivers who overtake you on the road, and then slow down once they're in front of you.
People that pee on the seat and don't wipe their f**king piss off the seat
unrecognized item in bagging area
I'd be more entertained if it was 'You f#cked up, start again. Idiot'
misuse of their, there and they're
the people who do this really need to work on there spelling and grammar😒
When People don't say please and thank you. Probably one of my biggest pet peeves. Just shows how little they think about others.
Chewing with your mouth open
Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh this is annoying... Its like- CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED ITS NOT THAT HARD
I could meet the perfect man, if he can't behave at a table it will be a big "NOPE".
Another person with misophonia here. I have a coworker who chews gum all day long. Not only does she chew it - which is annoying enough - but she deliberately pops and smacks it. It grinds on my nerves all day long. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode.
My cousin chews loudly and with he’s mouth open so when we were eating I just looked at him like I was disappointed
People who don't signal when they're switching lanes. Are you really that lazy?
Stopped at a light and told the person that their indicators are not working. When they said they were I said "well f753ing use them.
People who walk side by side slow as s**t down the aisle in the store. They’re juuuust far enough apart that you can’t squeeze by them, and at least around my parts, when you say excuse me they just ignore you.
People who spit on the ground for no apparent reason. There’s a guy at work who consistently does this and every time I see a spit stain on the ground I automatically know where it comes from.
I've never understood the need to spit. Sure if you've got a cold and you do it discreetly, but just walking around in normal life, I've just never thought 'oh no, I've got too much saliva, best gob it onto the ground right now'
Open floor plan offices. I need some peace and quiet when I work. Plus Dave slurping his coffee.
My husband watching his phone during a show and asking me what happened constantly. If you want to know, put your damn phone down!
MY hubby wants to converse when I'm watching something. I usually play deaf and he goes away.
This just happened to me. When people respond to your email and spell your name wrong, despite the fact that both my email and the contact associated with my email both have my name spelled correctly, not to mention I signed my name at the end of the email.
I responded by thanking him and misspelling his name.
Had my new soon to supervisor email me to ask me what’s my email address again?
When people always try to one up you In a conversation.
Not as bad as people who try to two up you. Once I met superman and I three upped him he was very sad. I am humble. Only smart people will get this. I think that's enough now before y'all throw tomatoes at me ^-^
Really subtle buzzing from lights in classrooms and gymnasiums. I swear to god that s**t is so annoying I’d rather learn in the dark.
When your pant pocket/earbud wire gets caught on the doorknob and pulls u back
Whenever I touch something that feels greasy or oily. Like a utensil, doorknob, or even a tube of tooth paste. Makes me cringe. Wash your nasty ass hands.
When people take their phone calls right next to you. My coworker is doing it right now on our lunch break as i write this.
Extra sh*tty points if they use the speaker phone option forcing you to be part of their conversation.
If they use the speaker, I assume it’s because they want me to join in. And I do.
Forgetting that 1 thing from going shopping
Oh always. You come home with a ton of stuff you didn’t really need though.
Pessimism at work. None of us wanna be here. Shut up and do your work so we can go home.
It really depends how you define pessimism. If it's the good old sarcastic jokes, they help you cope with this situation you don't want to be in. Also, when there's a problem, it needs to be addressed. I dislike constant meaningless complaints too, but the "just shut up and work" is a bit of an unhealthy and kinda dangerous attitude. Meanwhile, forced optimism is annoying too. It feels insensitive.
when you're listening to music and people keep trying to talk to you. If I have both my ear pieces in, I don't want to f**king talk to you.
I was once on a long-haul flight and had briefly chatted to the girl a few seats away as it turned out we were going to the same place. Every time I turned around it seemed she was talking at me, but I had my headphones on, so had missed it all.
When you're trying to tell something to someone or a group of people and something interrupts you, then you forget what you meant to say
And then they say, "if it was important, you'll remember it". Like b!tch! What I have to say is just as important as what you interrupted to say! Unless it was an emergency in which case let's go deal
When people say "I seen..." instead of "I saw..."
