This Guy’s Tinder Experiment Shows How Girls Respond To Creepy Messages From Hot Guys, And It’s Quite Shocking
For a lot of people, the results of this social experiment, nobly undertaken by a bodybuilding enthusiast who calls himself Germanlifter, will be surprising. Others though will simply shrug their shoulders and wonder what the big deal is.
“I Made a fake tinder profile just to see how well a male model compares to the rest of us,” he wrote. “The results are unbelievable. Every single girl I swipe yes to has been an instant match. There hasn’t been a SINGLE time where I have swiped yes, and there was no match.”
Shock! Women like hot guys. Isn’t this just human nature? Particularly on an online dating site like Tinder, which is known for its hookup culture. People are there to judge each other on their physical appearance first and foremost, so this really shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise, should it?
What the ‘experiment’ does do, however, is highlight the sheer power of good looks when it comes to the dating game. Being strongly attracted to someone physically is perfectly normal, but it probably shouldn’t come at the expense of common courtesy and respect. Germanlifter was surprised with the kind of filth he could introduce himself with, which many women seemed to be willing to overlook. “I can literally say ANYTHING and still get their number,” he said. “The girls often initiate first and respond immediately when I send a message. Admittedly I did get turned down a few times only because I opened with stuff like let’s f**k.”
It would have been interesting to see the occasions when he was rejected, and find out exactly how often it occurred, to get a more balanced picture. For now, though, you can scroll down below to check out how Germanlifter undertook his tinder profile ‘experiment,’ and let us know what you think in the comments!
Bodybuilding enthusiast Germanlifter created a Tinder profile using the photos of this guy
Who is in fact a male model
The idea was to see how women would react to creepy messages…
If they were sent by an attractive guy like that
Share on FacebookTo all the people that act like this is no big deal: it's not that people are more likely to want to have sex with attractive people. That's fine, and if people want to hook up for fun and not date that's completely fine. What isn't fine is that somebody could send these kind of messages and immediately the other person trusts them enough to give over their number, but acts like they've been violated if an ugly person were to say the same thing. Just because somebody isn't attractive that isn't license to treat them as less equal.
I agree with what you said. Its kinda sad, but that's the way it is lol.
Load More Replies...Ok, so he posted a compilation of girls who fell for it. I wonder, how many didn't and gave him a cold shoulder.
Well, yes. Just as men will tolerate almost any kind of behaviour from a woman that looks like a gorgeous model and that they just ant to have sex with, so will women. Here's a shocking revelation for the year 2018: A lot of women also do enjoy casual sex with no strings attached!!
I felt the same way. Seems like s**t shamming. But we do see these types of post where they show men willing to go out with horrible but beautiful women. I kind of feel the same way about the situation, being willing or simply wanting to have sex with someone doesn't mean you would be willing to enter into a long term relationship, or even if you would, is it anyone's business? When you are talking about letting someone have sex with you then I think it is a personal decision where no one should be expected to treat everyone equally. Of course we all want to be with attractive people, I really don't get the push to shame people for finding attractive people attractive or the pressure to date people you don't find attractive for equality sake. I will support your right to vote, protest, and have equal pay, but I draw the line at letting someone put their d**k in me for fairness sake. I will be as shallow as I want. My life, my vagina.
Load More Replies...Nothing fishy about a hot guy with a bunch of professional pics and vocabulary of a 17-year-old.
So many times I have heard women say, I am larger but the guy should love me for who I am on the inside. But he has to have abs. Before I get attacked, I am not saying it's all women, but the double standard, in this day and age...
Gotta add that 9/10 dudes look for the "hot chick" so there's a double standard on both sides.. though I think it's worse for women. It also applies to: Height, weight, hair (lack of or too much) and skin tone. Women are picky, men are picky.. we're all picky. Sometimes we're shallow too.
Load More Replies...Isn't that technically impersonating the model-person? I wouldn't like to be known as someone who sends messages like that. Or is it legal because he's a model? Either way. Not too nice.
I don't like this 'experiment' not because of the content but because of the lack of data. There are 23 conversations on this page. You get 100 on Tinder. He doesn't say how long he did the experiment or whether or not he got an unlimited Tinder upgrade, but let's say he matched with everyone he slid right on. That's 23% of women cool with a hookup regardless of s****y personality. If he upgraded to unlimited and slid right on 100 people per day for a week, first of all, let's take away 25 people purely cause of repeats. Let's also take another 25% for bots and people that just don't answer. That's 350 people with 23 women that said no. That's 6% of women that said yes which really tells you a lot about s****y personalities. We're also factoring out how long he actually talked to the women before pulling out the infamous wanna bang.
there's should be special upvotes for ppl doing math on bp
Load More Replies...Ok...that was creepy. And cherry picked. I've gotta think that there were a whole lot of women who told this a*****e to get lost - they just didn't make the carefully edited list. ... Plus, ick. He looks JUST like my brother.
There isn't a man good looking enough in the world to me to respond positively to a stranger saying "hey baby wanna sit on my face." Ick.
Load More Replies...The guy who did this actually seems like kind of an a*****e. If you click the link to his thread on, you'll see he was banned from their forum. You'll also see he said this, "This guy obviously doesn't lift, they can't see his wallet/status, all pics are phaggy selfies pretty much, etc. yet the girls still go crazy for his d**k."
And yet all the women will f**k him. Like every model
Load More Replies...This hurt my brain how fast the girls were agreeing and handing over their numbers. I have two young adult daughters both on Tinder and I stress to them regularly not to give out anything until they've really chatted with the other person. So far, we've been good.
I guess none of them has ever seen a single episode of Criminal Minds, huh?
Load More Replies...And what's the problem? Don't you guys feel attracted to beautiful women too and will bear anything creepy from them just because they look gorgeous? We all work just the same. We first see the outside, that's why all people in Tinder (boys and girls) post nice profile pictures of themselves, make up, muscles, flattering poses, etc. We all think a beautiful outside is much better to start any approach.
I agree, its actually implemented into our brains, we are wired to look for more sexually attractive, fit people. It's science.
Load More Replies...If this was an actual experiment you would do an equivalent with a not attractive man and then compare the results. This is just a guy baiting women.
Funny you should say that I come from reading a note from a site that document the abuse women faced,saw no f*****g abuse suffered by men documentation.
Load More Replies...He should do this not just with a 'hot model guy' but with several different kinds of guys to appeal to different tastes and get an overall reaction, like '13 girls liked the cool redhead, 14 didnt, 17 girls liked the model, 4 didnt', it would qualify more as an experiment and it'd be more interesting seeing the results than reading about how many girls wanna bang a guy I dont find attractive at all.
Your proposed experiment is being played out in real time, every day. Average and even slightly above average guys (5's & 6's) get virtually NO matches on online dating apps. They languish for months between matches. They're even getting rejected by women who are 3's & 4's because the 3's & 4's believe they're amazing and deserve 9's & 10's (Chad & Tyrone)
Load More Replies...Tinder is hardly the place to meet someone for long-term. Yes, it happens, but most people on Tinder are looking for hook-ups. So this "experiment" shows nothing. I've had these messages on other dating sites, and I don't respond favorably.
