My name is Monika, I am 24 years old hitchhiker from Poland. Since one year I am travelling across Africa by hitchhike. I started my journey in march from Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt. From that moment I am not using planes or buses to cross from one city to another.

During this year I have spend 0,00$ for accomodation. Usually I am sleeping in my tent, police stations, churches or accepting invitations from local people. During this one year I have never pay for the accommodation. Sometimes I am also “working for food and accommodation”.

I have met thousands of amazing people who can share with you last things that they have but also a lot of bad ones.

In Kenya they accused me on terrorism and I spend few days in prison, someone robbed me in Lusaka etc.

I crossed 12 African countries (Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa, Botswana). Right now I am in Zambia and my plan is to continue my journey through West Africa and reached Europe by land.

 Wish me luck.

More info: Instagram | Facebook


    First day hitchhiking in Sinai. Still fresh (Egypt)

    Sunset from Mount Sinai (Egypt)

    Escorted by a police (Egypt)


    Beduin tea in Cairo old town (Egypt)

    Pyramids of Giza

    Nubian coffee (Nubian Village near Aswan, Egypt)

    Zikr ceremony. Omdurman, Sudan


    Meroe Pyramids, Sudan

    …and my tent next to the pyramids


    Hot and lazy afternoon in Port Sudan

    Henna tattoo in progress

    Kassala, Sudan


    This man from Hamer tribe offered 46 cows, 11 goats and 7 sheeps to marry me. I refused…

    Paintings in old monastery in Bahrir Dar (Ethiopia)


    Blue Nile Falls (Ethiopia)

    Diani Beach, Kenya

    And my prison cell in Kenya…

    Mombasa old town, Kenya

    My tent in a Samburu Village (Kenya)

    He asked for a photo, not me. The funniest thing is especially for picture he showed his chest (Samburu, Kenya)


    Forgot to mention… My surname means masaai… Not a joke

    Akagera National Park, Rwanda

    Akagera National Park, Rwanda

    Zanzibar, Stone Town


    Pumba from Swaziland

    Blyde River Canyon, South Africa


    Morning view from my tent (Blyde River Canyon, South Africa)

    Blyde River Canyon, South Africa

    Drakensberg mountains, Royal Natal National Park (South Africa)

    Yea.. watch me…

    Simons Town (South Africa)

    Small and stinky but still cute (Simons Town, South Africa)


    I supposed to finish my trip in Cape Town (and stay here forever and die watching this view) but… I decided to continue my journey

    Right now I am on my way up to Europe. I want to cross through western part of Africa, also by hitchhike. (Kalambo Falls, Zambia)