People are unique creatures, and what makes all of us truly inimitable is not only a set of external features, fingerprints and so on, but also a bunch of other beliefs, habits and opinions that we accumulate in ourselves over the years of our life.

And it's not just some meaningful beliefs, like voting for Democrats or Republicans. Someone, for example, is sure that the egg needs to be broken from the sharp side, and someone else - from the blunt side. One selflessly defends the correct spelling of a relatively uncommon word, and another is ready not to communicate with a person who supports a football team they do not like.

In fact, each of us has our own hill which we are willing to die on - and sometimes these hills are so petty and silly that it’s a shame to lay down our heads for them. But we are still ready to do this. And we, such people, are thousands and thousands. For example, when the question "What is the pettiest, silliest, most meaningless hill you are willing to die on?" appeared on the AskReddit community, it got 80.2K upvotes and over 51.7K different comments.

Bored Panda made a list with the most popular comments from this thread, so please read on for these incredibly small and sometimes weird yet important beliefs that people always stand for. By the way, we also have our own hill - we are sure that everyone who reads this post should definitely write their own comment, so please feel free to do so.

More info: Reddit


Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Live streaming your kids punishments should be illegal

anon , Ken Wilcox Follow Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies You're not the only person in the grocery store, lady! Move your cart to the side IN ANTICIPATION of others trying to get by. It's not predicting the future and you really need to work on your spacial awareness.

    Edit: I've long held the opinion that there are two kinds of people in this world: "shopping cart" people and non-shopping cart people. And just remember, it's always malice, never ignorance.

    Bumblebeee_tuna_ , watchfrock Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I will stand on this hill. I will also add that if I’m blocking something in an effort to not take up an aisle, standing and staring at the side of my head judgmentally will not get you what you need. “Excuse me, I need to get to something..” does on the other hand work. Staring at me will only get me to either not notice at all, or tell you I’m not freaking psychic.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Please don't try to have a conversation with me when I'm in another room, especially if I'm doing dishes, laundry, making food, showering, etc. I'm trying to listen to you, but cannot clearly hear what you're saying. Odds are I'm going to ask you to repeat yourself three times or I'm going to ignore you until I can come to where you are. Either way, you'll likely be pissed about it.

    I now understand why that pissed my mother off so much when I was younger.

    SpanglesMcGlorywings , Kim Siever Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can’t hear low tones very well - can’t make out individual sounds well enough to understand the words. My hubs has a low voice and consistently likes to attempt to talk to me while doing loud things. I just stare at him until he’s done and go “WHAT?”. Or make the mouth flapping motion with my hand.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Improperly installed HID lights should be ticketed aggressively... blinding everyone in the road should be illegal.

    XocoStoner , Joseph Thornton Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well yes, incorrectly adjusted headlights of any sort are illegal. HID ones should (i.e. are required to) always have self-levelling mechanisms to avoid blinding other motorists. If that's not the case where you live then you need to take it up with your lawmakers.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Push your goddamn chair in when you stand up from the table.

    anon , Jennifer C. Report

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    Amy Taylor
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just had this conversation with my teen and her friend, lol

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies "should of" is not, and has never been, a grammatically correct phrase.

    shiny-spleen , Nenad Stojkovic Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies **Throw away your trash at the movie theater**

    ThiccPapaSIZZLE , Jon Seidman Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies I will argue ALL DAY LONG with people who use apostrophes when something is plural. Please stop.

    SharCooterie , Metro Centric Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Those new 'extra safe, high visibility' headlights should not be installed in any vehicles larger than a wagon. I don't need LED spotlights pointing into my eyes from the front and all three mirrors. Seeing is fun for other drivers too.

    redbeardeddragon3 , Ansgar Koreng Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Close the dang cabinet doors!

    Close all the doors!

    sputtertots , Jeanne Michelle Smith Report

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    kathryn stretton
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I leave drawers and cupboards part ope, but I live alone so only annoy myself. I sigh, get up and close them. Lol.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies I'm an astronomer, I know nothing about your dumb a*s astrology sign so stop telling/asking me about it.

