How can you tell that someone is intelligent? At first glance, it sounds like a trick question with an easy answer, but the more you think about it, the more unclear things seem. Is it the person who can recite all the works of Shakespeare from memory? Perhaps it’s someone you know who runs a successful business or is an actual inventor? Or is it someone in your life who prioritizes their mental health and social relationships above everything else?

Not everyone lets on that they’re as smart as they are. The r/AskReddit community shared their personal thoughts about the signs that someone is far more intelligent than others might think. Scroll down to read their thoughts.


40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They are able to change their opinion given new information.

Gwigg_ , Report

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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

THIS is such an underrated quality in someone! I love people who can do this. (I showed a flat earther that experiment where they used lasers to try to prove the earth was flat, but it only proved that it is in fact curved, but the flat earther was basically plugging his ears and going LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU LALALA”)

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Bored Panda reached out to Melissa Church of Bad Science Jokes to hear her thoughts on intelligence and why it's valued so much in our society. She was kind enough to share her perspective with us.

Church told us in an email that, for her, what lies at the core of being truly smart is waiting to respond. "The most intelligent people I've met seem to really take their time with a reply during a conversation," she said.

"They are not quick to anger, or excite, they look at all the facts and then come to a decision."


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They are comfortable and confident enough to admit when they don't know something but will look it up.

    Sportsfanatic88 , Abby Chung/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do this at work, (teacher), my kids always seem shocked that I don't know everything.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They don't argue when it is obvious that someone they are talking to cannot be convinced of alternative thinking or different viewpoint to their own.

    DoctorElleGee , Liza Summer/Pexels Report


    Meanwhile, Church shed some light on the role that intelligence plays in society as a whole in this day and age. "I feel the tech industry, in general, has helped to change the definition of 'nerd' from the stereotypical caricature we see on television to some of today's wealthiest, most successful, people," she told Bored Panda.

    "When we look at who is behind all of our favorite products, we see these extremely intelligent people who had a crazy idea and made it work. Things we cannot live without! The device you're reading this on was developed by some extremely smart people and made easy to understand for those folks like me. Ha!"

    Church continued: "Society sees that it takes some exceptionally intelligent people to make our day-to-day lives what they are. Just a couple generations ago technology wasn't anywhere near what it is today, and having parents, grandparents, and ourselves, see just how far we've come in that regard, reminds us just how important the 'nerds' are!"


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They can explain very complex things in very simple terms and analogies.

    MrHyde_Is_Awake , ThisIsEngineering/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I really like to do this and wish math and science teachers would do the same. God the amount of complex sentences and equations they have to use nearly fried my brain but when I finally got a tutor he explained everything complex in such a simple matter I went from "the most incompetent, underserving of success of a student (words spoken to me by principal and teachers) to one who ranked 1st in biology, Language, Computer out of all the students in my school while improving in maths, chemistry, physics, business studies better than before.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They argue against your points, not you personally. I can’t stand when people can’t argue without taking offence or just giving up because their views are being challenged. An argument should be about the idea being discussed not a personal attack.

    TrashyBinBag , Edmond Dantès/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I understand why some people take it personally though. If you say “I believe X” and someone says “X is a stupid idea to believe in for these reasons,” I might feel like they’re calling me stupid. Intelligent people can disagree with your points without making you feel like they’re attacking you, ignorant people can’t

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    If you talk to a whole bunch of people, they’ll likely have different interpretations of what intelligence really is. For some, it’s all about high IQ scores, book smarts, reasoning skills, fancy words, and a great memory. For others, it’s akin to wisdom, empathy, and living a good life. Still others associate smartness with results, e.g., financial success, a stellar career in academia, a global network of corporate contacts, etc.

    Fundamentally, intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply your knowledge and skills. So, somebody who is incredibly curious and quickly devours new information is likely smart. However, the other half of that equation is to actually use all of that knowledge and your newfound skills for some goal.


    Or getting lucky, as MIT Technology Review notes in its wittily titled article 'If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?'


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They hold their cards and quietly observe, analyze and study everything and everybody.

    They question everything including themselves. They are Usually full of self-doubt because they’re smart enough to know there’s so much more to know.

    Affectionate-Roof285 , Pixabay/Pexels Report

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    Jonathan Gerow
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do this when i am in a new situation like a job or even a social gathering. I don't stay absolutely silent but I choose what I say carefully and observe how others are in the environment until i feel comfortable with what i can say to who.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They let you do most of the talking but they are actually listening and learning from what you say.

    anon , fauxels/Pexels Report


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They read. Reading constantly expands the minds. It grows intelligence that wasn't asked for in the beginning, just entertainment. It expands one's thinking, in many directions. Empathy, compassion, a sense of the world as community, a sense of belonging. All these things, and more, come from reading!

