I have never been one to shy away from telling the story of how my husband and I became parents. It was a long journey that started at the end of 2009 and was filled with two miscarriages, uterine surgery, and lots and lots of infertility treatments. After my miscarriages, I went to a fertility specialist and was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). My doctor was surprised I had even gotten pregnant to begin with. He also found a large cyst that needed to be removed surgically before even attempting to become pregnant again. Once we got the “alls clear” from my fertility doctor, we started our attempts to become parents through IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). It took four tries before becoming pregnant with our Rainbow Baby, and in 2012, we welcomed our first daughter. Life was good and we wanted to try again. Back to the fertility doctor a year and a half later. This time, after five failed IUI attempts, our doctor informed us IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) would be the best and most likely, only option. A few months after our daughter turned two, we became pregnant with our twins through IVF. We were ecstatic and nervous all at the same time. 34 weeks later, our twins were born, a boy and a girl.

These pictures show the difference in my belly size with my singleton pregnancy and my twin pregnancy. It also shows the week’s corresponding ultrasound pictures. My husband and I continue to be amazed by all we’ve been through to get the amazing kids we have today. Even with the heartache and stress, I would not change a thing. Our three kids, now five years old (singleton) and two and a half (twins) are my world and are truly miracles that would never have been if not for the amazing advances of reproductive medicine. For that, we are truly thankful.

More info:


    Nine weeks pregnant – Singleton (left) / Twins (right)

    Twelve weeks pregnant – Singleton (left) / Twins (right)

    Nineteen weeks pregnant – Singleton (left) / Twins (right)


    Twenty-five weeks pregnant – Singleton (left) / Twins (right)

    Thirty weeks pregnant – Singleton (left) / Twins (right)

    Thirty-four weeks pregnant – Singleton (left) / Twins (right)

    Last picture before giving birth: 36 weeks (singleton) / 34 weeks (twins)


    First picture of me holding my babies right after birth

    First day of life: Singleton in my arms / Twins in their NICU isolettes


    Third day of life: Singleton at home / Twins still in NICU (and will remain for 10 days)

    Twin pregnancy: 34 week belly pic / 34 weeks after birth

    My beautiful babies – healthy and perfect