* Repeat this conversations with pics of an ugly and fat man and compare reactions.
do the same with a fake girl profile, the results will be just the same. this is no surprise
Load More Replies...My first bf made me kinda immune to this sort of pickup, being pretty much the same superficial handsome bastard. Still grateful to him for making me see beyond the looks ever since ;D
It's Tinder. I mean these people aren't looking for a relationship. They're just there for one-night stands so what do you expect? They have no morals or boundaries. Pretty low hanging fruit, tbh. Also this is so sleazy, even though it's a "joke" it's too much.
Skanky hoes happy to have sex with attractive strangers? There's a shocker; I'm more shocked that there aren't more cases of murder and rape as a result tbh...
Thank you for accurately identifying women on tinder. I'm shocked your post hasn't been removed.
Load More Replies...I don't care if this was the last man on Earth, I find him totally disgusting and would never even consider him. Such a foul person! I understand this is a "test" but really, any girl who would go to this guy is disgusting too. Why would anyone want someone like this? Maybe I am old fashion but I just don't get this kind of a hookup. Then again, I was never into one night stands no matter how you meet. This just makes me feel so sad. No wonder there are so many unwanted babies and STDs in the world. Don't woman want romance any more?
I get the feeling that you're simply virtue signaling. 100% chance you'd give this guy your number like the rest of the girls pictured.
Load More Replies...I don't really get the point of this post. People act as if people owe them anything. So what if other people don't find you attractive enough to agree to have sex with you. Life is unfair & nobody owes you anything, including sex. If someone isnt attracted to you, just let it go instead of whining and forcing that other person to want you. Do you really want to be with a person who doesn't find you attractive? And are you really that self-absorbed that you think everyone should be attracted to you? Or do you think that people should have sex with you just for the sake of equality/fairness? Be realistic with your expectations.
When did the guy say woman should bang ugly dudes? He was just pointing out how when he is hot women don't mind but when he is ugly they yell harassment.
Load More Replies...Well now I realize i’m ugly. I’m deleting these apps and staying single. F**k this.
Unless you're a Chad or Tyrone, NO man should be on ANY online dating app.
Load More Replies...I look similar to this guy....same kind of face....maybe even slightly better. Did modelling too. And I am also a commercial pilot. But minus the abs...little bit abs... And I can tell you ALL straight that this "experiment" is FAKE. He clearly did it to get views. He must have messaged THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of girls to get those result shown. And NO...absolutely no way every swipe is a match. I look even better face from some angles...and nope...I probably only get maybe 1 out of 50 swipes are a match maybe?? about 98% of matches come after we swipe. I will tell you the REAL truth about being a super hot guy.... We get very LOW number of girls (not incel low)....but here is why....they are SCARED of us. They fear we are all just f**k boys and just going to lie to them and cheat on them and make empty promises. You try to talk to them and no matter what you do, the whole thing just basically is a constant fight against their fears of being pumped and dumped.
Curious on your opinion. Is this why hot guys are going for older women? Because we have the confidence to go out with them?
Load More Replies...If he looks like Harvey Weinstein = #MeToo -- When he looks like this guy girls will scream #MeToo
You are 100% correct Martin. Being "creepy" is not applied to all men equally.
Load More Replies...breaking news: women prefer to have casual sex with hot men. WOW, thanks for telling us this shocking thing nobody ever suspected XD
I don't think there is a person who doesn't know that it's easier for very attractive men. It's not the rejection that is shocking, it's the reaction upon rejection, that shows the hypocrisy. If the guy is ugly, or fat she will claim that he harassed her, or he objectified her and in general paint him as a piece of s**t, but if it's a hot guy at most she will just roll her eyes and move on
Load More Replies...ok.. I personally don't find this guy attractive even a little bit.. BUT if Benedict Cumberbatch send me a message saying "hey, lets bang" , I'm not saying no. What consenting adults decide to do to each other.. is no ones business but their own.
yes, but you can't yell "harassment" or "creepy" on one guy but drop your panties for the next for doing or saying THE EXACT SAME THING
Load More Replies...Great, now I'm gonna be insecure for the rest of the week...Damn it Bored Panda
If you aren’t a jerk, you’ve got nothing to worry about.
Load More Replies...I never get tired of laughing at these articles that completely disprove the mantra that women spout that they don't fall for and reciprocate the above type of attention when it comes from attractive guys and that the old joke of "it's only harassment if he's not hot" isn't actually truth that it is. In fact feminist women get the most upset about articles like this because they clearly prove just how shallow and hypocritical they are. Some woman by the name of Eva Glasrud, has been all over quora and other sites linking people to her blog where she's written 4 or 5 angry novel type articles where she tries desperately to debunk the truth displayed in this article here. All she ended up doing was make herself look like exactly the type of woman who would fall for that guy's experiment. Judging by her anger over this article, I bet she actually was one of his prey. LMAO, hysterical
Well said, Jim. Some woman on Twitter or YouTube must have done a story on this because TONS of women flocked to this page to "debunk" it and downvote comments from men. It doesn't help that beta male, white knights are in here protecting women's "honour" (like they have any). I want everyone to search for "sunny street work rules meme" and tell me it isn't 100% TRUE.
Load More Replies...I just wondering, in which country is this? Why the girls are very easy 🤣 It will never happen in muslim country like Indonesia. We are not that cheap lol
The point he makes here, is the success rate of this guy as opposed to average looking guys. Wether he messaged 20 girls or 100 doesn't matter.
half of wonders why people give their numbers to strangers and the other half doesn't care
Isn’t the model in the pics the guy from the Call me maybe video? Lol
This is a paid fake. I`m also a model type guy with a bunch of pro pictures and also some high value stuff like walking to grab an award on tv. I generate matches with very good looking high status women but not every swipe is a match. Tinder is even not showing all the superlikes you have given. Fun part here is, when I`m new on tinder, I generate like 20 matches in like 3 hours. When I have Plus and use all my superlikes for a month, it equals 150 women must have seen me. And it can happen, that tinder rates you so high, it will not allow you having any matches out of it. And sometimes, you give 5 superlikes and get all. But another thing is, not all women respond. They swipe and close tinder. And if they do, not all women react the same way. Some will call you desperate, some will come over and suck and others will find you interessting enough to blame but keep texting you. Here are a lot things which is not working that way, just bcause the algorythm doesnt work that way.
Sorry brosky but if you only generate 20 matches in 3 hours on a new account your pictures just simply arent good for women. Maybe they're good for the car commercials or whatever you're doing.
Load More Replies...It would be more interesting if they used a model who was less freakishly attractive. Like, yea, that guy's going to go through lots of women. Should have used a more realistic, though still attractive, guy.
Uh. You know a lot of female profiles are scammers and catfish, right? I mean, great incel interactive fiction, but women don’t talk like this. These are responses men would give.