Hearing someone chew.
It's one thing when people use improper grammar while speaking or informal communication like texting- I don't mind it, it's usually cultural - but I can't abide it in formal or professional writing/correspondence. There was an article a while back in the US about a group of college students trying to get their professor fired on the grounds that he was racist for correcting and knocking off points for improper grammar in their papers. It still gets me to this day, because you know what the real kicker was? THEY WERE JOURNALISM MAJORS.
When people eat and they bite down on the fork as they drag it out of their mouths sends shivers down my spine. It’s hard to hear but once you notice a person has the habit of doing this, sharing meals become excruciating
When someone’s headlights are like high beams...
I'd dearly like to outlaw LED and HID headlights. I drive a low car and it's like having the sun staring you in the face - either in front or reflected in all three mirrors from behind. They are supposed to be self levelling, but this never seems to work and they just blind the sh*t out other road users.
Being able to hear someone’s TV muffled through the wall. It drives me MENTAL.
IMO this is a problem with housebuilder. My 1950s council house is almost completely soundproof. That or the neighbours children are freakishly calm indoors compared to outdoors.
The last specific thing I remember getting real pissed about was ghost flights.
At the beginning of the pandemic, flights were running without passengers because if they just stayed on the ground they would lose government subsidies. So they flew around without any passengers wasting insane amounts of jet fuel for government benefits.
F**king insanity...
You have to ask yourself who is the insane party here, the government or the airline? If you could get $15 million by spending $ 500 000 on kerosine you would burn that kerosine too.
Improper grammar. Mainly from the kids who sat through English class complaining that they “speak the language so there is no need to study it”.
This was also before social media so it wasn’t noticed as much. But once Facebook hit... the horror.
During May, I had 3 guys hit on me hard through the online games. They know nothing about my personality, didn't bother to ask, but just kept wanting pictures and personal information and trying to insert themselves into whatever I'm doing.
One of them would not stop pushing his sexuality onto me until I blocked him. The other two treat me like a little fragile girl in need of rescuing. Dudes, I'm fine! Stop! It's such a waste of time and I'm practising being less polite and passive about it.
I hate this too. I play a poker game on my VR and omg, dudes will come out of nowhere and try to talk to you. If you wanna talk like a normal human, cool. But please don't flirt and be stupid, I'm not there for a cyber date. I'm there to take your money lol (fake money not played for real money)
People who go 10 under the speed limit in the fast lane. Seriously move over
When I’m stretched out to my max capacity to reach an item and it’s still JUST out of reach
When an old lady comes on the bus, nobody offers their seat. I will give up my seat when she comes near me but I'm not going to yell across the bus to get her attention.
Young people (16 year olds) who stand near the entrance of the bus to the point where I have to force my way through to get off the bus. Somehow their idiot faces tell me they still don't think they are in the way.
I gave up my seat for someone with crutches once when I had a broken arm. Scores of healthy-looking people, surely one of them must have been in a better condition than me. I nabbed it back when the person with crutches got off at another stop and someone new getting on glared at me. FFS - I'm INJURED and was on the flipping bus first.
Sound of lips smacking while eating. I hate it. Even if they're quiet, I still just want to explode.
When someone mumbles. I'll ask them three or four times what they said and they still mumble. I get so mad
This is one of the things that can make people more irritable as they grow old. They lose hearing gradually, so more and more people "mumble" (while they just talk normally) but because the change is slow and gradual, they don't think it's a hearing loss.
When people try to win arguments by being louder and dumber. It really makes me want to punch the person. Like if you don't have a valid claim, shut up
Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Mark Twain.
Hearing someone’s music through their earbuds.
Like first of all, I don’t want to hear your music. But because it’s through your earbuds, all I can hear is the beat of the s****y rap song that sounds exactly the same as the previous one.