    BudCrue , CLAUDIA DEA Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies I will go to enormous lengths in order to avoid speaking with someone over the phone. Email, text, go to their office, sit and fume .... I don't know why exactly, but I f*****g hate it.

    RADevilsAdvocate , Marco Verch Professional Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies You don’t do things on accident, you do things *BY* accident

    tanyance21 , 7C0 Report

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    august is mentally unstable
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my brother needs to see this!! he says "on accident" and "by purpose"...i suffer every day.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies People that dont know the difference between losing and loosing get my downvote every time

    happypness , Steven Lilley Follow Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies That if my wife just stops asking me questions and watch the movie- she’ll understand what the movie is about

    Edit: for the record my wife is the best person in the world and if I were to answer this question for her- she’d probably tell me that the way I load the dishes will eventually give her a stroke. Her way does get them cleaner after all.

    KelpCakeDanny , waferboard Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies EFFECT vs AFFECT. It pisses me off all the time when people use them wrong!!!

    Dee-tective , Denise Krebs Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies If you tell me you are going to “defiantly” do something, I am going to picture you doing it with defiance. All angry. Marching around pissed off that you had to do it.

    It’s definitely, people.

    Def-in-it-ely and de-fi-ant-ly are two completely different words with completely different connotations and definitions.

    AndThenThereIsJess , Judith Jackson Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Scrape your damn plate off before putting dishes into the dishwasher. I’m home from college right now living in a 5 person home, and my sister is the only person who understands this. Everyone else basically puts meals in the dishwasher, or they let things like cereal get stuck to the plates and cups which drives me crazy lol.

    It’s a dishwasher, not a garbage can!

    HT2424 , noricum Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm an avid rinser but I read an article recently stating that you shouldn't rinse too much as it tricks the sensors into thinking the plates are cleaner than they are? 🤔 Or something along those lines, anyway.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies That box of useless cables in my closet?

    You know the one that has a bunch of old USB cables, RCA cables, even S-Video cables, and a s**t load of AC adapters I can't find the ends for?

    Yeah, that box is mine, and I will NEVER throw it away. Even if it only comes in handy once a year, I'll be damned if it doesn't feel great feeling like a dang hero when your friend or family member needs one of those "useless" cables for something.

    alwaysmyfault , John Johnston Report

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    Foxxy says goodbye.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have started to downsize my cable collection. Most of them I don't even remember what they are for. The stupid thing is I have all these cables but can never find the actual one I need.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies MSG is not dangerous and it's sad so many people miss out on its deliciousness because of misinformation!

    tomatoz Report

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    Detroit Citizen
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But it is dangerous for me. Im allergic to it. Migraines are no fun, especially over seasoning.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Monopoly is an inherently unbalanced and badly designed game. ON PURPOSE. Whoever starts winning will simply keep winning, and the rest of the player's get a slow slog to bankruptcy. And the winner is usually the most ruthless person at the table. This is why it breaks friendships.

    It was meant to show the unfairness of unregulated capitalism, and somehow it became an American classic. But compared to modern games, it's terrible.

    red-mekanik , Mike_fleming Report

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    Foxxy says goodbye.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am not a fan of monopoly. It just never ends. Why waste my time when there are much better games to play.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Just because im a girl dosent mean I can't play as a male character in an MMO and I swear if I have this arguement ONE MORE time with a dude thats playing as a female character I will scream.

    AmpDragoness , Stefans02 Report

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    Deborah Harris
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You know the blokes who play as females anyway, they're usually semi naked

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies It's "hear, hear" not "here, here." Get it f*****g right.

    LadyLazaev , saragoldsmith Follow Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Every day: something that happens every day

    Everyday: ordinary, unremarkable

    anon , hapal Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies If you put meat into a grilled cheese, it's not a "gourmet grilled cheese".

    It's a Melt.

