Women Tweet Their Abortion Stories Using #ShoutYourAbortion Hashtag To Defend Their Right To Choose
This weekend, women started using the #ShoutYourAbortion hashtag on Twitter in an effort to remove the stigma surrounding this controversial decision. The women using the hashtag explained why they decided to abort their unwanted pregnancies and why they don’t regret their decisions.
The Twitter hashtag was started by two writers, Lindy West and Amelia Bonow. Bonow wrote about her positive experience with Planned Parenthood, a reproductive health non-profit in the U.S. “The narrative of those working to defund Planned Parenthood relied on the assumption that abortion procedure is still something to be whispered about,” Bonow wrote on Facebook.
Though supporters of legal abortion rights in the U.S. have rallied around the Twitter thread, opponents have as well. Some have simply expressed their opposition to abortion laws, while others have also started shaming the women using it.
More info: Twitter | plannedparenthood.org
These two writers started the #ShoutYourAbortion hashtag
Image credits: Amelia Bonow / Lindy West
Here’s how others responded:
Share on FacebookI had my son at 21 years old. I'm attending college and working on 3 degrees while obtaining scholarships and ensuring his life is the best ever. My mom was raped and conceived me. I'm glad she didn't abort because of the circumstances. I plan on being a Nurse and helping the homeless while ensuring my son has the brightest future possible. He was conceived via failed contraceptive. I would never have given him up and aborting never crossed my mind. Truth is, where there's a will there's a way. Do I struggle? Yeah, but no more than anyone else. In the end, I benefit because he's the most special person to me in this world.
I look back at what I did and I'm not in the least bit proud of it! I think about it often...
I'm right there with you. I feel it was the worst choice I EVER made.
Load More Replies...Before this gets any more hate than it already has, just try and think from these women's perspectives. Please? I mean, I know I can't hate on any of them, because I've never been in their situation. NONE of you have been, I can guarantee you. You didn't grow up in their homes, learn what they did, witness what they saw or felt the same pain they have, so naturally you could never know for sure that you would do something different if you were in their shoes. We're no better nor worse than these women, and God loves us all the same regardless of our choices when we're backed into a corner. I will say that I wish that there was some other solution for their predicaments, that if only there could have been a way to avoid the pregnancy or put the child up for adoption, or anything that could have meant it's life would have been spared, but I WILL NOT stand to judge or watch any of you judging these women without speaking my mind because we simply have no right to do so. Let's pray instead
Everyone's feeling sorry for the women what about the baby's they had scraped out pray for the women but pray for the baby's too please xx
Load More Replies...We should have one for Abortion survivors , Who's parents made a different choice .
I get what these ladies are trying to do but I think this campaign takes away from the real message. only around 3% of PP's services are abortions, the other 97% is women's health issues. Personally, I don't think "shouting out" your abortion is any more necessary than "shouting out" your pelvic exam. It's a personal procedure between you and your physician.
"only around 3% of PP's services are abortions" I agree that abortions are a very small percent of Planned Parenthood. But, many conservative candidates don't frame it that way and use their pro-life agenda as a reason for defunding Planned Parenthood. I'm not saying that I think this is a good or bad idea, but I get the point and I do think it has a purpose.
Load More Replies...Abortion is the easy road out, the heroes are the women that made it through and took the long hard road and accomplished their goals while raising their child.
Reading through the comments, both Bored Panda and Facebook, one this has come to light - the open and somewhat callous judgement women who choose to abort, for whatever reason, are subjected to is the very reason this campaign started. Think back about 10 or 20 years and consider how poorly another race or member of the LGBT community were treated, with time and motivated work, issues reduced in various instances South Africa abolished Apartheid and North America recently legalised gay marriages. Yes, there are still haters, but proportionately less than 10 or 20 years ago. For those of you who believe that women should shush about their abortions, this is the reason the campaign started. For those of you judge under the protection of your god, go and read your texts, specifically that bit just after the burning bush on Mount Ararat. Consider this number for a brief moment : 7,000,000,000plus and realise that abortion is a personal choice, a tough one and the right of any mother.
