These are some of the pendants I made, using various gemstones and wire. If someone wants to give it a try, you can check out some progress shots I made a while ago.

Or just search for wire wrapping tutorials on Pinterest and Youtube. It’s very easy to learn, but kinda hard to master.

It’s also not an expensive hobby, you can get agate gemstones for a couple of bucks and silver plated wire is also fairly cheap. Anyhow, I hope you’ll like my work :).


    The Romans admired moonstone, as they believed it was born from solidified rays of the Moon

    Labradorite, made from Labrador puppies. Just kidding, obviously. Its name comes from Labrador, Canada, where they were first discovered

    Another labradorite. They come in all sorts of color


    Charoite can only be found in Siberia. It was discovered fairly recently (reportedly discovered in the 1940s, but first described in 1978


    Amethyst was very expensive till 18th century, but since the discovery of various deposits around the world, it has lost most of its value

    Tiger’s eye is one of my favorites, it looks like wood. If you put it in the oven (I forgot the temperature, or for how long), it will turn red (see the pic bellow)

    “Baked” Red tiger’s eye :)


    Seraphinite, I like its almost “industrial” color. It’s found only in Siberia


    Pietersite. I don’t know much about this mineral, only that it’s a bit more expensive than the others and that it looks pretty

    Azurite looks like the bottom of the ocean

    Agate is one of the most widely dyed stones (the ones in the picture are dyed)