Traffic lights that are green on streets with no cars or pedestrians crossing while the other two streets are filling up with cars waiting on a pointless red light.
Professors/teachers who keeps the cursor on videos they show.
People pushing my wheelchair without asking. Sometimes they're being helpful, sometimes they just want you out of their way, but even if I'm struggling with a slope or a curb, a "here, let me give you a hand" or "may i help you?" would be nice.
Blind people often have a similar problem. I was guiding two men through London and in the tube station someone grabbed one of them and dragged him through the ticket barrier while I got my ticket out of my bag (we'd been staying the night in London after a meeting so had a lot of stuff with us). This person didn't ask. All people have to do is ask if someone needs assistance, it really isn't that difficult. Sorry you have that experience all too often.
Load More Replies...One thing that bugs me and hurts, when you're trying to pull your covers up and you end up punching yourself in the face.
People who get off a train and immediately stop right in front of the door to orient themselves on the platform (so that those behind them can‘t get off the train).
I hate it when people stand blocking the doors when they're trying to get on. I've lost track of the amount of times I've loudly said 'you can get on quicker if you actually let us get off'
Load More Replies...People who think mental health disorders are ‘trendy’ and ‘quirky’. No, they really are not.
I have a cousin who does that plus think the LGBT+ community is a trend and I did that when I was younger. I hate myself for it like kill me now
Load More Replies...People killing spiders for no other reason that they don't like them. I don't mean people who have a real arachnophobia, I mean people who just don't like them and squish'em dead therefore. What the ...? They just want to live. To them, their life is no more and no less important than ours to us ... if I see them first, they're evacuated, if the cat finds them, they're snacked, but she's a cat ... that's something else. People, grown up people who just don't like spiders don't have any valid reason to kill them. People with a true arachnophobia may seek help, as a disorder of that kind isn't fun in any way, I think it would be best for them, too ... and, usually, they freak out and evade the spider's surrounding - to kill them, you gotta be close. Catching them with a glass and paper works flawless, reduces the risk of accidental amputations, and is not asked too much from an adult.
all bugs really... I almost always try to rescue and put living creatures outside if they're indoors and I don't want them there...
Load More Replies...People blasting their Spotify playlist on the beach. I came to enjoy the waves and relax on the beach, not listen to your shitty music that all sounds the same that you can listen to literally any other time.
Smoking/Vaping in a crowded space, like a train platform. Also when anyone puts their hand on your back (or anywhere really) to get by you. I addition to you, you know, NOT HAVING PERMISSION TO TOUCH ME, I have a condition where my senses fire at 500% at all times and if someone touches my back unexpectedly - especially the small of it - my entire torso locks up and I can't unclench for several minutes. It's worse with my neck, I will fall down because my legs decide to give out.
For me it's people who stop dead as soon as they cross the street and get onto pavement, completely oblivious to everyone tripping up and stumbling behind them in the road trying to get round them.
I have this friend that I let sleep over a lot, I buy snacks that we eat during the night, guess what she does to clean off the chip dust... WIPES IT ON MY BED. And she is always messing with random s**t, she wastes my makeup and paint by RUBBING IT ON MY WINDOW AND CALLING IT ART.
she stained my bed and bedding aswell from mixing together paint and makeup and wiping the fking sh!t on my fking bed. It like finger paint for her and she uses my bed as a napkin to clean off her hands, I’ve talked to her about this before, didn’t stop so I stopped letting her come over. Sorta feel bad but it’s easier to sleep☺️
Load More Replies...People who stop dead, right in front of you, because their phone is ringing - or, my personal hate, talking/texting/video on a phone while paying absolutely no attention to surroundings..
