35 Women’s Behaviors That Females Of This Online Group Can’t Stand And Want Them To Stop
It's no secret that sometimes we find someone very annoying because of weird or disgusting things that they do. Reddit user @u/amethyst015 decided to focus on women only and ask them online what are some of the things that other females do that they find so irritating that they want them to stop doing it. The question that received almost 12k answers had both some very relatable and unexpected responses.
Some of the things mentioned included some practical topics such as leaving a mess in a public toilet. A lot of things noticed were focused on behavioral issues: being rude to your daughter-in-law, faking friendliness, and creating gossip about other women. This thread also showed that some problems have been rooted in our society for quite some time, because some women still mentioned that the thing they wish other women would finally ditch is dieting and creating unrealistic beauty standards.
What were some of the more concerning answers? Users online revealed that they still see other females joining MLM scams and trying to get others involved. But one of the answers that started a whole discussion was about some women who dare to send admiration and even love letters to convicted felons, thinking that they are innocent.
Which one of these things scares you the most? Or maybe you haven’t found the worthy answer to the question “What is something you wish other women would stop doing?” Then don’t forget to leave your answer in the comments down below!
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Shame me for not believing in their own beliefs and look at me weird.
I live in Iran and I'm honestly disgusted to see how some religious females tend to shame other women and accuse them of being s***s. If you think your husband, brother or son may be seduced by seeing my ears and hair **they** are the problem.
I feel this in my bones! I've been shamed my whole life for the way men behave around me. It finally took my husband saying that I could wear a burlap sack and still look sexy for me to realize that I will NEVER be able to control the thought/begaviors/feelings of those around me, so why worry about it. We really need a cultural shift to start teaching our boys/men how to control their own thoughts/behavious/feelings and stop relying on women to do it for them!
Photoshoping their photos to the oblivion thus reinforcing the unrealistic beauty standards. You know skin texture exists, why do you pretend it doesn't??
This is going to get lost in the shuffle but moms who ask their daughters to do more than their fair share of the household chores while the boys skate because they’re “immature.”
This is particularly bad among immigrant communities that hail from countries with more…traditional gender roles (basically the Far East, the Mid East, Eastern Europe, Africa and South America) but I know it happens in American households too.
The daughters are fed this garbage about being more mature/responsible so they have to help pick up the slack while the sons are frequently coddled and babied.
It’s infuriating and it’s almost never talked about.
Teenage girls in the US average 8 hours a week more of care taker and household duties than teenage boys. And then those girls grow into women who shoulder the lion share of it in a M/F relationship even when both people work full time outside the home. It's also currently the number 1 reason why women eventually file for divorce in the US. Parents have got to both teach and expect their sons to run households, do chores, etc.
Nobody cares how they got the baby out of the woman - cease this nonsense. You are a parent if you are the primary guardian of a child; gatekeeping based on pain relief, caesareans, adoption, whether you gave birth on dry land or in a pond, honestly, nobody cares. Is the baby ok? Yes. Is the mom ok? Yes. Then it's ok. It's fine. F**k off about breastfeeding too, just feed the kid. Got milk? Fab. Got formula? Fab. Feed the kid.
I don't have children so maybe I am missing out on why women make such a big deal out of this. I have seen my cousins' wives berate another one and say she isn't a "real mom" because she didn't deliver naturally and doesn't breastfeed. I just don't get it. I really thought the only things I needed to care about were these: 1.) is baby healthy; 2.) is momma healthy, and; 3.) when do I get to squeeze the baby? Am I supposed to care about how the baby got to me?
"oh you want kids but your man's not ready yet? Just secretly come off the pill and say it was an accident. It's your body, I did it with my kids". I can't count how many times I've heard this and it's disgusting behaviour
Telling other women that they should have kids, to have a fulfilled life.
Blaming other women for their cheating boyfriend/husband's behavior.
Yeah seriously. It's the cheating partners fault and they deserve all the blame especially if the other person didn't even know they were the other person. I mean yeah it's crappy if they did know but your partner gets the main bulk of the blame still because they made the decision to cheat on you.
Just because you had a hard time climbing up the corporate ladder or getting into a good position, you do not need to make other women suffer the same. I cannot emphasize it enough: hold the door open for the next one. Coach young female leaders. Help each other out
Absolutely yes! Sometimes words of encouragement makes a world of difference. You got this! You can do it! Don't give up!
Teaching their daughters that it's okay to be with an abusive man
This starts when kids are small! When I was in 1st-3rd grade of school there was this boy who would repeatedly kick my over my shins while we were in class and he would "accidently" bump into me pretty violently during recess. When I asked teachers and other adults what I should do they would just smile and tell me that little boys don't understand their feelings so when they like a girl they often behave badly towards her... so yeah. For a while I was led to believe that affection could be shown with violence. Imagine telling that to a victim of domestic violence???? And can you imagine the girls who were told this lie from childhood and who continued to believe it.... can you imagine what sort of love lofe they will accept as adults? Please stop teaching girls that ppl who hurt them do it because they like them. It is NOT ok!!!
Make nice with your daughter in law. Stop being s**tty about her “taking” your son and you’ll be asked to be a part of more that they do.
HAHAHAHAHA! My mother gladly welcomed all of my sisters-in-law and my brother-in-law into the family with open arms. She was practically giddy when the boys said they were getting married. She goes out of her way to make sure that they are welcome and included in all aspects of the family. I think that it is mostly because she had 12 boys and me and she was tired and wanted rid of all of us.
