I like to work with copper. It is plastic and at the same time sturdy, it allows realizing any fantasy and creating any shape. This metal is one of the oldest ones known to man. Copper, along with gold, has become a symbol of feminine beauty, its name comes from the island of Cyprus, the birthplace of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Therefore, all copper products carry love. Moreover, copper was considered a talisman capable of dissipating spell, detecting and evicting witches and wizards. I like semi-precious stones for their incredible designs, which look like fresh flowers and leaves. They are like frozen magic. In combination with copper stems, stone flowers look like living ones, the only difference being that they don’t fade. Most of all I want my articles to bring joy to those who will wear them, and thus increase the amount of love in the world. I hope you will enjoy looking at my works.

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