You don't choose to be black gay or part of the LGBT but you do choose for your baby to be scraped out by God you even pay your 30 pieces of damn silver for it
Load More Replies...Do you people really think that these were easy decitions? That they all were irresponsible idiots who got pregnant, and with any further thinking just decided that "Ohwell, abortion it is then!" I don't know any of these women, but I'm pretty sure they gave it plenty of thought, and that it wasn't an easy decition to make. Yes, they're happy about it now, but that doesn't mean they were all jolly and happy about it back then. But you know what - this is life. You have to make choises, and when the choise is made you may regret it or feel terrible about it, but it's done and you can't go back and change it, so you have to accept it, and after a whie you will be happy again and you may see that perhaps it was for the best, and you will be forced to see the good things about your choise so that you won't stay depressed for the rest of your life. Either way, everyone has to make the choises they feel is right. It's not up to you or me, we know nothing about these womens lives.
Gonna get one tomorrow...I feel a whole lot of things, guilt included...but it would be unfair to the baby to bring it to the world when both of us are so unprepared emotionally and financially...really didn't want to do this to my first though... :-(
If something inside of you, deep inside of you is telling you not to...then don't. It's not right for you. Don't listen to anyone but your inner self. It could be the spirit of your child trying to whisper to you. Your are already referring to it as your first. That tells me that, no matter what your political beliefs, you feel it is your child. Cancel the appointment. There are other options, so many good options!
Load More Replies...Some people are responsible but no method of birth control is 100% effective, and you are casually (and probably offensively to some) dismissing those who become pregnant via ways out of their control, e.g. from rape, abusive partnerships, ill mental health. I'm sure you already know this and are intelligent enough to understand. I do agree that to some, it may have been a lapse in judgement though! Yet no parent should regret having a child, and no child should feel unwanted by their parents.
Load More Replies...I don't think there will be an end to "stigma" or "shame" about abortion anytime soon. It's your choice to have an abortion, but it's not your choice how people might react to it or think about it. So it's great to take care of your mental health, by turning something hard into something positive.....it's just still really sad that a new unknown life was lost. Along with all the hope and possibilities that little one had.
But that's the worst thing it wasn't lost it was a choice some one chose to have a scrape
Load More Replies...People need to stop being so butthurt about this. The foetus is not living from day one. Open a biology book. In the first weeks it's just a pluricellular mass called a preembryo. Like a cyst, it's not alive, it's just a mass of cells growing up by being made of more and more cells each day. Then comes the stage of the embryo (still not a living creature). And then, finally ypu have the foetus and it becomes unethical to kill it. But before? It's nothing more than getting rid of a tumor. It's just more traumatizing because of the psychological shock of knowing that it could have become a foetus and then an independant human.
The comments are not biased but the tweets all express how great the decision was. The worst one is the provider whose mother choose life and adoption twists her life into destroying others that were once her. Her mom should have had an abortion if her argument should make any sense.
I struggled to have a baby and I can't imagine ever having reason enough to have an abortion but I think if we take away that choice so many women's health services would suffer so much. Planned parenthood helped one of my family members make a choice. She chose adoption and now our family has encompassed the adoptive family as their own. They came to my baby shower, I babysat for them when I was younger. Planned parenthood did that
That's funny.... I did all these things that they are so proud of WITH a child. No amount of money and no career could ever amount to the happiness my daughter gives me.
I will always support women choosing what to do with their own bodies; that said, I also don't think this is something that should be celebrated. Shame should NOT be associated with this. By that token, however, neither should pride. This campaign is inherently flawed because it assumes that because woman shouldn't feel embarrassed that they chose to have an abortion, that they should then cheer for it. Regardless of whether it was necessary, and even though they may well have made the right choice for themselves and their baby - a life was still lost in the process. Love, a pro-choicer who respects life. You should, too.
What happen if EVERYONE was aborted by the mothers because they didn't want you.... How would it feel if your mother said she almost aborted you, but decided not to? I don't even get it, if someone murders a pregnant woman it counts as killing two people. But a woman decides to kill her fetus and somehow it is accepted, wtf is the world doing? I would rather kill myself and my unborn baby before killing my fetus.
It sickens me that some people would kill an innocent, living baby just because they don't want it
its not a baby, it's a fetus. It is alive, like a chicken egg is alive. It has a potential to produce a brilliant chicken who will one day cure cancer or achieve world peace. But until it's halfway hatched, its okay to smash it against the counter and cook it with butter. Mmm delicious scramble baby....
Load More Replies...This is disgusting. Shame on you Bored Panda for sharing this. Reveling in the death of infants? Really?