    Lazy-Lawfulness3472 , cottonbro studio/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And read a wide variety. Even when I was reading almost nothing but romance novels, i read a wide variety of the subgenres. As well as the newspaper, and 4 science-based and 2 arts based magazines that I subscribed to. I do the same now online, except I'm into sci-fi

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    Learning thousands of trivia facts might be proof that you’ve got a good memory and are fairly disciplined, but if you don’t end up using any of it, it’s fairly useless fluff. On the flip side, someone who learns a few new bits of information, instantly applies them, and iterates past failure to improve their workflow, studying habits, or health is clearly getting actionable results.

    Knowing information is good and all, but the true test is in how you use it… and whether you use it at all. The world is full of incredibly creative people with amazing ideas, but far from everyone will have the courage, patience, and willpower to test them out in the real world.


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They'll always add counterpoints ie 'arguments against' whatever they're saying. eg "...but I need to add that there are people who say this blah blah..."

    Most ignorant people I know always speak like their opinions are established facts that are infallible.

    Cheesetorian , Edmond Dantès/Pexels Report

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    Jonathan Gerow
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like to play devils advocate a lot. Doesn't necessarily mean i believe in the point I'm trying to make but I believe it helps enrich the conversation and maybe help the other person see things differently.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They pick up quickly on things and are observant of their surroundings.

    anon , Chinmay Singh/Pexels Report

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    Evagating Beewolf (she/they)
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well I fail that one...I semifrequently walk into walls or chairs or whatever because I'm not paying attention.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They're funny. Fast thinkers come up with great jokes on the spot.

    MSB629 , Samson Katt/Pexels Report

    It’s very likely that you know some people who probably have an above-average IQ who seem to struggle with a lot of things, whether it’s their physical and mental health, their work, or their relationships. It’s also likely that back in school they were lauded as gifted and got good grades.

    However, success as a grown-up requires far more than an agile mind. You need to know how to work in a team and navigate complex relationships. You have to know how to communicate with people clearly, not just boast about how you’re the best. You have to be willing to set your ego aside and be willing to learn something new from someone who has more experience than you. You need empathy. And you need to realize that working hard and burning out isn’t always the same as being efficient.


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They choose their battles.

    fabioke , RDNE Stock project/Pexels Report


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well It's not so much that they ask questions but the type of question. They use alot' of comparisons and analogies when expressing ideas or explaining things.

    As for the quiet thing....i know plenty of stupid quiet people.

    anon , Matilda Wormwood/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Using comparisons and analogies shows a deeper understanding of the subject they’re talking about - they’re not just repeating words they heard somewhere but ACTUALLY understanding what they’re talking about.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They don't claim to have firm answers to soft questions - they shrug and say "I dunno" a lot because they have never really finished thinking the matter through.

    When they argue with you, they don't care who wins the argument. They are searching for the correct answer even if it is yours.

    Also when their conclusions are challenged, they happily expose their thought process for you, laying their decision making process out in plain terms and inviting you to pick it apart.

    anon , Polina Zimmerman/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One way I figured out a long time ago with a friend if mine that helped prevent arguments was presenting something as "I feel that" instead of saying something "IS" a certain way. Like saying "I feel like you've been a little grumpy with me lately. Have I done something to upset you?" Vs "You've been really grumpy with me lately." Because the latter is being presented as a fact, whereas the former is taking responsibility for the fact that the speaker could be wrong, and that they could have a perception of something that may or may not be there. When it's presented as fact, people tend to bristle and feel offended more because it feels more like someone's TELLING them how they feel or how they are instead of asking.

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    Who’s the smartest person that you personally know, dear readers? What are some (not so) subtle signs that someone is way, way more intelligent than they initially seem? What qualities, skills, and attitudes do you associate intelligence with the most? Do you know anyone who has book smarts in spades but isn’t all that great at applying them?


    For all the Dungeons & Dragons nerds out there, would you rather have a high Wisdom or Intelligence score? Tell us all about what you think in the comments, at the bottom of this post.


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They listen more than talk. And don't get angry or defensive when someone says something they don't agree with.

    sticky_gecko , Alex Green/Pexels Report

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    The precision in their word choice. I’m not talking about advanced vocabulary or jargon I’m highlighting the ability to communicate ideas effectively. I’ve never met a dumb person that was very precise in their speech

    Slow_Principle_7079 Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am disagreeing with this one. I have taught students how to give presentations about their research. Saying one thing wrong and then correcting yourself is not a sign of low intelligence. No one will remember that you misspoke. They will remember that you explained things clearly so that the audience could understand.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They catch on quickly without you having to explain every little detail.
    They’re quiet and analytic and they argue differently.