Everything for their sons. Teach them how to do their own laundry. Teach them to cook, give them a night they make dinner for the family. Have them do chores. Make them understand that doing anything less than their share is not enough. Model partnership, not servitude. This simple thing could change the world.
Ugh! I hate this idea that the kitchen is the woman's place and not the man's!!! Since 75% of all chefs are male, why is it OK for a man to cook dinner outside the home but not in it????
Constantly saying/posting “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best”. People shouldn’t have to endure you treating them like s**t to earn you treating them nicely. If you need to be “handled” at your worst, you have some self work to do.
Yep. I'll admit that I can be a bit much sometimes, but I am actively working on it. I'm in therapy and it is slowly working, but I would need someone who can be patient with me at times. Not ALL the time and I'm not saying that I would push the envelope, but just don't be like my ex who called me a narcissist because we were arguing and I mentioned my own needs, which he always and consistently put last. THAT, I definitely don't need again.
Stop dating idiot guys when you have kids. Stop putting your love lives before your kids. Put your kids first.
Asking if/when a woman is getting engaged / getting married / having a baby / having another baby / getting back to work after having a baby.
Especially from older female relatives. It just doesn't end.
Being mean to other women in the workplace. Even if we dislike someone, no excuse to go out of your way to be rude and nasty to someone.
“Someone else’s shine does not dim yours”
Faking orgasms! Teaching men false sense of what is good!
Just tell him what you like it's time people accept that penetration doesn't do the trick for most women
Flushing tampons and other period products
Yeah,Ive seen WAY to many of these things and they always muck up the works. Had one clog an air relief valve today.
Fake friendliness. If I don't like you, I won't pretend to like you. Not gonna be a d**k or anything, I'll still be cordial. But I've had women rush up to me all smiles and hugs like "oh my goood you came, I'm SO glad you're here!!" And then find out sometime later that Audrey really does not like me *at ALL*
Keep popping kids with a s***ty partner hoping the babies will fix the relationship
Acting like fellow mothers are the only people who could possibly understand unconditional love, selflessness or sacrifice, work/life balance challenges, the list goes on…
Using their own issues to invalidate other’s issues.
Yeah but my life is sooo much worse so your problems don't matter (§) I hate people who do this; everyone's problems and issues are valid
Taking the criticism of one person as license to stop doing what they love.
"My teacher said my painting was awful, so I swore then and there never to paint again."
"My mom said I was fat, so I have never worn a bikini."
"My boyfriend said my story was stupid, so I quit writing."
You're only hurting yourself. Twirl on the haters.
Hitler had an art teacher that said he couldn't paint .. and look how that turned out ..
Peeing on public toilet seats. Put some TP on the seat if you’re that worried about germs.
Where I work, office full of women and men. The cleaner, a woman, has stated on more than one occasion that the women's toilets are far worse than the men's. One time a nugget of poo was left lying on the floor of a cubicle. Jam rags have also been left on the side in plain sight, no attempt to get rid of them. Even though bins are provided.
Thinking it’s cute & quirky to label themselves as a married man’s “work wife.” My fiancé has been put in several uncomfy situations where he doesn’t want to be mean or deal with an HR blowup, but also doesn’t want to be flirted with in his place of employment. We don’t want men to do it to us, so let’s not do it to uninterested men.
Ugh! We have a woman in my workplace that does this and refers to one particular guy as "Hubby." It is cringey and the guy hates it so much, you can see it on his face every time she walks into the same room as him.
Speaking on behalf of all women. It’s absurd and wildly egotistical.
As a woman I can say that we all agree that this post should be higher
Workplace toxicity. I have had two women, separate occasions, try to get me fired. The lies and gossip they spread and the accusations were insane. Empathy should be easy for us to have toward one another and I don’t know how a person can do those things to another person, let alone women to women.
Oh Been there and wearing the tee shirt, the best one was telling my very Christian Boss that I was a witch, he made my life hell ...literally.
Sleeping with Nick Cannon
Targeting married men exclusively. And this is just a small percentage of women but I mean why?
Cheating husbands are trash no exceptions but for some women to not take no as an answer from a happily married man is just sickening.
Protecting abusive and toxic men. Heck even helping them do the awful things they do.
I say light them on fire. I mean, they’re wearing flammable clothing, plus I saw one with a lighter once. It’s like they’re asking for it….
Weird intense dieting.
To be clear, I'm not talking about trying to eat healthier or even trying to lose weight in a healthy way.
I'm talking about the overwhelming number of women I know who go on these bizarre diets with fasts and cleanses and they don't eat carrots or they count how often they poop or ... I dunno. Weird s**t. Then it becomes their entire personality for a while and it's all they talk about.
It always gives me strong vibes of a person who feels out of control in some aspect of their life trying to regain that control in another, and it makes me horribly sad.
Sabotaging other women. Many women are insecure and they’re happy to be friends with another woman AS LONG AS she is not better than them in their opinion. I’m tired of women sabotaging other women they think are more beautiful, successful, and happier than they are. Ladies, we’re all in this together. No one’s life is perfect and we can all help each other be better if we just all stick together.
We should not allow ourselves to indulge in this s**t. Ever heard the words “divide and conquer”? Until we can come together we will not continue to make inroads into all the goodies in life that men have always enjoyed.
Bringing each other down
i feel like a lot of these go for all the genders, not just women
Especially the one about peeing on the toilet seat
Load More Replies...How about using the term "females" in a title about things women find annoying. Oh the irony...
i feel like a lot of these go for all the genders, not just women
Especially the one about peeing on the toilet seat
Load More Replies...How about using the term "females" in a title about things women find annoying. Oh the irony...