Wow, what rock are you living under? Women absolutely talk like this. I'm a woman and while not quite so forward, am pretty close after I'm a little more comfortable with someone.
Load More Replies...Experiments require a "control" to measure results against. This would have been 100% better if you attempted the IDENTICAL opening line on the SAME girl but with a 5/10 photo. The manipulation is easy to do after you've matched.
True I could see that as being a possibility as he matched with everything.
Load More Replies...If the man in the picture was really ugly I bet the women would claim sexual harassment
This makes me want to beat the hell out of that guy until his face looks like a car crash victim and murder all those b!tches. This t****r can get in 2 messages what I can't get in an entire decade of trying all because of the luck of being born with a good face. my whole life ive been treated like scum by them all because of how i look. I fcking hate all of you
No man, EVER, should be involved with online dating.
Load More Replies...Does the male model know hos picture is being used for this experiment?
So the conclusions we draw are: catfishing still works, some people are shallow and not particularly bright and there's individuals nowadays that have not been involved in an incident only because of luck. Anything new?
Excuse me, Bored Panda, what is this incel b******t doing on your site?
Do the salty people commenting here even know what Tinder's about? *Exactly for what's going on in the article; hooking up with equally minded people and screwing around*. It's just easier when you happen to look like "Brad". #NotSurprisedAtAll
I think Tinder is about what you make it about. You can talk to people for a day or 7 before you meet them if you're interested in a more long-term relationship. You don't have to get their insta after 5 seconds and go on a date after 10.
Load More Replies...I don't know what is more disgusting---that society has sunk to these all time lows or that Bored Panda would print comments such as these .
My question seeing these pictures is "what the heck is that lump on your hip in pictures number 2?? are you ill? Also even if your cute as heck. am betting most of the girls responding are not and have zero confidence ! sad really.
It's called the wing of ilium and it's a part of your and everyone else's hip bone.
Load More Replies...Well all I can say is many women are idiots! Then they wonder why they can't find a committed "relationship."
Well....1....its tinder...and 2...a lot of people use fake pictures. Those girls are probably using fake pictures...just saying...
I've been saying this my whole life about catcalling. It's often not about what's been said, but by who it's said. Still doesn't mean that it ain't harassment, we're just more likely to accept it from certain people. This is a classic form of "beauty privilege".
good looking or not this kind of behavior is disgusting. I wish he posted all the messages including the ones where girls rejected him. I can't imagine 100% of them were DTf.
You also found it disgusting when a girl arranged for 100s of guys to meet her in new york under the pretense they were going on a date? Or was that fine?
Load More Replies...not s**t shaming, just exposing the hypocrisy of the #metoo/harassment movement. Search for "sunny street work rules meme" to see how it works.
Load More Replies...This is sad. I would be willing to bet if this was from a weirder looking guy, all of them would have said no. Good for the girls who insisted they get to know each other!
they would have said no, then had the average-looking dude banned.
Load More Replies...Is it just me or are the pictures he used of the guy in the Carly Rae Jenpsen video of “Call me maybe” I swear to god it is.
Even if there were 200, there is still 20 of them who said yes and they were all attractive. The thing is if normal dude did this, he'd get ban from tinder for harassment and of course none of them would agree to have sex. Btw the guy said on any of them that he swiped right was an instant match. Btw I'm not even talking about rejections... it's not shocking that the more attractive you are the less rejections you will have, nothing new here... but it's the reaction upon rejection, that shows the hypocrisy, if the guy is ugly, or fat she will claim that he harassed her, or he objectified her and in general paint him as a piece of s**t, but if it's a hot guy at most she will just roll her eyes and move on.
Load More Replies...Oh c'mon this is a non-story.. we are human beings.. we are just wired that way.. good looking means good genetics.. so if we mate with them that's the ultimate win.. it's just the way it is.. the weird thing is that a lot of guys would probably even positively respond too creepy messages from ugly girls...
So they wanted to hookup with him just because he was good looking not that he had good manners or good game !
The BEST comments are the ones downvoted into oblivion! Scroll to the bottom and click the "view post" on the hidden posts
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Interestingly, the issue with this kind of article is that it lacks concrete data, we don’t see much of the necessary parameters to gauge just to what extent this is occurring. It fails to factor that statistically, women who are socially attractive serve less prison time than women who aren’t. I say this mean that in general, Physical attractiveness has long been a factor in how people treat others, yet, people are complaining bait this like it’s something new. We shouldn’t be surprised by this at all.
Massive flaw in this; what if all the girls who respond this way are fat, aging mingers? Most guys don't get this kinda response because they're messaging girls they're actually attracted to, not 3 leagues below them. I could prob just say 'let's f**k' to a 2/10 and get away with it. Without appreciation of how hot/young the girls are, the experiment is rendered meaningless.
Women will fight for equal rights between men and women, and say how much they want a weak (or beta) men (physically, financially and/or overall societal status) to be treated equally and not discriminated against but then their biological needs wants hypergamy and guy who is alpha. This became a problem recently since women recently got power, few decades ago compared to a long history of powerlessness for the most part. They were submissive, they got pregnant easier, they couldn’t vote, and weren’t treated equally. With new power they are a bit confused want to say a lot more with a loud noise. Also I’m sure the terms alpha and women’s love for only alpha (in some way) will trigger a lot of women since they say they do not think like that but they will also say we have standards. It is accurate to say women have more choices on dating sites because standards that make a girl alpha in a guys mind are mostly visual. Like tits, ass, waistline, other body measurements, facial symmetry.
This article was obviously shared in an incel group bcuz there's a ton of them in the comments.
AND..... the shaming language starts. Kevin Samuels was 1000% correct.
Load More Replies...Aware this is 2 years ago but I found this while looking up a story about an abusive guy hiding behind a smiling tinder profile. I've had a conversation like this on tinder in the past and honestly I thought it was a bit or a fake profile and I'd never come across one before so I "played along". Then when he stopped replying I was like "ha! It was fake"... Just so everyone knows that all the people who look like they "fell for it" may not have if they cottoned onto it bring a game... Looks pretty obvious to me! He never actually met any of these women so there's no confirming they would actually go through with anything lol and he thinks he's done some big groundbreaking experiment? All he did was create an obvious fake profile and play some pranks on people.
Honestly, just go MGTOW, gentlemen. Who gives a s**t about these worthless c***s and their double standards. The more men that go MGTOW, the less power these femitards have.
Women would love nothing more than for MGTOW to actually go their own way, but like you, they think & talk about women constantly to the point of being obsessed. All of you could disappear & no women would miss you, not even your mom. 🤷♀️
Load More Replies...Honestly, when dudes send this kind of stuff, you HAVE to assume its a scam, or some sick f**k trying to mess with you. (Or in this case, this guy trying to prove a point). Dont trust everyone who's nice to you or compliments you and/or is attractive af. Wearing your trusting heart on your sleeve is a balancing act, and you gotta pick and choose. Dont let a******s f**k you up or over yo. Across the board. Men, same for yall. These modelesque bitches PROBABLY dont actually want you.
