We’re all familiar with the never-ending slanging match between cyclists and drivers. Red lights are almost never a stop for cyclists, while motorists rarely leave enough distance between their car and the bike. Though it seems to be no cure for the red light stop, a team of engineers decided to take action against the fair distance problem with a simple device that is attached to your bike.
The inventor, a former Audi designer, said: “We took our inspiration from cars, that have two headlights and two stoplights. Why shouldn’t bikes have that as well?” Check out how it looks bellow.
More info: lummasystem.com
The system combines front lights, rear lights and side lasers for safe overtaking
Here is the device in action
Share on FacebookIt depends allot on where you are located. I got the chance to ride in Denmark last year and drivers have allot of respect for bikers. Allot! On the other hand, any increase in visibility is welcomed.
It depends allot on where you are located. I got the chance to ride in Denmark last year and drivers have allot of respect for bikers. Allot! On the other hand, any increase in visibility is welcomed.