I took these photos with a Canon camera. I’m not a professional, but I’m still practicing! This is my first time posting on Bored Panda. My dog’s name is Luna, she’s a Yorkshire Terrier x Maltese mix. (a.k.a a Morkie!) My online name is her name! These are all of my original photos I uploaded from my camera to my laptop.
1. chillin’ in the kitchen
2. *smirk*
3. chillin’
4. 😎
5. bookworm
6. You were made to Thrive
these are some fun photos where she’s in the background, and i take a photo of me holding a motivational shells!
7. Smile and say “Hello” first.
8. Be Gracious
Luna was starting to get over it, but I got a few snaps, but then she was done with it.
10. Communicate clearly
11. She looks like a Pomeranian!
12. 5 more minutes!!
13. I’m you’re birthday present
14. Librarian doggo
15. Doga! (dog x yoga)
16. Eatin that bacon lemon pupcake!
These pics were for Luna’s 5th birthday!
17. nom nom nom
18. want more bacon pupcake!
Luna has an eye problem, so when a flashing light is on her, her right eye shows up with a green pupil
Luna has an eye problem, so when a flashing light is on her, her right eye shows up with a green pupil