What infants are you talking about? Open a biology book. In the first weeks it's just a pluricellular mass. Like a cyst, it's not alive, it's just a mass of cells growing up by being made of more and more cells each day. Then comes the stage of cellular differenciation that creates the various organs of ... the foetus! And then it becomes unethical to kill it. But before? It's nothing more than getting rid of a tumor. It's just more traumatizing because of the psychological shock of knowing that it could have become a foeatus and then an independant human.
Load More Replies...My mom had a miscaradge a couple of weeks ago, and to think someone is choosing to kill their is heart breaking.
Their choice to not be pregnant is their choice. It has nothing to do with your mom. They did not make a decision based on disrespect for your mom. They made it on what was best for them.
Load More Replies...I'm a new mom, and this just saddens my heart. So many lives... some many.... :(
I have friends who are paralyzed, have autism, downs, a multitude of other things but they all have a love for life
I had my first when I was 18, I now have 4 live in a 6 bedroom house , have a great husband, and pretty good jobs. I did not give up I my child. You could have gave that baby to someone who can't have one. I hope they get rid of abortions for good. You made the choice to lay down now grow up and raise your choice.
There are already more children up for adoption than people willing to adopt one. No need to put one more if you're confortable enough with the other option or if you don't want to go through the process of pregnancy.
Load More Replies...I wonder who that baby would have been. There would be a unique 3 year old human being in the world and in her family. I wonder if, if she knew that child (having not had the abortion), she'd want it dead. There will be a family somewhere, unable to have kids and desperate to adopt, who would have loved that child if she couldn't look after it. Let's imagine she becomes pregnant in the future - why would those babies be of any value as human beings if this one could simply be destroyed? Choice is great! People should be able to choose whether to have sex. Personally, I don'gt think that they should get to choose to destroy another person's life.
1. There's already plenty of children waiting for a familiy to adopt them. Noone should feel obligated to have children just because some other family might want them. And what if the family that adopts the child is abusive, or simply just not a good home. I know there's strict rules for adoption, but you can never be 100% sure. 2. Having an abortion does not always mean that you don't find the life inside you valuable. It could simply be because you don't feel fit for becoming a parent at that moment, and you don't want to give a child a crappy life. And 3: Destroying a life can be so many diffrent thing. I have often cursed my mother for bringing me into this world, for being so selfish that she wanted to have a baby. I struggle a lot in life, and often think that we would all be better off is I was never born. Just saying. Anyway, I think abortion is way better than having a bunch of unwanted children running around. Not good for the parents, and definatly not good for the kids.
Load More Replies...Why the f**k would they go trough the whole process of pregnancy if they know that in the end they will abandon it like others abandon their pet? They choose to get their life back in order and if that makes them feel alright then it was the right choice. Incredible the number of people who want to control others body...
Load More Replies...I think some people make bad choices, others make good choices, but then end up in a tough situation. What do you do if you're not emotionally or financially prepared for being a mother, the truth is there are a lot of options. I know many people put a lot of thought into getting an abortion, and some just use it as another form of birth control. But it isn't victimless. There are empty chairs at your table. Missing shoes in your hall closet. And stockings missing from over your fireplace. Are you better off? Really? Wouldn't an adoption have given you more peace of mind? Yes, carrying a child to term and then giving them up for adoption is hard, an abortion is quicker. But there are so many couples waiting for a baby they can make into their little prince or princess and give them the whole world! Isn't that better than an abortion? At least give it a little more thought. Search a little deeper. Pray hard. Maybe shed a few tears. Then decide.
I aborted my three-year-old girl because she was too much of a burden to me financially. I now have a good job, a good husband, and money to keep getting my nails done on Thursdays.
3 years old? I'm assuming you mean you put her up for adoption. Getting your nails done is more important to you than caring for your child?
Load More Replies...This is f#$%&8 ridiculous!! I lost my 3rd pregnancy at 4 months!! It was horrible! Be responsible don't have sex or have SAFE sex instead of ending a life! Its irresponsible to end a life! Wtf is wrong with people! Its not cool to have an abortion unless u were raped!! Ugh..
Many Abortions are because of failed contraceptives, and a woman might be dangerously Ill and not want the baby to be born only to die hours later
Load More Replies...They aren't boasting about the death of a child. They are telling you they aborted a fetus, in order to try and break the stereotype of abortions being closeted operations.
Load More Replies...Over 95% of women who have had abortions felt relief after. It's not heartless. And if you don't agree with abortion, don't YOU have one.