A few misnominations get me mad. In german, it is "Schraubenzieher" (Screw puller) instead of "Schraubendreher" (Screw turner), both meaning screw driver. Turning them, most times, results in success, while pulling results in ... pulling. Also, "Welle" and "Achse" are used interchangably, while they both mean a certain part of machinery, a Welle (Shaft) transmits torque, during operation, it usually is turning, while an Achse (Axis) just keeps some rotating parts at their location and so on ... also - people handing you stuff and releasing it too early. Why? I don't get it. I'd get it for sure, but once I wanna grab it, it already fell down ... and, of course, people who get upset for the simple conclusion that we humans are animals and there, therefore, isn't "humans and animals", but just animals, including humans.
Hollywood actors who tell me how the world should work knowing they don't give a fck about most of the things
I love how some of these are well-thought out paragraphs of types of people, the way people act, grammar, and the others are just one or two words, its hilarious I'll just be reading one and it'll say: "Oh I hate people who chew with their mouths open its annoying and rude souef" and the next is just- "W e t s o c k"
When I'm reading a book and people seem to think it's okay to just start a conversation with me, as if I was just sitting there waiting for them to start blathering on. Now I have to hold my place, wait for them to stop wittering, then find where I was and try to get back into it.
People that say 'Literally' which is probably 90-95% of people. I don't get it. Am I missing something?
Living on a first floor apartment and the neighbors toddler grandkid visits..running constantly back and forth through the night. People that don't park within the lines. People that park in the loading area for handicapped (that striped area is not an extra parking space. it's to help people with wheelchairs that need to let down a ramp to get into their vehicle.) And lastly, people that crack their knuckles while sitting next to you. That is like scraping fingernails on a chalkboard for me (shudder.)
1-when people don't pull up to the front pump at the gas station, when it's empty and operational. You have to wait or go around them. If you're in the back and the guy in front finishes before you, ok. There are signs even, at least here in the US, and it's common courtesy. 2- entering or leaving
I have to do that in certain situations. I own a jeep wrangler and the gas tank is sideways, which makes it super easy to over fill and you end up spilling gas all over. So I have learned which pump at a given gas station is least likely to over fill my tank. At the station I use most often it happens to be a back one. Luckily I'm usually heading through early in the morning so there aren't many people there, but I've certainly gotten mean mugged for it. I just kinda shrug it off, it is better than gas on the ground.
Load More Replies...When my son leaves the shower pull tan up after a shower and I proceed to turn the water on for my shower thinking I can test the temperature 1st and now my hair is soaked with cold water.
When parents micromanage every little thing their child does (given that the child is old enough to make descions on their own) Like, yes I am aware that I've been sitting on my phone for a whole 5 minutes to choose a song to do these chores no need to tell me and get mad at me for it
When you tell someone what needs to be done and they say "I know". If you know, why haven't you done it. Don't act like you know what I'm about to say or what needs to be done so you don't seem ignorant. And if you do know, do it before I tell you.
I get nervous tics, and they appear when I get stressed. In science class we were doing an experiment where there was fire involved, and it was about the vacuum inside of a can, right? So I’m flinching and blinking and I DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO COMMENT ON IT. They ask. I say I’m fine. WE’VE BEEN OVER THIS, I’M OKAY, now focus on the fire so I can get out of this situation faster.
One of my neighbours has three kids that should be able to speak by now (Around 4-7'ish?) However, when they're in their garden, the only sound is that of the bastard off-spring of a Banshee and Mandrake that got acquainted.
The philistines who pause movies to answer phone calls when watching as a group. Establish that its not an emergency, and call them back later. If you choose to take the call, don't come back 30 min later and ask to rewind the movie.
My neighbors dragging chairs over the hard kitchen tiles, while sitting on them, whole day, every day! It's a sound that's driving me crazy, like nails on chalk board but 100x louder! I dream of a day when I burst into their apartment and throw all the damn chairs out of window.
Gosh people who say 'aSHume' instead of assume. I had a lecturer who did that, used to annoy me so much
When people have dry mouth and you can hear a smacking gross sound when they talk. It's the same as people who don't chew with their mouth closed or dogs licking themselves. Something just creeps up my neck and makes me want to murder.