Great article but to know about how to be attractive just visit to howtolookattractive
Great article but to know about how to be attractive just visit howtolookattractive
I mean it is kind of fair that people get mad at this. Because many women will treat a guy that is forward bad if they are not super pretty and feel harassed but they hop right in with this guy. I know guys that don't feel comfortable with a women coming on to them that strong. But maybe it is the same easy women or it is the same women complaining about harassment when the same is done by an ugly guy.
this whole link is fake made up. I as a attractive guy who has model looks but not a homo model dude can tell u that most chicks are to insecure for good looking guys and dont respond on tinder to attractive men especially if they do well for themselves to and have fun hobbies etc. That is then way to intimidating for them. THey want major dad bod guys, degenerates, soy boys, beta cuck libtard dudes, druggy dudes, ugly dudes, fat dudes. Yes the hottest chicks want guys like this. its f*****g sad.
This article just proves that women’s integrity and self respect has completely gone down the shitter. It also provides strong evidence as to why there is an epidemic of loneliness and STI’s because nobody should even have dignified his texts with a reply let alone agreeing to it. I’m saddened by all those women that saw no problem with it and especially those that complied.
Oh, was I supposed to not know that most women are either lying or dumb when it comes to asking them how to get laid?
Women profit from the work men do in effort to get laid. Thinking he can do things to compete with good looking men ups the returns she gets for having a vagina.
Load More Replies...Well of course women usually respond more favorably to the hot guy, kinda like how creeps tend to target pretty women instead of the plainer ones! Yeesh!
Since I've never been a casual sex person, it's hard to wrap my around this. However, this terrifies me, because of the potential for kidnapping, human trafficking ... what if a girl shows up for a hook up and changes her mind ...
Yea, people need to learn that the world ain't fair. Attractive people are always always always going to play life on easy mode. It's hard wired in to human nature. Us ugly people have to figure out other ways of being attractive, like being smart, or funny or have a personality.
but then don't call HR or the cops when a less attractive man says THE EXACT SAME THING!! search for "sunny street work rules meme"
Load More Replies...Sounds pretty much the true case for me. They are a bunch of people trying to make money of this circumstances and rip of dudes who basically are too ugly. They is a reason this guys have low self esteem because deep down they know the truth. And pick up etc made it only worse for the profit of a few. The only thing that helps is to work on yourself. To improve and do the best out of your life. And it might help to find somebody someday. But there is no guarantee to it is not about deserving a woman but more so if you are an improvement to her life.
He should have added to his experiment by messaging the same women with a similarily creepy message, but this time with an unattractive profile pic, just to compare their reactions.
that's happing every day. millions of 5's & 6's (average and slightly above average) men can't even match with female 3's & 4's because they think they're "amazing" and deserve 9's & 10's. Even Lizzo says she refuses to date heavy guys and wants Chris Evans!!
Load More Replies...Well, that certainly does not make life easier for all the average young dudes. However, this goes exactly by the same rules across all genders and orientations. Unless you're old(er) ;> then some completely different measures apply. So don;t worry lads, the time will come ;>
If you make a suggestion like that, then what do you expect back? Bible bashing?
This just proves what many guys already knew: To 90% of girls, being a chauvinist creep is perfectly fine, as long as you're good looking, while being a perfect gentleman gets you nowhere if you're ugly. All that fuss about "sexism" and being "politically incorrect" is only an excuse for girls to weed out the bad looking ones, while a good looking dude can get away with practically anything. I experienced it myself: In the past, I treated every girl I fell in love with like a princess, yet they wouldn't be interested in me, because I was slightly overweight, had thick glasses and a regular guy haircut. A few years later, I had lost 60 pounds of weight, replaced my glasses with contact lenses and grew long hair and suddenly, I can get dates with any girl I like. To make things even worse, I learned that if I treat girls with the uttermost respect, I still get rejected from time to time, even now, whereas I've never been rejected when I act like a self-righteous prick...
spread the word! more men, especially YOUNG men need to know these truths!
Load More Replies...ew ew ew. as a girl, i would be so creeped out by that. (maybe i'm weird though. i mean, i find Edward Scissorhands really attractive)
This. This right here is why I have an issue with this whole "me too" movement.
Some of these girls have insecurity issues for SURE. I'm not talking about hooking up with people. People can hook up with whoever they want. But this guy was saying some of the dumbest lines ever and these girls were incredibly desperate acting back. Idc how hot you are, have some class and Wit if you want to try and get my number!
and in come the excuses... chances are, you'd have reacted exactly the same.
Load More Replies...This is completely ridiculous! I would never think the guy who is so good looking would be talking like that. I wouldn't fall for it not for one sec
Methinks thou dost protest too much. I'd bet $100 that you'd reply to the first "wanna f**k?" message with your number. he wouldn't even need to ask.
Load More Replies...When I was single and out there, messages like this even from attractive guys were a total turn-off and got an automatic "no" from me. I don't think there's anything wrong with responsible promiscuity; it's 100% possible to have casual hookups that are respectful. You can even be really blunt and honest about just wanting sex, and state it in a way that doesn't dehumanize the other person. I hate that this kind of garbage works on some people. It would be a lot less depressing to see this guy getting called out for his gross behavior and turned down. I honestly don't understand why some men feel the need to come out of the gate acting that way... except that, obviously, they can get away with it. :(
you hate that this sort of garbage works on some people, or you hate that women got exposed?
Load More Replies...Jeepers, maybe I am old-fashioned, but where are people's morals nowadays?? If someone sent me messages like that I would delete them off my contacts immediately - no mater what they looked like. Goes to show how cheap being intimate has become. If you just want the sex thing, then why not put up posters of hot looking girls or boys on your wall and get a sex toy?
Just shows how many women are idiots. And then they wonder why they can't find a committed relationship when they want one.
He's not attractive. He's way to skinny. It hurts to look at him. It's not healthy. (It really isn't.)
Many girls are simply too stupido. No offense. With those creepy lines, he could be the new Manson. Many girls between 17-25 simply jump on anything as long he have great abbs and a cute face. Sad.
To boil it down: context matters and lines aren't necessarily creepy if they're welcomed? Color me shocked.
Women Logic with bold, straight forward sex asking. 1) Ugly men are: Creepy, rude, obnoxious a******s. 2) Hot men are: Cute, Funny, witty.
Right and it sooo easy for womem who aren't conventionally attractive to get the time of day from men.
Load More Replies...Unfortunately women have lowered themselves to these kinds of standards. I don't blame either party. I blame porn! Back a few decades ago the men were praying they got to dance with the girl they liked...take her out after that...and then hope to court her. Now women are just praying that any guy will give them some attention. So wrong! I absolutely hate it...But I also understand where it's come from.
chivalry is dead and women killed it -Dave Chappelle
Load More Replies...I want to award points to the article poster for making some proper analyses of this "experiment", but then take away those points for still posting the article at all. This is a useless "experiment" since it suffers from a huge amount of self-selection, among other logical errors. The only thing it is useful for is amusing the person who did it and inflaming and reinforcing stereotypes and presumptions regarding the "war between the sexes" that people seem to be unwilling to de-escalate.