Load More Replies...Oh my gosh this is horrible!! Anyway, you're a guy, so it's obvious you were making a horrible joke.
Load More Replies...Easy to say from the man's view whose choice is always easy : run to another woman and pretend nothing happened.
Load More Replies...A fetus is not a baby. And a fetus does not get more rights than a living person.
Load More Replies...Then don't YOU have an abortion. Nobody is murdered in an abortion, it removes a fetus. Stop being dishonest so you can claim some sort of moral high ground.
Load More Replies...I had my son at 21 years old. I'm attending college and working on 3 degrees while obtaining scholarships and ensuring his life is the best ever. My mom was raped and conceived me. I'm glad she didn't abort because of the circumstances. I plan on being a Nurse and helping the homeless while ensuring my son has the brightest future possible. He was conceived via failed contraceptive. I would never have given him up and aborting never crossed my mind. Truth is, where there's a will there's a way. Do I struggle? Yeah, but no more than anyone else. In the end, I benefit because he's the most special person to me in this world.
I look back at what I did and I'm not in the least bit proud of it! I think about it often...
I'm right there with you. I feel it was the worst choice I EVER made.
Load More Replies...Before this gets any more hate than it already has, just try and think from these women's perspectives. Please? I mean, I know I can't hate on any of them, because I've never been in their situation. NONE of you have been, I can guarantee you. You didn't grow up in their homes, learn what they did, witness what they saw or felt the same pain they have, so naturally you could never know for sure that you would do something different if you were in their shoes. We're no better nor worse than these women, and God loves us all the same regardless of our choices when we're backed into a corner. I will say that I wish that there was some other solution for their predicaments, that if only there could have been a way to avoid the pregnancy or put the child up for adoption, or anything that could have meant it's life would have been spared, but I WILL NOT stand to judge or watch any of you judging these women without speaking my mind because we simply have no right to do so. Let's pray instead
Everyone's feeling sorry for the women what about the baby's they had scraped out pray for the women but pray for the baby's too please xx
Load More Replies...We should have one for Abortion survivors , Who's parents made a different choice .
I get what these ladies are trying to do but I think this campaign takes away from the real message. only around 3% of PP's services are abortions, the other 97% is women's health issues. Personally, I don't think "shouting out" your abortion is any more necessary than "shouting out" your pelvic exam. It's a personal procedure between you and your physician.
"only around 3% of PP's services are abortions" I agree that abortions are a very small percent of Planned Parenthood. But, many conservative candidates don't frame it that way and use their pro-life agenda as a reason for defunding Planned Parenthood. I'm not saying that I think this is a good or bad idea, but I get the point and I do think it has a purpose.
Load More Replies...Abortion is the easy road out, the heroes are the women that made it through and took the long hard road and accomplished their goals while raising their child.
Reading through the comments, both Bored Panda and Facebook, one this has come to light - the open and somewhat callous judgement women who choose to abort, for whatever reason, are subjected to is the very reason this campaign started. Think back about 10 or 20 years and consider how poorly another race or member of the LGBT community were treated, with time and motivated work, issues reduced in various instances South Africa abolished Apartheid and North America recently legalised gay marriages. Yes, there are still haters, but proportionately less than 10 or 20 years ago. For those of you who believe that women should shush about their abortions, this is the reason the campaign started. For those of you judge under the protection of your god, go and read your texts, specifically that bit just after the burning bush on Mount Ararat. Consider this number for a brief moment : 7,000,000,000plus and realise that abortion is a personal choice, a tough one and the right of any mother.
You don't choose to be black gay or part of the LGBT but you do choose for your baby to be scraped out by God you even pay your 30 pieces of damn silver for it
Load More Replies...Do you people really think that these were easy decitions? That they all were irresponsible idiots who got pregnant, and with any further thinking just decided that "Ohwell, abortion it is then!" I don't know any of these women, but I'm pretty sure they gave it plenty of thought, and that it wasn't an easy decition to make. Yes, they're happy about it now, but that doesn't mean they were all jolly and happy about it back then. But you know what - this is life. You have to make choises, and when the choise is made you may regret it or feel terrible about it, but it's done and you can't go back and change it, so you have to accept it, and after a whie you will be happy again and you may see that perhaps it was for the best, and you will be forced to see the good things about your choise so that you won't stay depressed for the rest of your life. Either way, everyone has to make the choises they feel is right. It's not up to you or me, we know nothing about these womens lives.