    PerPuroCaso , nappy/Pexels Report

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    They can deal with the absence of data, incomplete data, conflicting data and generally can zero in to the important thing in a confusing situation.

    Designed_To_Flail Report


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They remember small details about things and people and are able to use that information in a productive way to further their goal. Memory is important but knowing how and when to use facts that people have only said maybe once shows flexibility and adaptive intelligence.

    marshie0409 , Polina Zimmerman/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes I can feel a fact evaporate the second I share it. Thst is because they have been stored in" not relevant for me but cool info to be able to share with someone else". When my brain feels this purpose is accomplished it shreds my fact, without even asking or discussing it with me first. Not cool, dude.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They smile when they overhear a stupid conversation rather than getting upset by it.

    willa9651 , Christina Morillo/Pexels Report

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    M B
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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What's it with all the stupid calling...don't eavesdrop (why would auto correct write "eardrop") convos... and yes you've had "less intelligent" convos too..we don't have to go full Einstein on eachother more often than not...


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well For one reason or another, some may underperform in school when they know they could very well be a top student.

    TheSacredPikachu , Ron Lach/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mental acuity is not the same as emotional intelligence. Many young smart people has been smart long enough that they are used that intelectual things are easy for them, so when they face a challenge they opt for the easy exit. Why make effort and keep being a straight A kid when you can be a C+ kid without any effort with what you already know? They are also smart enough to know that no inmediatte reward comes from being a top student and could lead to ostracism from your peer, so they dont see a reason without some guidance.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well Their ability to adapt to a wide range of conversations.

    DiggingThisAir , Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels Report


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well Downplaying their intelligence.

    Regular_Bell8271 , Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't downplay my intelligence so much as I'm realistic about its usefulness. Hard work and opportunity, among other things, play a much larger role when it comes to being successful in many areas of life. I know a lot of people who aren't as smart as me, but are more successful. Largely due to the aforementioned other things. I also know people much smarter than me who are way less successful

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well Their humor. Being able to emotionally distance yourself enough to find something funny, even if it hits close to home.

    soups_on420 , Tim Douglas/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Avoid people who take themselves too seriously. Nothing goes smoothly or enjoyably with them.


    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well When they hear something, be it gossip or news or whatever, they ask about sources. Similarly, when *they* are sharing something, their source is always credible *or* they're specifically saying it as speculation like "I have heard but not confirmed...".

    ParkityParkPark , Yaroslav Shuraev/Pexels Report

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    Geoffrey Scott
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I, like many in the US right now, are trying to find facts behind BS being spewed to make a decision. One of the best programs that delve into issues, should they cover it, is called Left, Right, and Center. I am absolutely addicted to hearing both sides, and using nuance and details to make up my mind.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They don’t brag about their achievements or even bring it up unless they’re asked. My gf is super smart and knows more than like 80% of the ppl she talks to but she has NEVER bragged or brought up the insane amount of stuff she knows. I sometimes bring it up when I’m with her and friends just cus I feel like she deserves some credit.

    Crazy_Crayfish_ , cottonbro studio/Pexels Report


    They speak up in a meeting.


    And what they have to say is usually pretty close to the optimal solution.

    supercleverhandle476 Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thats because they have listened and learned from all the arguments presented, weighted them with the true pros and cons with a solo fokus ln solving the Task instead of being the only voice to win. If they are truly intelligent and emotionally aware, they also correctly place the ideahavers of the contributions that are part of the ultimate solution if they want to gamble, they aslo add a few counterpoints that where valid, but counter them with a way to get around it with said ultimate solution.

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    They live in reality by using logic and objective fact over subjective feelings/emotion when proving a point.

    anon Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m not too sure about this one, at least for myself. I’m not by any means trying to boast, but people say I’m intelligent/academic, and I still lead with my heart. Yes facts and logic play a big role, but I feel like this post confuses being intelligent with analytical. Intelligence isn’t usually an absence of emotion, it’s just using that emotion in a constructive way alongside logic. The two sides of the brain don’t have to be mutually exclusive

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well They nod their head before you end your sentences. They know exactly everything you are going to say. Like they’re two or three sentences ahead. Worked with a bond trader, off the charts brilliant, very analytical. When I talked to him I felt like my talking was slowing the conversation down. I’ve only had that feeling with a couple of people in my life.

