We’re Cringing (And Learning) From These 15 Insane Beauty Fails Straight From Reddit
If you have ever had a streaky self-tanner mess or an eyelash curler mishap, this one's for you! Prepare to embark on a hilarious (and slightly horrifying) journey through the wild world of Reddit's most epic beauty fails. We've braved the depths of r/Askwomenover30 to bring you 15 cautionary tales that'll make you laugh, cry, and maybe even rethink your entire beauty routine.
From burning rashes to breakout blunders, these fails are a testament to the fact that even the most well-intentioned beauty experiments can go hilariously wrong. But fear not, fellow glamour seekers! We're not just here to point and giggle (okay, maybe a little). We've also got the insider tips and tricks to help you dodge these beauty bullets faster than you can say "blend, blend, blend!"
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"I searched for conditioner and found a bottle of something for hair that wasn't shampoo with a generic picture of a woman with beautiful hair...Turns out it was that country's version of Nair. I would have spent the next two months wandering around a foreign country half bald." - Floomby
Generic picture of a woman with beautiful hair? Yeah, that's not exactly a reliable ingredient list. Who needs hair when you can have a lovely, smooth scalp, right? Maybe next time stick with something that's actually meant to make your locks look lovely, like biotin shampoo. At least that way you won't have to Google 'how to rock the bald look.'
Review: "Love this shampoo have thinning hair due to hypothyroidism. Had some balding spots and I've tried so many shampoos that claimed to help regrow hair , this is the only one that my bald spots are gone I actually have new hair growth. Amazing. And my nails are even stronger , from washing my hair with this shampoo. I love it." - Alice Solinski
""Can't remember if it was hair removal cream or bleach, but whatever it was I put it on my upper lip, my skin didn't like it at all, and I had a rashy moustache for about two weeks after." - ellef86
Rashy moustache: the ultimate fashion statement. Next time, maybe stick with something a little more gentle, like Tend Skin shaving balm. Your upper lip (and everyone who has to look at it) will thank you.
Review: "This is my first review and literally this liquid is amazing. I’ve only used it for two days and my bikini line is the lightest it has ever been. I can’t even imagine what it’s gonna look like after a few weeks. The ingrown hairs have basically all disappeared IN TWO DAYS. Just buy this. Literally just buy it." - Julia Moura
"I wish I could remember which brand of face cream I used but it ate a hole in the skin on my cheekbone. After a year it is still discoloured." - implodemode
Yikes, a face cream that eats away at your skin? That's not what we signed up for. Maybe next time stick with something that's actually good for you, like Maderma Advanced scar gel. At least that one will help fix the damage, not cause it!
Review: "Recommended this to all my friends and family as it significantly decreased the discoloration of my scar and flattened out the skin around it. I use it 2x/day without any issues!" - Morgan Lasack
I will say, after a terrible car accident I was in where my face and scalp were full of broken glass, I used Mederma right off the bat. You absolutely can not see a single scar from all that windshield glass that they picked out of me piece by piece at the ER!!! I can not say enough good things about it.
"I used a silicon mask that you had to leave on for 40 minutes and my skin reacted so bad, it still has not changed back to 'normal' !" - 1NesDs
40 minutes of supposed bliss turned into a lifelong skin struggle? Yeah, that's a hard pass. Maybe the next time you're feeling adventurous, try a red bean pore mask instead - it's like a warm hug for your skin, not a toxic relationship.
Review: "I have used this mask for few times now makes my skin feels softer & glowy. Smells so good. Helps to make the skin moisturize & makes glowy skin appearance. Quality is awesome. Highly recommended guys if you are thinking of buying it just go for it." - Azmin
"When I was like 12, me and my friend thought it would be a good idea to take a lemon, cut it in half, dip in sugar and rub on the skin. Needless to say, it burned and I was red. Thank you early youtube days!" - heartbin
Lemons and sugar, because what could possibly go wrong, right? It's like these two friends decided to create a homemade recipe for disaster instead of a lemon pie. Luckily, we have things like Tula's exfoliating scrub, which is like a gentle whisper to your skin, not a citrusy scream.