Not surprising but definitely made my stomach turn at how a dude can talk like that and girls don't even hesitate to consider what kind of creep they could be agreeing to f*ck just because he's hot. Nothing wrong with casual sex, but dang that freaks me out how quickly chicks give it up!
Its a hookup website. That is like being surprised someone bought food at a grocery store.
Load More Replies...He is very attractive, but then I continued scrolling and saw that oh-so-dodgy tattoo. LOL.
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because women were exposed and because you don't WANT it to mean anything.
Load More Replies...No. No, no, no. Get out of Bored Panda if you want to do this.
Load More Replies...Women wonder what? I don't. Also, I politely or grumpily (depends on situation) turned down a few good looking strangers too.
Load More Replies...To all the people that act like this is no big deal: it's not that people are more likely to want to have sex with attractive people. That's fine, and if people want to hook up for fun and not date that's completely fine. What isn't fine is that somebody could send these kind of messages and immediately the other person trusts them enough to give over their number, but acts like they've been violated if an ugly person were to say the same thing. Just because somebody isn't attractive that isn't license to treat them as less equal.
I agree with what you said. Its kinda sad, but that's the way it is lol.
Load More Replies...Ok, so he posted a compilation of girls who fell for it. I wonder, how many didn't and gave him a cold shoulder.
Well, yes. Just as men will tolerate almost any kind of behaviour from a woman that looks like a gorgeous model and that they just ant to have sex with, so will women. Here's a shocking revelation for the year 2018: A lot of women also do enjoy casual sex with no strings attached!!
I felt the same way. Seems like s**t shamming. But we do see these types of post where they show men willing to go out with horrible but beautiful women. I kind of feel the same way about the situation, being willing or simply wanting to have sex with someone doesn't mean you would be willing to enter into a long term relationship, or even if you would, is it anyone's business? When you are talking about letting someone have sex with you then I think it is a personal decision where no one should be expected to treat everyone equally. Of course we all want to be with attractive people, I really don't get the push to shame people for finding attractive people attractive or the pressure to date people you don't find attractive for equality sake. I will support your right to vote, protest, and have equal pay, but I draw the line at letting someone put their d**k in me for fairness sake. I will be as shallow as I want. My life, my vagina.
Load More Replies...Nothing fishy about a hot guy with a bunch of professional pics and vocabulary of a 17-year-old.
So many times I have heard women say, I am larger but the guy should love me for who I am on the inside. But he has to have abs. Before I get attacked, I am not saying it's all women, but the double standard, in this day and age...
Gotta add that 9/10 dudes look for the "hot chick" so there's a double standard on both sides.. though I think it's worse for women. It also applies to: Height, weight, hair (lack of or too much) and skin tone. Women are picky, men are picky.. we're all picky. Sometimes we're shallow too.
Load More Replies...Isn't that technically impersonating the model-person? I wouldn't like to be known as someone who sends messages like that. Or is it legal because he's a model? Either way. Not too nice.
I don't like this 'experiment' not because of the content but because of the lack of data. There are 23 conversations on this page. You get 100 on Tinder. He doesn't say how long he did the experiment or whether or not he got an unlimited Tinder upgrade, but let's say he matched with everyone he slid right on. That's 23% of women cool with a hookup regardless of s****y personality. If he upgraded to unlimited and slid right on 100 people per day for a week, first of all, let's take away 25 people purely cause of repeats. Let's also take another 25% for bots and people that just don't answer. That's 350 people with 23 women that said no. That's 6% of women that said yes which really tells you a lot about s****y personalities. We're also factoring out how long he actually talked to the women before pulling out the infamous wanna bang.
there's should be special upvotes for ppl doing math on bp
Load More Replies...Ok...that was creepy. And cherry picked. I've gotta think that there were a whole lot of women who told this a*****e to get lost - they just didn't make the carefully edited list. ... Plus, ick. He looks JUST like my brother.
There isn't a man good looking enough in the world to me to respond positively to a stranger saying "hey baby wanna sit on my face." Ick.
Load More Replies...The guy who did this actually seems like kind of an a*****e. If you click the link to his thread on, you'll see he was banned from their forum. You'll also see he said this, "This guy obviously doesn't lift, they can't see his wallet/status, all pics are phaggy selfies pretty much, etc. yet the girls still go crazy for his d**k."
And yet all the women will f**k him. Like every model
Load More Replies...This hurt my brain how fast the girls were agreeing and handing over their numbers. I have two young adult daughters both on Tinder and I stress to them regularly not to give out anything until they've really chatted with the other person. So far, we've been good.
I guess none of them has ever seen a single episode of Criminal Minds, huh?
Load More Replies...And what's the problem? Don't you guys feel attracted to beautiful women too and will bear anything creepy from them just because they look gorgeous? We all work just the same. We first see the outside, that's why all people in Tinder (boys and girls) post nice profile pictures of themselves, make up, muscles, flattering poses, etc. We all think a beautiful outside is much better to start any approach.
I agree, its actually implemented into our brains, we are wired to look for more sexually attractive, fit people. It's science.
Load More Replies...If this was an actual experiment you would do an equivalent with a not attractive man and then compare the results. This is just a guy baiting women.
Funny you should say that I come from reading a note from a site that document the abuse women faced,saw no f*****g abuse suffered by men documentation.
Load More Replies...He should do this not just with a 'hot model guy' but with several different kinds of guys to appeal to different tastes and get an overall reaction, like '13 girls liked the cool redhead, 14 didnt, 17 girls liked the model, 4 didnt', it would qualify more as an experiment and it'd be more interesting seeing the results than reading about how many girls wanna bang a guy I dont find attractive at all.
Your proposed experiment is being played out in real time, every day. Average and even slightly above average guys (5's & 6's) get virtually NO matches on online dating apps. They languish for months between matches. They're even getting rejected by women who are 3's & 4's because the 3's & 4's believe they're amazing and deserve 9's & 10's (Chad & Tyrone)
Load More Replies...Tinder is hardly the place to meet someone for long-term. Yes, it happens, but most people on Tinder are looking for hook-ups. So this "experiment" shows nothing. I've had these messages on other dating sites, and I don't respond favorably.
* Repeat this conversations with pics of an ugly and fat man and compare reactions.
do the same with a fake girl profile, the results will be just the same. this is no surprise
Load More Replies...My first bf made me kinda immune to this sort of pickup, being pretty much the same superficial handsome bastard. Still grateful to him for making me see beyond the looks ever since ;D
It's Tinder. I mean these people aren't looking for a relationship. They're just there for one-night stands so what do you expect? They have no morals or boundaries. Pretty low hanging fruit, tbh. Also this is so sleazy, even though it's a "joke" it's too much.
Skanky hoes happy to have sex with attractive strangers? There's a shocker; I'm more shocked that there aren't more cases of murder and rape as a result tbh...