    Beginning-Quail-9597 , Matheus Bertelli/Pexels Report

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    Atom Bohr
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a bit of a hit and miss one... Assumptions aren't intelligence, so someone assuming they know what you're going to say isn't necessarily a sign they're intelligent. I'd say that being able to follow a speaker and come up with relevant responses that genuinely add to the topic is a better sign

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    I think if we define "smart" as a vast knowledge base we ignore the decision making factor. I like to think of "smart" people as those who seem able to use the tools around them to solve the problems they are facing.

    A dead giveaway someone is smarter than they let on?

    - They say "no" often in the interest of their goals.

    - They have large tool box, both figuratively and literally, as having the right tool makes all the difference, in terms of time to resolution.

    - They tend to read often, not one thing but several things, or have some experience doing many different things, this gives a really well rounded perspective.

    I believe "smart" people are good problem solvers.

    Halabashred Report

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    J C Steel
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    IQ =/= knowledge, just like stupid doesn't necessarily equate to uneducated. You're born with your intelligence or lack thereof - remaining ignorant is a function of your environment or your decisions.

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    They stay quiet in arguments, relaxed during quizzes, don't boast.

    Open-Sea8388 Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I loved quizzes and tests. They were like games to me. BTW, for anyone with test anxiety, if you can make yourself approach it as if it's a word or math game, instead of a test, they can actually become enjoyable, or at least less stressful. I had awful anxiety before I learned to do this

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well When they want to avoid an argument in which they know they have superior knowledge by saying things like "I´m not sure, you may be right".

    Reynaudthefox , Canva Studio/Pexels Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because I refuse to lie, my other go to is "Hmm. You've given me something to think about"

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well One I don't think has been mentioned is sarcasm. Manipulating information on the fly is surprisingly difficult (your average comedian / stand up artist / freestyler etc is smarter than your average person). Sarcasm is like manipulating information in sepia mode - you're making a point while throwing a negative filter over it, a bit like writing on a mirror with rotated handwriting. That takes more smarts to get the same point across and not miss the beat.

    Consequently lying through your teeth is like negative sarcasm, you're throwing a negative filter over your incorrect information to try to get a positive outcome. It's more complicated than expressing the equivalent truth so yeah keep an eye out for (good) liars, that s**t takes a lot smarts to not come across as incompetent.

    Yes those are massive generalisations but I do find that folks with a great sense of sarcasm lean nearer the intelligent end of the spectrum.

    SaltySnort , LinkedIn Sales Navigator/Pexels Report

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    Stannous Flouride
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone more clever than I pointed out that it must have been really hard for the first person to use sarcasm to explain it.

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    I have a friend to likes to jokingly proclaim he is never wrong.

    It's all fun and bluster until you think about it and he is actually never wrong. Everything he has said, every small factoid, offhanded comment, even advice he has given has been right.

    He says it as a joke, but honestly he is right. Dude has a big old brain hiding behind the fun and bluster.

    SethAndBeans Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My son was this person. Then my youngest daughter grew up. They had a disagreement to the correct usage of bovine or bovid. I looked it up and she was right. It was the first time (of which I knew) that he was wrong since about age 10. Was nice to point out to him that he was human and was a very good experience for all involved.

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well When they are quiet enough to observe and understand but talkative enough that they aren’t just some weirdo.

    Smartest-of-idiots , Luriko Yamaguchi/Pexels Report

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    Jonathan Gerow
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I tend to do the quiet observation when I am in a new environment like just starting a new job. I like to get the vibe of the place and the people who are in it. I'll be talkative but only to a limit until I know who I can talk to and what I can say.

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    Philosophy/History nerd, it also probably means they are cool af too.

    Dezzillion Report

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    40 Indicators That The Person You’re Talking To Is Super Smart And Hides It Well As someone who worked as a volunteer with kids: they cheat in games. We had a girl that was (we believed) the kid of a Thai import bride who a fellow of our town married. She always acted pretty dumb, but when we played outside games with a group, she always cheated by exploiting loopholes or parts that weren't explained properly, because they were kids of age 7-10 and we didn't want to make the game too difficult.

    She always abused the game to gain an advantage and when we told her she couldn't do that she went 'Oh sorry, I didn't understand the game!' in a broken accent.

    You understood the game perfectly little girl, otherwise you wouldn't play it like this. She was way smarter than she let on, it almost seemed like an act.

    _Steven_Seagal_ , Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels Report

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    They don't complain about how stupid so many people are, or complain that "these people vote", or take pleasure and feelings of superiority from seeing people do or say highly uninformed things.

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    Despite not having any kind of political, social, or power backing, and never seeming to make any moves, they always seem to mysteriously come out on top, or at least never get affected by the fallout of drama.

    Geminii27 Report