50 Embarrassing Posts From People Who Were So Close To The Point And Still Missed It
InterviewWhen the full moon rises, it’s more than just werewolves that start howling in the deep, dark forests of the world. Even rarer still, transforming only underneath the light of a blue moon, are ‘self awarewolves,’ internet users who (almost) become self-aware of their flaws and biases, completely by accident. That’s where the r/SelfAwarewolves subreddit comes in.
It’s an online community of just over 522k members that documents the moments that people (again, almost) become “self-aware creatures,” unknowingly describing themselves in their posts on the internet.
Take a look at some of the best and most on-point posts below, upvote the ones that caught your attention the most, and let us know which of these got you thinking, Pandas. Oh, and don’t forget to go and follow the r/SelfAwarewolves subreddit if you liked their stuff!
Self-awareness is potentially one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal, helping guide us through lies and illusions, towards our potential as better, more empathetic, more capable Pandas.
Redditor u/mangeiri, one of the moderators behind the entire r/SelfAwarewolves community, gave Bored Panda some insights about the subreddit, its history, and the constant challenges the mods have to deal with. It's grueling work being a moderator, but far from everyone knows about this.
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Who Would Have Guessed Lady, Who Would Have Guessed
As someone not in the US, this was the weirdest argument I saw around the election. 'Nobody went to Biden's rallies!' Well, yeah, because the world was in a pandemic and smart people knew to stay inside. 'Why were all the postal votes for Biden?!' Um, because voting in person during a pandemic is unnecessarily dangerous.
Moderator Mangeiri told Bored Panda that many mods on r/SelfAwarewolves are "almost entirely inactive," and they were kind enough to answer some of my questions about the community.
According to Mangeiri, the subreddit was created on a whim and its founder actually considered pulling the plug several times. "The top moderator, iSluff, created the subreddit some 5 years ago but has said publicly that they did it as a goof, 'hate meme subreddits,' and 'thought about deleting it multiple times.' Near as I've been able to tell, most of the moderators they brought on immediately after were members of an online Minecraft playgroup, I've only actually communicated with a couple of them," Mangeiri explained to Bored Panda.
The subreddit became more active since iSluff invited Mangeiri and a redditor named Drutt to help moderate it. Unfortunately, the community itself isn't as happy-go-lucky as you might think, watching from the outside. Being a mod is tough, there are no two ways about it. "The subreddit is incredibly challenging to moderate, as recent socio-political events in the US along with Reddit's lax account creation policy make it a battleground for trolls and toxic people to come in and harass sensical commenters," Mangeiri said.
Oh Boy, That Was Close
Could It Happen Again
Finding quality moderators to help out in a fairly toxic and troll-filled environment is one of the biggest challenges. "Some of the aggressive individuals we've dealt with have derogatorily called us 'unpaid digital janitors,' and sometimes it feels all of that. We've lost fellow moderators who had to step down due to the toxicity of the experience and try our best to inform potential moderator candidates as to what they're walking into and make sure it's the way they want to shape their Reddit experience going forward. Unsurprisingly, we've had some quality folks tell us, 'no thanks.'"
Mangeiri was candid that they don't know the inspiration behind the name of the subreddit. Meanwhile, the subreddit's 'No Gnomes' rule was already in place when they and Drutt joined r/SelfAwarewolves. "We left it as a nod to our inactive predecessors. Another mod indicated it was a term to describe a specific type of bigotry which slips my mind at the moment, and perhaps it was meant in that context, but none of the earlier mods have ever chimed in to tell us."
Was This Already Posted Here?
Essentially Aware
Liz doesn't seem to understand how surgery or God works. One supposedly works fine at home.
Healthcare Is For The Elite
If you’re planning on being an active member of r/SelfAwarewolves, then you have to know the community’s rules by heart. Obviously, the content that you post has to fit the spirit of the subreddit: if there’s no self-awareness involved, odds are, the screenshot might fit a different part of Reddit better.
Like many other subreddits, r/SelfAwarewolves asks its members to refrain from reposting images too often. The pics might be great, but looking at the same ones over and over all the time can be exhausting.
In tune with the spirit of the subreddit, the moderators also ask its members not to be bigotted, to avoid being ‘edgelords,’ and not to troll anyone. What’s more, you should refrain from any “name-calling and abuse.” Personal attacks won’t be tolerated.
Funnily enough, the ‘Self Awarewolves’ community moderators also have a separate rule that simply states: “No Gnomes.” No additional context. No explanations about why gnomes might be excluded. Simply, “No Gnomes.”
Well S**t Let’s Just Provide Healthcare For Everyone Then!
I Changed The Photos To See If The Impact Was Still The Same
So your friend dies and you can't feel grief or sadness because that's feminine? Sheesh.
Women Everywhere Be Like
A while back, I reached out to Vanessa Bohns from Cornell University to talk about all the embarrassing knowledge blind spots that we have.