Review: "I used to use cheaper exfoliating masks then got a sample of this one and immediately bought the full size. Love love love the feel of this and leave my skin feeling so smooth! Worth the money in my opinion." - Emily
Still recovering from that first round of beauty blunders? Brace yourself, because we're just getting started on this cringe-worthy cosmetic rollercoaster. As we delve deeper into Reddit's gallery of gorgeous gone wrong, you'll discover that behind every facepalm-inducing fail is a valuable lesson in what not to do. These next mishaps are so outrageous, they might just have you swearing off experimenting with your look forever – but don't worry, we've got the antidote to every beauty poison.
"Not particularly traumatic, but anytime a false eyelash has gone anywhere near my face." - [deleted]
Who needs beautiful, luscious lashes when you can have a glue-induced panic attack? Thankfully, there are alternatives that don't involve sticking foreign objects to your eyeballs, like Maybelline Skyhigh mascara.
Review: "I have really short lashes naturally. I am used to wearing false lashes because no mascara gives me the look I want…until I came across this brand! It’s great quality and a great price which means I’ll be buying again. I got the cosmic black color and it holds its curl all day. This is probably the best mascara I have come across so far!" - Mandy S
"An extremely expensive high-end brand's nailpolish that has the habit of peeling off within a day or two (not an advertised feature)" - savagejen
High-end brand, high-end price, low-end results. Who needs long-lasting nail polish when you can have a fleeting sense of luxury? For the rest of us, there's Sally Hansen gel polish - because who doesn't want their nail polish to last longer than their attention span.
Review: "I use this nail polish and it dries fast as promised. When using this product, the polish stays fresh for about 6-7 days. This color is neutral, the price is right, the polish dries quickly allowing you to move on with youf day. I recommend this product." - Monica Grant
“I heard that tea tree oil is actually risky, there are a lot of cases where it causes more breakout instead” - MeleeYAH
Tea tree oil: because who needs clear skin when you can have a refreshing scent? Turns out, it's not as miraculous as everyone thought. Maybe it's time to switch to something that's actually gentle, like ginseng cleansing oil. Your skin will thank you for not playing breakout roulette.
Review: "I've been using this cleanser for about a week now, and I'm absolutely obsessed with the results. It leaves my skin feeling incredibly soft and radiant, with a beautiful flow that lasts. I've also noticed that it effectively cleanses my pores without stripping away moisture, making my skin feel balanced and refreshed." - Nancy Vee
"Used to think my make up would come off with whatever soap I had available. It was all soap right? Never mind that I always woke up with black grit under my eyes from mascara coming off all over my pillow" - [deleted]
Turns out, not all soap is created equal... and neither are our pillowcases, apparently. Maybe next time, ditch the harsh soap and grab some Bioderma micellar water instead. Your pillow (and your skin) will thank you.
Review: "My bestie 'coerced' me into buying this (although at the time I was a 'soap and WATER' girl. Well, sometimes it pays to try new things. This is a GREAT product and works incredibly to remove oil and makeup (even waterproof!) -- both foundation and eye makeup. It leaves your skin soft, clean and not dry. I highly recommend!" - Kaylyn
"I was using thick greasy body lotion on my face daily and couldn't understand why my skin was so oily and messed up." - cslrsn
Slathering on body lotion like it's nobody's business... and wondering why your face is a grease factory. Mystery solved! Now, if you want to get your skin back on track, maybe try something a little more... sophisticated, like Advanced Snail All-in-One Cream. Your skin (and everyone around you) will thank you.