Thank you for accurately identifying women on tinder. I'm shocked your post hasn't been removed.
Load More Replies...I don't care if this was the last man on Earth, I find him totally disgusting and would never even consider him. Such a foul person! I understand this is a "test" but really, any girl who would go to this guy is disgusting too. Why would anyone want someone like this? Maybe I am old fashion but I just don't get this kind of a hookup. Then again, I was never into one night stands no matter how you meet. This just makes me feel so sad. No wonder there are so many unwanted babies and STDs in the world. Don't woman want romance any more?
I get the feeling that you're simply virtue signaling. 100% chance you'd give this guy your number like the rest of the girls pictured.
Load More Replies...I don't really get the point of this post. People act as if people owe them anything. So what if other people don't find you attractive enough to agree to have sex with you. Life is unfair & nobody owes you anything, including sex. If someone isnt attracted to you, just let it go instead of whining and forcing that other person to want you. Do you really want to be with a person who doesn't find you attractive? And are you really that self-absorbed that you think everyone should be attracted to you? Or do you think that people should have sex with you just for the sake of equality/fairness? Be realistic with your expectations.
When did the guy say woman should bang ugly dudes? He was just pointing out how when he is hot women don't mind but when he is ugly they yell harassment.
Load More Replies...Well now I realize i’m ugly. I’m deleting these apps and staying single. F**k this.
Unless you're a Chad or Tyrone, NO man should be on ANY online dating app.
Load More Replies...I look similar to this guy....same kind of face....maybe even slightly better. Did modelling too. And I am also a commercial pilot. But minus the abs...little bit abs... And I can tell you ALL straight that this "experiment" is FAKE. He clearly did it to get views. He must have messaged THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of girls to get those result shown. And NO...absolutely no way every swipe is a match. I look even better face from some angles...and nope...I probably only get maybe 1 out of 50 swipes are a match maybe?? about 98% of matches come after we swipe. I will tell you the REAL truth about being a super hot guy.... We get very LOW number of girls (not incel low)....but here is why....they are SCARED of us. They fear we are all just f**k boys and just going to lie to them and cheat on them and make empty promises. You try to talk to them and no matter what you do, the whole thing just basically is a constant fight against their fears of being pumped and dumped.
Curious on your opinion. Is this why hot guys are going for older women? Because we have the confidence to go out with them?
Load More Replies...If he looks like Harvey Weinstein = #MeToo -- When he looks like this guy girls will scream #MeToo
You are 100% correct Martin. Being "creepy" is not applied to all men equally.
Load More Replies...breaking news: women prefer to have casual sex with hot men. WOW, thanks for telling us this shocking thing nobody ever suspected XD
I don't think there is a person who doesn't know that it's easier for very attractive men. It's not the rejection that is shocking, it's the reaction upon rejection, that shows the hypocrisy. If the guy is ugly, or fat she will claim that he harassed her, or he objectified her and in general paint him as a piece of s**t, but if it's a hot guy at most she will just roll her eyes and move on
Load More Replies...ok.. I personally don't find this guy attractive even a little bit.. BUT if Benedict Cumberbatch send me a message saying "hey, lets bang" , I'm not saying no. What consenting adults decide to do to each other.. is no ones business but their own.
yes, but you can't yell "harassment" or "creepy" on one guy but drop your panties for the next for doing or saying THE EXACT SAME THING
Load More Replies...Great, now I'm gonna be insecure for the rest of the week...Damn it Bored Panda
If you aren’t a jerk, you’ve got nothing to worry about.
Load More Replies...I never get tired of laughing at these articles that completely disprove the mantra that women spout that they don't fall for and reciprocate the above type of attention when it comes from attractive guys and that the old joke of "it's only harassment if he's not hot" isn't actually truth that it is. In fact feminist women get the most upset about articles like this because they clearly prove just how shallow and hypocritical they are. Some woman by the name of Eva Glasrud, has been all over quora and other sites linking people to her blog where she's written 4 or 5 angry novel type articles where she tries desperately to debunk the truth displayed in this article here. All she ended up doing was make herself look like exactly the type of woman who would fall for that guy's experiment. Judging by her anger over this article, I bet she actually was one of his prey. LMAO, hysterical
Well said, Jim. Some woman on Twitter or YouTube must have done a story on this because TONS of women flocked to this page to "debunk" it and downvote comments from men. It doesn't help that beta male, white knights are in here protecting women's "honour" (like they have any). I want everyone to search for "sunny street work rules meme" and tell me it isn't 100% TRUE.
Load More Replies...I just wondering, in which country is this? Why the girls are very easy 🤣 It will never happen in muslim country like Indonesia. We are not that cheap lol
The point he makes here, is the success rate of this guy as opposed to average looking guys. Wether he messaged 20 girls or 100 doesn't matter.
half of wonders why people give their numbers to strangers and the other half doesn't care
Isn’t the model in the pics the guy from the Call me maybe video? Lol
This is a paid fake. I`m also a model type guy with a bunch of pro pictures and also some high value stuff like walking to grab an award on tv. I generate matches with very good looking high status women but not every swipe is a match. Tinder is even not showing all the superlikes you have given. Fun part here is, when I`m new on tinder, I generate like 20 matches in like 3 hours. When I have Plus and use all my superlikes for a month, it equals 150 women must have seen me. And it can happen, that tinder rates you so high, it will not allow you having any matches out of it. And sometimes, you give 5 superlikes and get all. But another thing is, not all women respond. They swipe and close tinder. And if they do, not all women react the same way. Some will call you desperate, some will come over and suck and others will find you interessting enough to blame but keep texting you. Here are a lot things which is not working that way, just bcause the algorythm doesnt work that way.
Sorry brosky but if you only generate 20 matches in 3 hours on a new account your pictures just simply arent good for women. Maybe they're good for the car commercials or whatever you're doing.
Load More Replies...It would be more interesting if they used a model who was less freakishly attractive. Like, yea, that guy's going to go through lots of women. Should have used a more realistic, though still attractive, guy.
Uh. You know a lot of female profiles are scammers and catfish, right? I mean, great incel interactive fiction, but women don’t talk like this. These are responses men would give.
Wow, what rock are you living under? Women absolutely talk like this. I'm a woman and while not quite so forward, am pretty close after I'm a little more comfortable with someone.
Load More Replies...Experiments require a "control" to measure results against. This would have been 100% better if you attempted the IDENTICAL opening line on the SAME girl but with a 5/10 photo. The manipulation is easy to do after you've matched.
True I could see that as being a possibility as he matched with everything.
Load More Replies...If the man in the picture was really ugly I bet the women would claim sexual harassment
This makes me want to beat the hell out of that guy until his face looks like a car crash victim and murder all those b!tches. This t****r can get in 2 messages what I can't get in an entire decade of trying all because of the luck of being born with a good face. my whole life ive been treated like scum by them all because of how i look. I fcking hate all of you
No man, EVER, should be involved with online dating.
Load More Replies...Does the male model know hos picture is being used for this experiment?