Many medications cause this. People do not deliberately set out to make their mouths dry.
Load More Replies...People pushing my wheelchair without asking. Sometimes they're being helpful, sometimes they just want you out of their way, but even if I'm struggling with a slope or a curb, a "here, let me give you a hand" or "may i help you?" would be nice.
Blind people often have a similar problem. I was guiding two men through London and in the tube station someone grabbed one of them and dragged him through the ticket barrier while I got my ticket out of my bag (we'd been staying the night in London after a meeting so had a lot of stuff with us). This person didn't ask. All people have to do is ask if someone needs assistance, it really isn't that difficult. Sorry you have that experience all too often.
Load More Replies...One thing that bugs me and hurts, when you're trying to pull your covers up and you end up punching yourself in the face.
People who get off a train and immediately stop right in front of the door to orient themselves on the platform (so that those behind them can‘t get off the train).
I hate it when people stand blocking the doors when they're trying to get on. I've lost track of the amount of times I've loudly said 'you can get on quicker if you actually let us get off'
Load More Replies...People who think mental health disorders are ‘trendy’ and ‘quirky’. No, they really are not.
I have a cousin who does that plus think the LGBT+ community is a trend and I did that when I was younger. I hate myself for it like kill me now
Load More Replies...People killing spiders for no other reason that they don't like them. I don't mean people who have a real arachnophobia, I mean people who just don't like them and squish'em dead therefore. What the ...? They just want to live. To them, their life is no more and no less important than ours to us ... if I see them first, they're evacuated, if the cat finds them, they're snacked, but she's a cat ... that's something else. People, grown up people who just don't like spiders don't have any valid reason to kill them. People with a true arachnophobia may seek help, as a disorder of that kind isn't fun in any way, I think it would be best for them, too ... and, usually, they freak out and evade the spider's surrounding - to kill them, you gotta be close. Catching them with a glass and paper works flawless, reduces the risk of accidental amputations, and is not asked too much from an adult.
all bugs really... I almost always try to rescue and put living creatures outside if they're indoors and I don't want them there...
Load More Replies...People blasting their Spotify playlist on the beach. I came to enjoy the waves and relax on the beach, not listen to your shitty music that all sounds the same that you can listen to literally any other time.
Smoking/Vaping in a crowded space, like a train platform. Also when anyone puts their hand on your back (or anywhere really) to get by you. I addition to you, you know, NOT HAVING PERMISSION TO TOUCH ME, I have a condition where my senses fire at 500% at all times and if someone touches my back unexpectedly - especially the small of it - my entire torso locks up and I can't unclench for several minutes. It's worse with my neck, I will fall down because my legs decide to give out.
For me it's people who stop dead as soon as they cross the street and get onto pavement, completely oblivious to everyone tripping up and stumbling behind them in the road trying to get round them.
I have this friend that I let sleep over a lot, I buy snacks that we eat during the night, guess what she does to clean off the chip dust... WIPES IT ON MY BED. And she is always messing with random s**t, she wastes my makeup and paint by RUBBING IT ON MY WINDOW AND CALLING IT ART.
she stained my bed and bedding aswell from mixing together paint and makeup and wiping the fking sh!t on my fking bed. It like finger paint for her and she uses my bed as a napkin to clean off her hands, I’ve talked to her about this before, didn’t stop so I stopped letting her come over. Sorta feel bad but it’s easier to sleep☺️
Load More Replies...People who stop dead, right in front of you, because their phone is ringing - or, my personal hate, talking/texting/video on a phone while paying absolutely no attention to surroundings..
A few misnominations get me mad. In german, it is "Schraubenzieher" (Screw puller) instead of "Schraubendreher" (Screw turner), both meaning screw driver. Turning them, most times, results in success, while pulling results in ... pulling. Also, "Welle" and "Achse" are used interchangably, while they both mean a certain part of machinery, a Welle (Shaft) transmits torque, during operation, it usually is turning, while an Achse (Axis) just keeps some rotating parts at their location and so on ... also - people handing you stuff and releasing it too early. Why? I don't get it. I'd get it for sure, but once I wanna grab it, it already fell down ... and, of course, people who get upset for the simple conclusion that we humans are animals and there, therefore, isn't "humans and animals", but just animals, including humans.
