When your work requires you to write about insects, your point of view gets twisted. You start finding them fascinating, beautiful. You start to think “Hey, maybe they deserve to be in the spotlight once in a while”.

Fortunately, I found another sick mind to work on the project with. The idea was simple – take the ten most iconic portraits in the history of art, and ‘desecrate’ them by replacing the faces with the heads of bees, mantises and all these other good looking fellows.

We though it would be fun and entertaining, but perhaps it wound up more on the ‘creepy & bizarre’ end. You tell me!

More info:


    The Son of Man

    Insect: Sweat Bee
    Painter: René Magritte

    Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait

    Insect: Antlion
    Painter: Frida Kahlo

    Arnolfini Portrait


    Insect: Praying Mantis
    Painter: Jan Van Eyck

    Lady With an Ermine


    Insect: Dragonfly
    Painter: Leonardo Da Vinci

    The Girl With The Pearl Earring

    Insect: Praying Mantis
    Painter: Johannes Vermeer

    Mona Lisa

    Insect: Wasp
    Painter: Leondardo Da Vinci

    American Gothic


    Insects: Bee & Lubber
    Painter: Grant Wood

    Van Gogh Self-Portrait

    Insect: Fly
    Painter: Vincent Van Gogh

    Arnolfini Wedding

    Insects: Bee & Damsel Fly
    Painter: Jan Van Eyck

    The Scream


    Insect: Grasshopper
    Painter: Edvard Munch