Gonna get one tomorrow...I feel a whole lot of things, guilt included...but it would be unfair to the baby to bring it to the world when both of us are so unprepared emotionally and financially...really didn't want to do this to my first though... :-(
If something inside of you, deep inside of you is telling you not to...then don't. It's not right for you. Don't listen to anyone but your inner self. It could be the spirit of your child trying to whisper to you. Your are already referring to it as your first. That tells me that, no matter what your political beliefs, you feel it is your child. Cancel the appointment. There are other options, so many good options!
Load More Replies...Some people are responsible but no method of birth control is 100% effective, and you are casually (and probably offensively to some) dismissing those who become pregnant via ways out of their control, e.g. from rape, abusive partnerships, ill mental health. I'm sure you already know this and are intelligent enough to understand. I do agree that to some, it may have been a lapse in judgement though! Yet no parent should regret having a child, and no child should feel unwanted by their parents.
Load More Replies...I don't think there will be an end to "stigma" or "shame" about abortion anytime soon. It's your choice to have an abortion, but it's not your choice how people might react to it or think about it. So it's great to take care of your mental health, by turning something hard into something positive.....it's just still really sad that a new unknown life was lost. Along with all the hope and possibilities that little one had.
But that's the worst thing it wasn't lost it was a choice some one chose to have a scrape
Load More Replies...People need to stop being so butthurt about this. The foetus is not living from day one. Open a biology book. In the first weeks it's just a pluricellular mass called a preembryo. Like a cyst, it's not alive, it's just a mass of cells growing up by being made of more and more cells each day. Then comes the stage of the embryo (still not a living creature). And then, finally ypu have the foetus and it becomes unethical to kill it. But before? It's nothing more than getting rid of a tumor. It's just more traumatizing because of the psychological shock of knowing that it could have become a foetus and then an independant human.
The comments are not biased but the tweets all express how great the decision was. The worst one is the provider whose mother choose life and adoption twists her life into destroying others that were once her. Her mom should have had an abortion if her argument should make any sense.
I struggled to have a baby and I can't imagine ever having reason enough to have an abortion but I think if we take away that choice so many women's health services would suffer so much. Planned parenthood helped one of my family members make a choice. She chose adoption and now our family has encompassed the adoptive family as their own. They came to my baby shower, I babysat for them when I was younger. Planned parenthood did that
That's funny.... I did all these things that they are so proud of WITH a child. No amount of money and no career could ever amount to the happiness my daughter gives me.
I will always support women choosing what to do with their own bodies; that said, I also don't think this is something that should be celebrated. Shame should NOT be associated with this. By that token, however, neither should pride. This campaign is inherently flawed because it assumes that because woman shouldn't feel embarrassed that they chose to have an abortion, that they should then cheer for it. Regardless of whether it was necessary, and even though they may well have made the right choice for themselves and their baby - a life was still lost in the process. Love, a pro-choicer who respects life. You should, too.
What happen if EVERYONE was aborted by the mothers because they didn't want you.... How would it feel if your mother said she almost aborted you, but decided not to? I don't even get it, if someone murders a pregnant woman it counts as killing two people. But a woman decides to kill her fetus and somehow it is accepted, wtf is the world doing? I would rather kill myself and my unborn baby before killing my fetus.
It sickens me that some people would kill an innocent, living baby just because they don't want it
its not a baby, it's a fetus. It is alive, like a chicken egg is alive. It has a potential to produce a brilliant chicken who will one day cure cancer or achieve world peace. But until it's halfway hatched, its okay to smash it against the counter and cook it with butter. Mmm delicious scramble baby....
Load More Replies...This is disgusting. Shame on you Bored Panda for sharing this. Reveling in the death of infants? Really?
What infants are you talking about? Open a biology book. In the first weeks it's just a pluricellular mass. Like a cyst, it's not alive, it's just a mass of cells growing up by being made of more and more cells each day. Then comes the stage of cellular differenciation that creates the various organs of ... the foetus! And then it becomes unethical to kill it. But before? It's nothing more than getting rid of a tumor. It's just more traumatizing because of the psychological shock of knowing that it could have become a foeatus and then an independant human.
Load More Replies...My mom had a miscaradge a couple of weeks ago, and to think someone is choosing to kill their is heart breaking.