So the conclusions we draw are: catfishing still works, some people are shallow and not particularly bright and there's individuals nowadays that have not been involved in an incident only because of luck. Anything new?
Excuse me, Bored Panda, what is this incel b******t doing on your site?
Do the salty people commenting here even know what Tinder's about? *Exactly for what's going on in the article; hooking up with equally minded people and screwing around*. It's just easier when you happen to look like "Brad". #NotSurprisedAtAll
I think Tinder is about what you make it about. You can talk to people for a day or 7 before you meet them if you're interested in a more long-term relationship. You don't have to get their insta after 5 seconds and go on a date after 10.
Load More Replies...I don't know what is more disgusting---that society has sunk to these all time lows or that Bored Panda would print comments such as these .
My question seeing these pictures is "what the heck is that lump on your hip in pictures number 2?? are you ill? Also even if your cute as heck. am betting most of the girls responding are not and have zero confidence ! sad really.
It's called the wing of ilium and it's a part of your and everyone else's hip bone.
Load More Replies...Well all I can say is many women are idiots! Then they wonder why they can't find a committed "relationship."
Well....1....its tinder...and 2...a lot of people use fake pictures. Those girls are probably using fake pictures...just saying...
I've been saying this my whole life about catcalling. It's often not about what's been said, but by who it's said. Still doesn't mean that it ain't harassment, we're just more likely to accept it from certain people. This is a classic form of "beauty privilege".
good looking or not this kind of behavior is disgusting. I wish he posted all the messages including the ones where girls rejected him. I can't imagine 100% of them were DTf.
You also found it disgusting when a girl arranged for 100s of guys to meet her in new york under the pretense they were going on a date? Or was that fine?
Load More Replies...not s**t shaming, just exposing the hypocrisy of the #metoo/harassment movement. Search for "sunny street work rules meme" to see how it works.
Load More Replies...This is sad. I would be willing to bet if this was from a weirder looking guy, all of them would have said no. Good for the girls who insisted they get to know each other!
they would have said no, then had the average-looking dude banned.
Load More Replies...Is it just me or are the pictures he used of the guy in the Carly Rae Jenpsen video of “Call me maybe” I swear to god it is.
Even if there were 200, there is still 20 of them who said yes and they were all attractive. The thing is if normal dude did this, he'd get ban from tinder for harassment and of course none of them would agree to have sex. Btw the guy said on any of them that he swiped right was an instant match. Btw I'm not even talking about rejections... it's not shocking that the more attractive you are the less rejections you will have, nothing new here... but it's the reaction upon rejection, that shows the hypocrisy, if the guy is ugly, or fat she will claim that he harassed her, or he objectified her and in general paint him as a piece of s**t, but if it's a hot guy at most she will just roll her eyes and move on.
Load More Replies...Oh c'mon this is a non-story.. we are human beings.. we are just wired that way.. good looking means good genetics.. so if we mate with them that's the ultimate win.. it's just the way it is.. the weird thing is that a lot of guys would probably even positively respond too creepy messages from ugly girls...
So they wanted to hookup with him just because he was good looking not that he had good manners or good game !
The BEST comments are the ones downvoted into oblivion! Scroll to the bottom and click the "view post" on the hidden posts
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Interestingly, the issue with this kind of article is that it lacks concrete data, we don’t see much of the necessary parameters to gauge just to what extent this is occurring. It fails to factor that statistically, women who are socially attractive serve less prison time than women who aren’t. I say this mean that in general, Physical attractiveness has long been a factor in how people treat others, yet, people are complaining bait this like it’s something new. We shouldn’t be surprised by this at all.
Massive flaw in this; what if all the girls who respond this way are fat, aging mingers? Most guys don't get this kinda response because they're messaging girls they're actually attracted to, not 3 leagues below them. I could prob just say 'let's f**k' to a 2/10 and get away with it. Without appreciation of how hot/young the girls are, the experiment is rendered meaningless.
Women will fight for equal rights between men and women, and say how much they want a weak (or beta) men (physically, financially and/or overall societal status) to be treated equally and not discriminated against but then their biological needs wants hypergamy and guy who is alpha. This became a problem recently since women recently got power, few decades ago compared to a long history of powerlessness for the most part. They were submissive, they got pregnant easier, they couldn’t vote, and weren’t treated equally. With new power they are a bit confused want to say a lot more with a loud noise. Also I’m sure the terms alpha and women’s love for only alpha (in some way) will trigger a lot of women since they say they do not think like that but they will also say we have standards. It is accurate to say women have more choices on dating sites because standards that make a girl alpha in a guys mind are mostly visual. Like tits, ass, waistline, other body measurements, facial symmetry.
This article was obviously shared in an incel group bcuz there's a ton of them in the comments.
AND..... the shaming language starts. Kevin Samuels was 1000% correct.
Load More Replies...Aware this is 2 years ago but I found this while looking up a story about an abusive guy hiding behind a smiling tinder profile. I've had a conversation like this on tinder in the past and honestly I thought it was a bit or a fake profile and I'd never come across one before so I "played along". Then when he stopped replying I was like "ha! It was fake"... Just so everyone knows that all the people who look like they "fell for it" may not have if they cottoned onto it bring a game... Looks pretty obvious to me! He never actually met any of these women so there's no confirming they would actually go through with anything lol and he thinks he's done some big groundbreaking experiment? All he did was create an obvious fake profile and play some pranks on people.
Honestly, just go MGTOW, gentlemen. Who gives a s**t about these worthless c***s and their double standards. The more men that go MGTOW, the less power these femitards have.
Women would love nothing more than for MGTOW to actually go their own way, but like you, they think & talk about women constantly to the point of being obsessed. All of you could disappear & no women would miss you, not even your mom. 🤷♀️
Load More Replies...Honestly, when dudes send this kind of stuff, you HAVE to assume its a scam, or some sick f**k trying to mess with you. (Or in this case, this guy trying to prove a point). Dont trust everyone who's nice to you or compliments you and/or is attractive af. Wearing your trusting heart on your sleeve is a balancing act, and you gotta pick and choose. Dont let a******s f**k you up or over yo. Across the board. Men, same for yall. These modelesque bitches PROBABLY dont actually want you.
Great article but to know about how to be attractive just visit to howtolookattractive
Great article but to know about how to be attractive just visit howtolookattractive
I mean it is kind of fair that people get mad at this. Because many women will treat a guy that is forward bad if they are not super pretty and feel harassed but they hop right in with this guy. I know guys that don't feel comfortable with a women coming on to them that strong. But maybe it is the same easy women or it is the same women complaining about harassment when the same is done by an ugly guy.
this whole link is fake made up. I as a attractive guy who has model looks but not a homo model dude can tell u that most chicks are to insecure for good looking guys and dont respond on tinder to attractive men especially if they do well for themselves to and have fun hobbies etc. That is then way to intimidating for them. THey want major dad bod guys, degenerates, soy boys, beta cuck libtard dudes, druggy dudes, ugly dudes, fat dudes. Yes the hottest chicks want guys like this. its f*****g sad.