Review: "I already loved the serum but I just started using the cream. It is one of the best moisturizers I have found in a long time. It leaves my skin looking and feeling better than I ever thought possible. I’m thrilled with it. It feels and performs similar to Chanel hydra beauty cream. Incredible product at an amazing price." - Meg Cochran
Alright, brave beauty warriors, it's time to steel your nerves for the final frontier of facial fiascos. The following fails are so spectacular, they could probably win awards if there was an Oscars category for "Most Creative Use of Cosmetics in a Horror Show." But don't let these disasters deter you from your quest for fabulousness! Remember, every makeup artist was once a beginner, and even the pros have their off days. So grab your makeup remover (trust us, you might need it after seeing these) and let's dive into the last leg of our beauty blunder adventure. Who knows? You might just emerge as the wise sage of your friend group, armed with the knowledge to prevent a thousand beauty mishaps!
"Several laundry soaps have given terrible itching rashes within 1/2 hour of my wearing clothing (especially underwear) that has just been washed with them. I now only use laundry soap that states it's for sensitive skin." - IdyllMermaid
Because nothing says 'fresh clean laundry' like a side of itching rashes. Who needs that kind of excitement in their underwear? Thankfully, there are laundry soaps like All that are designed for sensitive skin, so you can wear your undies without wanting to scratch them off.
Review: "I love this product as it’s the only option for people with ultra sensitive skin like me. Other laundry detergents have caused me to break out in rashes or develop contact dermatitis. It cleans my laundry extremely well without leaving an overpowering scent. Virtually odorless and so easy to use." - Jacqueline
"Started using retinol right before visiting my boyfriend’s family and I’m purging like a motherf***er" - serketboard
Because who needs a peaceful family gathering when you can have a face that's purging like a volcano? Timing is everything, and using retinol right before a big social event is like playing a game of skincare roulette. Maybe next time stick with something a little more chill, like a salicylic acid exfoliator - it's like a gentle spring cleaning for your skin, not a nuclear meltdown.
Review: "This is the stuff for me. I was going though a weird phase with my skin and decided to research and find something new. This is it! I've only used it for 3 days and my skin already looks and feels completely transformed. Amazing product!!" - Mandy
In case anyone isn't aware, if you can't take aspirin (it makes me puke) then don't use salicylic acid.
"Vitamin C drops caused my skin to itch horrendously" - messikah
Vitamin C: the ultimate skin superfood... or not. Who needs glowing skin when you can have a glowing red itch instead? Maybe swap out those Vitamin C drops for some azelaic acid, which is like a warm hug for your skin, not a frantic scratch fest.
Review: "I've had an ongoing issue with uneven textured skin on my cheeks. The fleshy colored bumps that have no "head" like pimples or blackheads do. Since using the Azelaic Acid, the bumps have diminished and smoothed significantly. Very pleased with this product!" - Leslie H.
"Niacinamide. I used the minimalist 5% one and planned to then go for the 10% by TO. but it make me itchy asf, and next day woke up w two pimples🥲" - ooopswhatabitch
Niacinamide: the skincare ingredient that's supposed to be a miracle worker, but instead works miracles in the art of itchiness and pimples. Who needs glowing skin when you can have a radiant red glow from scratching all night? Maybe stick with something soothing like Aveeno oat gel moisturiser instead - it's a calming hug for your skin, not a frantic freakout.
Review: "My face is very sensitive and every time I use other lotions, I always seem to break out. This is the only face lotion that works on my sensitive skin type and locks in moisture. It doesn't cause my face to break out and I simply love this product! Great value." - CindyMindy
"I still have a physical scar left by a faulty Neutrogena razor. Neutrogena, as a brand, is banned from my house forever." - NotReallyMaeWest
Neutrogena: the brand that left a lasting impression for one user... literally. A scar is a pretty permanent way to remember to not buy from a brand again. Maybe next time, try the Schick Hydro Silk razor - it's like a gentle stroke across your legs, not a war wound.
Review: "I have extremely sensitive skin and these razors are perfect! I don't get razor burn or any cuts and the best thing is I don't have any re-action to the razor heads." - Hope