Sohei contrast the image of the peaceful Buddhist monk meditating on the transcendental existence of the universe. During Japan’s medieval period, armies of Sohei caused havoc by attacking samurai and each other. Eventually their power was broken in the mid-16th Century by a cruel warlord Oda Nobunaga who had had enough of their meddling in secular affairs and burned them out of one their major strongholds near Kyoto.

In June, a ritual is done on Mt. Kurama called Takekiri-eshiki with men dressed as Sohei who compete at chopping huge stalks of bamboo with short swords to ensure bountiful harvests.

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    Sohei contrast the image of the peaceful Buddhist monk meditating on the transcendental existence of the universe. During Japan’s medieval period, armies of Sohei caused havoc by attacking samurai and each other. Eventually their power was broken in the mid-16th Century by a cruel warlord Oda Nobunaga who had had enough of their meddling in secular affairs and burned them out of one their major strongholds near Kyoto.

    In June, a ritual is done on Mt. Kurama called Takekiri-eshiki with men dressed as Sohei who compete at chopping huge stalks of bamboo with short swords to ensure bountiful harvests.

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