For a lot of people, the results of this social experiment, nobly undertaken by a bodybuilding enthusiast who calls himself Germanlifter, will be surprising. Others though will simply shrug their shoulders and wonder what the big deal is.

“I Made a fake tinder profile just to see how well a male model compares to the rest of us,” he wrote. “The results are unbelievable. Every single girl I swipe yes to has been an instant match. There hasn’t been a SINGLE time where I have swiped yes, and there was no match.”

Shock! Women like hot guys. Isn’t this just human nature? Particularly on an online dating site like Tinder, which is known for its hookup culture. People are there to judge each other on their physical appearance first and foremost, so this really shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise, should it?

What the ‘experiment’ does do, however, is highlight the sheer power of good looks when it comes to the dating game. Being strongly attracted to someone physically is perfectly normal, but it probably shouldn’t come at the expense of common courtesy and respect. Germanlifter was surprised with the kind of filth he could introduce himself with, which many women seemed to be willing to overlook. “I can literally say ANYTHING and still get their number,” he said. “The girls often initiate first and respond immediately when I send a message. Admittedly I did get turned down a few times only because I opened with stuff like let’s f**k.”


It would have been interesting to see the occasions when he was rejected, and find out exactly how often it occurred, to get a more balanced picture. For now, though, you can scroll down below to check out how Germanlifter undertook his tinder profile ‘experiment,’ and let us know what you think in the comments!


    Bodybuilding enthusiast Germanlifter created a Tinder profile using the photos of this guy

    Who is in fact a male model

    The idea was to see how women would react to creepy messages…

    If they were sent by an attractive guy like that