This article just proves that women’s integrity and self respect has completely gone down the shitter. It also provides strong evidence as to why there is an epidemic of loneliness and STI’s because nobody should even have dignified his texts with a reply let alone agreeing to it. I’m saddened by all those women that saw no problem with it and especially those that complied.
Oh, was I supposed to not know that most women are either lying or dumb when it comes to asking them how to get laid?
Women profit from the work men do in effort to get laid. Thinking he can do things to compete with good looking men ups the returns she gets for having a vagina.
Load More Replies...Well of course women usually respond more favorably to the hot guy, kinda like how creeps tend to target pretty women instead of the plainer ones! Yeesh!
Since I've never been a casual sex person, it's hard to wrap my around this. However, this terrifies me, because of the potential for kidnapping, human trafficking ... what if a girl shows up for a hook up and changes her mind ...
Yea, people need to learn that the world ain't fair. Attractive people are always always always going to play life on easy mode. It's hard wired in to human nature. Us ugly people have to figure out other ways of being attractive, like being smart, or funny or have a personality.
but then don't call HR or the cops when a less attractive man says THE EXACT SAME THING!! search for "sunny street work rules meme"
Load More Replies...Sounds pretty much the true case for me. They are a bunch of people trying to make money of this circumstances and rip of dudes who basically are too ugly. They is a reason this guys have low self esteem because deep down they know the truth. And pick up etc made it only worse for the profit of a few. The only thing that helps is to work on yourself. To improve and do the best out of your life. And it might help to find somebody someday. But there is no guarantee to it is not about deserving a woman but more so if you are an improvement to her life.
He should have added to his experiment by messaging the same women with a similarily creepy message, but this time with an unattractive profile pic, just to compare their reactions.
that's happing every day. millions of 5's & 6's (average and slightly above average) men can't even match with female 3's & 4's because they think they're "amazing" and deserve 9's & 10's. Even Lizzo says she refuses to date heavy guys and wants Chris Evans!!
Load More Replies...Well, that certainly does not make life easier for all the average young dudes. However, this goes exactly by the same rules across all genders and orientations. Unless you're old(er) ;> then some completely different measures apply. So don;t worry lads, the time will come ;>
If you make a suggestion like that, then what do you expect back? Bible bashing?
This just proves what many guys already knew: To 90% of girls, being a chauvinist creep is perfectly fine, as long as you're good looking, while being a perfect gentleman gets you nowhere if you're ugly. All that fuss about "sexism" and being "politically incorrect" is only an excuse for girls to weed out the bad looking ones, while a good looking dude can get away with practically anything. I experienced it myself: In the past, I treated every girl I fell in love with like a princess, yet they wouldn't be interested in me, because I was slightly overweight, had thick glasses and a regular guy haircut. A few years later, I had lost 60 pounds of weight, replaced my glasses with contact lenses and grew long hair and suddenly, I can get dates with any girl I like. To make things even worse, I learned that if I treat girls with the uttermost respect, I still get rejected from time to time, even now, whereas I've never been rejected when I act like a self-righteous prick...
spread the word! more men, especially YOUNG men need to know these truths!
Load More Replies...ew ew ew. as a girl, i would be so creeped out by that. (maybe i'm weird though. i mean, i find Edward Scissorhands really attractive)
This. This right here is why I have an issue with this whole "me too" movement.
Some of these girls have insecurity issues for SURE. I'm not talking about hooking up with people. People can hook up with whoever they want. But this guy was saying some of the dumbest lines ever and these girls were incredibly desperate acting back. Idc how hot you are, have some class and Wit if you want to try and get my number!
and in come the excuses... chances are, you'd have reacted exactly the same.
Load More Replies...This is completely ridiculous! I would never think the guy who is so good looking would be talking like that. I wouldn't fall for it not for one sec
Methinks thou dost protest too much. I'd bet $100 that you'd reply to the first "wanna f**k?" message with your number. he wouldn't even need to ask.
Load More Replies...When I was single and out there, messages like this even from attractive guys were a total turn-off and got an automatic "no" from me. I don't think there's anything wrong with responsible promiscuity; it's 100% possible to have casual hookups that are respectful. You can even be really blunt and honest about just wanting sex, and state it in a way that doesn't dehumanize the other person. I hate that this kind of garbage works on some people. It would be a lot less depressing to see this guy getting called out for his gross behavior and turned down. I honestly don't understand why some men feel the need to come out of the gate acting that way... except that, obviously, they can get away with it. :(
you hate that this sort of garbage works on some people, or you hate that women got exposed?
Load More Replies...Jeepers, maybe I am old-fashioned, but where are people's morals nowadays?? If someone sent me messages like that I would delete them off my contacts immediately - no mater what they looked like. Goes to show how cheap being intimate has become. If you just want the sex thing, then why not put up posters of hot looking girls or boys on your wall and get a sex toy?
Just shows how many women are idiots. And then they wonder why they can't find a committed relationship when they want one.
He's not attractive. He's way to skinny. It hurts to look at him. It's not healthy. (It really isn't.)
Many girls are simply too stupido. No offense. With those creepy lines, he could be the new Manson. Many girls between 17-25 simply jump on anything as long he have great abbs and a cute face. Sad.
To boil it down: context matters and lines aren't necessarily creepy if they're welcomed? Color me shocked.
Women Logic with bold, straight forward sex asking. 1) Ugly men are: Creepy, rude, obnoxious a******s. 2) Hot men are: Cute, Funny, witty.
Right and it sooo easy for womem who aren't conventionally attractive to get the time of day from men.
Load More Replies...Unfortunately women have lowered themselves to these kinds of standards. I don't blame either party. I blame porn! Back a few decades ago the men were praying they got to dance with the girl they liked...take her out after that...and then hope to court her. Now women are just praying that any guy will give them some attention. So wrong! I absolutely hate it...But I also understand where it's come from.
chivalry is dead and women killed it -Dave Chappelle
Load More Replies...I want to award points to the article poster for making some proper analyses of this "experiment", but then take away those points for still posting the article at all. This is a useless "experiment" since it suffers from a huge amount of self-selection, among other logical errors. The only thing it is useful for is amusing the person who did it and inflaming and reinforcing stereotypes and presumptions regarding the "war between the sexes" that people seem to be unwilling to de-escalate.
Not surprising but definitely made my stomach turn at how a dude can talk like that and girls don't even hesitate to consider what kind of creep they could be agreeing to f*ck just because he's hot. Nothing wrong with casual sex, but dang that freaks me out how quickly chicks give it up!
Its a hookup website. That is like being surprised someone bought food at a grocery store.
Load More Replies...He is very attractive, but then I continued scrolling and saw that oh-so-dodgy tattoo. LOL.
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because women were exposed and because you don't WANT it to mean anything.
Load More Replies...No. No, no, no. Get out of Bored Panda if you want to do this.
Load More Replies...Women wonder what? I don't. Also, I politely or grumpily (depends on situation) turned down a few good looking strangers too.
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