Hollywood actors who tell me how the world should work knowing they don't give a fck about most of the things
I love how some of these are well-thought out paragraphs of types of people, the way people act, grammar, and the others are just one or two words, its hilarious I'll just be reading one and it'll say: "Oh I hate people who chew with their mouths open its annoying and rude souef" and the next is just- "W e t s o c k"
When I'm reading a book and people seem to think it's okay to just start a conversation with me, as if I was just sitting there waiting for them to start blathering on. Now I have to hold my place, wait for them to stop wittering, then find where I was and try to get back into it.
People that say 'Literally' which is probably 90-95% of people. I don't get it. Am I missing something?
Living on a first floor apartment and the neighbors toddler grandkid visits..running constantly back and forth through the night. People that don't park within the lines. People that park in the loading area for handicapped (that striped area is not an extra parking space. it's to help people with wheelchairs that need to let down a ramp to get into their vehicle.) And lastly, people that crack their knuckles while sitting next to you. That is like scraping fingernails on a chalkboard for me (shudder.)
1-when people don't pull up to the front pump at the gas station, when it's empty and operational. You have to wait or go around them. If you're in the back and the guy in front finishes before you, ok. There are signs even, at least here in the US, and it's common courtesy. 2- entering or leaving
I have to do that in certain situations. I own a jeep wrangler and the gas tank is sideways, which makes it super easy to over fill and you end up spilling gas all over. So I have learned which pump at a given gas station is least likely to over fill my tank. At the station I use most often it happens to be a back one. Luckily I'm usually heading through early in the morning so there aren't many people there, but I've certainly gotten mean mugged for it. I just kinda shrug it off, it is better than gas on the ground.
Load More Replies...When my son leaves the shower pull tan up after a shower and I proceed to turn the water on for my shower thinking I can test the temperature 1st and now my hair is soaked with cold water.
When parents micromanage every little thing their child does (given that the child is old enough to make descions on their own) Like, yes I am aware that I've been sitting on my phone for a whole 5 minutes to choose a song to do these chores no need to tell me and get mad at me for it
When you tell someone what needs to be done and they say "I know". If you know, why haven't you done it. Don't act like you know what I'm about to say or what needs to be done so you don't seem ignorant. And if you do know, do it before I tell you.
I get nervous tics, and they appear when I get stressed. In science class we were doing an experiment where there was fire involved, and it was about the vacuum inside of a can, right? So I’m flinching and blinking and I DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO COMMENT ON IT. They ask. I say I’m fine. WE’VE BEEN OVER THIS, I’M OKAY, now focus on the fire so I can get out of this situation faster.
One of my neighbours has three kids that should be able to speak by now (Around 4-7'ish?) However, when they're in their garden, the only sound is that of the bastard off-spring of a Banshee and Mandrake that got acquainted.
The philistines who pause movies to answer phone calls when watching as a group. Establish that its not an emergency, and call them back later. If you choose to take the call, don't come back 30 min later and ask to rewind the movie.
My neighbors dragging chairs over the hard kitchen tiles, while sitting on them, whole day, every day! It's a sound that's driving me crazy, like nails on chalk board but 100x louder! I dream of a day when I burst into their apartment and throw all the damn chairs out of window.
Gosh people who say 'aSHume' instead of assume. I had a lecturer who did that, used to annoy me so much
When people have dry mouth and you can hear a smacking gross sound when they talk. It's the same as people who don't chew with their mouth closed or dogs licking themselves. Something just creeps up my neck and makes me want to murder.
Many medications cause this. People do not deliberately set out to make their mouths dry.
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