    SupKilly , Bev Sykes Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I will stand next to OP and fight beside them to the death on this one, too.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies How the dishwasher is loaded.

    freddymercury1 , Alex Garcia Report

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    Mark Berry
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Play it like Tetris. Maximum occupancy without overlap. Just rinse the dishes first.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies I bought the house so the spot in the driveway closest to the front door is mine. Roommates, park your asses on the street.

    ghub311 , Joe Bailey Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That needs to be in your rental agreement. To avoid conflict, actually specifying who gets which spot would be best, especially if there aren't enough off-street spots for all the roommates. Off-street parking should not be a feature of your rental if someone doesn't have a guaranteed spot.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Not every Indian dish you eat is "curry" flavoured. Stop !

    Chan273 , Volker Kannacher Report

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    TCW Sam Vimes
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Curry is not a flavour. It describes various mixtures of spices. There are thousands of Curry mixtures.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies it IS worth pulling all the hardware off of furniture I'm throwing away. i might use it to build something someday and screws/drawer handles/whatever are expensive.

    Also, never mind that huge pile of saved up hardware in the garage. My mess is my business...

    anon , TMAB2003 Report

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Flying cars are dumb. The idea is nice until you realize that it's too much responsibility and it costs too much for your average idiot to operate legally and safely.

    anon , Martin Dufort Report

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    Detroit Citizen
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ive got enough problems with all the idiots on the road, last thing i need to worry about are the same idiots in the sky above me

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Han Shot First! You can't tell me otherwise, George Lucas.

    brokendowndryer , Hannaford Report

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    Anthony Mann
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I will stand with OP on this one, and fight to the death with them. And I'll shoot first, too...

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Self-plagiarism is stupid and should not be a form of plagiarism.

    anon , Winnie Affonso Report


    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies People who don't mix their sour cream so it isn't soupy on top before they use it, what is wrong with them?

    astonersfriend , liz west Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Respectfully disagree. Use a little with each mouthful. F**k knows why, but..yeah.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies My wife wanted to get rid of the n64 I've had since 97, she said it looks tacky. I've love her, but f**k that

    EDIT* To be clear my wife is awesome, her and the N64 aren't going anywhere. Also I like Joe Biden, I just have always thought he is a bit of a weirdo.

    JoeBidensRapeDungeon , Jordan Report


    If you __hate__ small talk, AND are __disgusted__ by the word "moist", AND think pineapple on pizza is a __crime against humanity__, there's a 50% chance you're a boring person who gets all their opinions from the internet. Sorry 😶

    I'm tired of boys on tinder trying to be interesting and saying things like "I don't care what your favorite food is, I wanna know your passions, your dreams" I'm passionate about sushi leave me alone

    Edit: people are missing the key words here. It's about __passionately hating__ these things, not just disliking them.

    I also don't want people to think I'm cool with making fun of people for liking popular things. I wanna hear all the things you DO like, no matter how popular they are.

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate small talk because I’m an introvert and generally don’t see the damn point to most small talk, and I hate the words moist when people emphasize it like it’s disgusting. I do not get all my opinions from the internet because they’re frequently like this one and make me want to roll my eyes.

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    Person Asks "What Is The Pettiest, Silliest, Most Meaningless Hill You Are Willing To Die On?", Receives 30 Replies Just this weekend my husband and I got into an argument because he claimed I fell asleep watching YouTube on my phone at 3am. I said I went to bed around 12. He's a web developer with a penchant for systems so went to the home network it showed no wifi traffic after 1am. Showed him my YouTube history the thing I was watching was 2hrs long and was paused at 45 mins in. So.....he's wrong but here it is Wednesday he's still butt hurt about it and claims I'm gas lightning him.

    This is such a stupid argument.

    Edit: I am on mobile so it autocorrected gas lighting to gas lightning. Love the comments correcting making fun of the error it so it stays.

    We have a great relationship, these stupid arguments that go no where are honestly part of being in a long term relationship. He still kissed me goodbye told me to have a great day this morning so nobody is really mad. Just when you're around someone 24/7 gotta keep it interesting somehow haha.

    princessaurus_rex , Suzy Hazelwood Report