Their choice to not be pregnant is their choice. It has nothing to do with your mom. They did not make a decision based on disrespect for your mom. They made it on what was best for them.
Load More Replies...I'm a new mom, and this just saddens my heart. So many lives... some many.... :(
I have friends who are paralyzed, have autism, downs, a multitude of other things but they all have a love for life
I had my first when I was 18, I now have 4 live in a 6 bedroom house , have a great husband, and pretty good jobs. I did not give up I my child. You could have gave that baby to someone who can't have one. I hope they get rid of abortions for good. You made the choice to lay down now grow up and raise your choice.
There are already more children up for adoption than people willing to adopt one. No need to put one more if you're confortable enough with the other option or if you don't want to go through the process of pregnancy.
Load More Replies...I wonder who that baby would have been. There would be a unique 3 year old human being in the world and in her family. I wonder if, if she knew that child (having not had the abortion), she'd want it dead. There will be a family somewhere, unable to have kids and desperate to adopt, who would have loved that child if she couldn't look after it. Let's imagine she becomes pregnant in the future - why would those babies be of any value as human beings if this one could simply be destroyed? Choice is great! People should be able to choose whether to have sex. Personally, I don'gt think that they should get to choose to destroy another person's life.
1. There's already plenty of children waiting for a familiy to adopt them. Noone should feel obligated to have children just because some other family might want them. And what if the family that adopts the child is abusive, or simply just not a good home. I know there's strict rules for adoption, but you can never be 100% sure. 2. Having an abortion does not always mean that you don't find the life inside you valuable. It could simply be because you don't feel fit for becoming a parent at that moment, and you don't want to give a child a crappy life. And 3: Destroying a life can be so many diffrent thing. I have often cursed my mother for bringing me into this world, for being so selfish that she wanted to have a baby. I struggle a lot in life, and often think that we would all be better off is I was never born. Just saying. Anyway, I think abortion is way better than having a bunch of unwanted children running around. Not good for the parents, and definatly not good for the kids.
Load More Replies...Why the f**k would they go trough the whole process of pregnancy if they know that in the end they will abandon it like others abandon their pet? They choose to get their life back in order and if that makes them feel alright then it was the right choice. Incredible the number of people who want to control others body...
Load More Replies...I think some people make bad choices, others make good choices, but then end up in a tough situation. What do you do if you're not emotionally or financially prepared for being a mother, the truth is there are a lot of options. I know many people put a lot of thought into getting an abortion, and some just use it as another form of birth control. But it isn't victimless. There are empty chairs at your table. Missing shoes in your hall closet. And stockings missing from over your fireplace. Are you better off? Really? Wouldn't an adoption have given you more peace of mind? Yes, carrying a child to term and then giving them up for adoption is hard, an abortion is quicker. But there are so many couples waiting for a baby they can make into their little prince or princess and give them the whole world! Isn't that better than an abortion? At least give it a little more thought. Search a little deeper. Pray hard. Maybe shed a few tears. Then decide.
I aborted my three-year-old girl because she was too much of a burden to me financially. I now have a good job, a good husband, and money to keep getting my nails done on Thursdays.
3 years old? I'm assuming you mean you put her up for adoption. Getting your nails done is more important to you than caring for your child?
Load More Replies...This is f#$%&8 ridiculous!! I lost my 3rd pregnancy at 4 months!! It was horrible! Be responsible don't have sex or have SAFE sex instead of ending a life! Its irresponsible to end a life! Wtf is wrong with people! Its not cool to have an abortion unless u were raped!! Ugh..
Many Abortions are because of failed contraceptives, and a woman might be dangerously Ill and not want the baby to be born only to die hours later
Load More Replies...They aren't boasting about the death of a child. They are telling you they aborted a fetus, in order to try and break the stereotype of abortions being closeted operations.
Load More Replies...Over 95% of women who have had abortions felt relief after. It's not heartless. And if you don't agree with abortion, don't YOU have one.
Load More Replies...Oh my gosh this is horrible!! Anyway, you're a guy, so it's obvious you were making a horrible joke.
Load More Replies...Easy to say from the man's view whose choice is always easy : run to another woman and pretend nothing happened.
Load More Replies...A fetus is not a baby. And a fetus does not get more rights than a living person.
Load More Replies...Then don't YOU have an abortion. Nobody is murdered in an abortion, it removes a fetus. Stop being dishonest so you can claim some sort of moral high ground.
Load More Replies...