"We spend a lot of time and effort presenting an ideal version of ourselves to other people. When something happens that contrasts with the image we’ve been projecting—when we say or do something that shows we actually aren’t as graceful or as smart as we’d like people to believe—we feel embarrassed," she told Bored Panda.
We Like Your Music, Just Not You
Believe In Yourself
I Cannot Believe She Got So Close While Still Completely Missing The Point
"Discovering you were wrong about something most everyone else around you has long known to be true is one of those moments. In that moment we learn, 'Wait a minute, maybe I haven’t been presenting the image of being smart or worldly that I thought I was presenting all this time,' which is embarrassing,” Vanessa explained that we feel mighty embarrassed when our imagined perceptions of ourselves and reality don’t line up as we think they should.
Money-Making Breadwinner
And Go
Jeez Imagine!
If you ever travel to countries in southern Africa you will find out that other vaccinations are indeed required.
Meanwhile, psychotherapist Silva Neves from the United Kingdom told Bored Panda that some people who feel insecure about themselves can lash out at others because they feel like they’re ‘not enough.’ However, self-compassion can help them become more secure, confident, and empathetic toward others.
I Just Don’t Get How They Don’t See It
I Do See Where It’s Going, Thank You Very Much
we have this thing in the UK called national insurance that basically is something we pay alongside tax it pay for the NHS universal health care work despite what others may say i like the fact i dont have to worry about being bankrupt if i need to go hospital
Being able to hold your kid for free after YOU F**KING GIVE BIRTH TO THE THING
Is this site not supposed to support that kind of opinion? Even I, a grumpy bitter conservative, agree with that.
Haaahaha grumpy. We knew that Ryan ;). So you do agree in universal free healthcare then?
Load More Replies...And yet you all continue to vote for people who will never change the system. Why not vote for someone who actually wants to change things for the good and not just to keep themselves rich....
Yup, basic needs are human rights. Good for you to realize this, dearie. Clean water ought to be included in the list too.
We should charge everyone who is against socialized health care for their k-12 education, police and fire services and any other social services they use. They should also give up their right to *social* security. Then watch them b*tch about their 'rights' and what they're entitled to.
When English speakers are attempting to learn English. Right and Privilege are two separate words with two different meanings.
the person commenting must be joking 🙃 . Or else this would be so ridiculous
It's like person 2 almost got there, but then tripped over their shoelaces and fell.
We are born with “human rights” like the First and Second Amendment but not the right to the lives of others who would then necessarily have to provide us with everything else. Once a parents’ obligation to feed, clothe and educate you is done, you become an adult. Adults add to their character and integrity as seen by other adults by working for food, shelter etc.
Not sure why this one is here. Healthcare should not be tied to employment lol Here in Australia we have Medicare for ones who can not afford health insurance. Also health insurance here is paid out without having to prove how sick you are. what I mean is you go to the hospital or doctor and just hand the card to them. The health insurance just pays and if there is a amount left to pay we just pay it. All this is without ending up broke from it all. Medicine that we need is priced at a level we can afford.
Like the middle aged couple who said they would never want socialism because it's really communism. When I explained that we already have it since our taxes pay for schools, teachers, law enforcement, fire fighters, infrastructure, etc... Their response? That's different!
Who is paying for all of this? How much is she getting paid under the table for promoting vaxx?
How much of a human right is the healthcare of a smoker? A suicidal? A drug addict? Human right means I can smoke all I want for example, and every one else pays for my treatment if I refuse to work?
That's corruption and mismanagement of the economy. Other socialist economies include most of western europe, all of which are prosperous countries with very high life quality indices. It's not socialism that's the problem. The "Free" in "Free healthcare" is paid by the state which is drawn from taxes which are taken from a functioning and mostly capitalist economy. So... ultimately yes it's paid for. The difference between a medical aid system and a national healthcare system is in the former, it is controlled by a corporation which is profit-driven, and results in what we see in USA. Other countries it is about $15. Effectively however the method is the same, in both "free healthcare" and "med aid" the healthy pay fees and the unhealthy lay claims against the kitty.
Load More Replies...Choose One
"The floor here isn't made of floor, it is made of material that we stand on and is below us." -Quartz
"Insecurity carries the message: 'I'm not enough', 'I'm not good enough,' or even 'I'm worthless.' These are painful beliefs to have about ourselves but many do have those underlying beliefs," the psychotherapist explained to Bored Panda what lies at the core of insecurity.
Yeah, Let’s
Someone actually thought this was a good come-back? *facepalm* Americans are so used to cops being executioners, especially of Black people, that we forget that's definitely not what they're supposed to be doing.
Under A Bernie Tweet About How Children Should Have Free School Lunches
In all honesty, the parents of these children usually can vote. And they will appreciate it if someone feeds their children.
Does This Fit Here?
Yes. Those are war crimes. Only narcissists think they are not accountable for their actions.
"Insecurity can manifest either by making themselves invisible (If I'm not seen, nobody will notice my flaws), or the opposite, by what we call 'bragging': shouting at everybody about how wonderful they are. This is usually to try to persuade themselves that they are good enough,” the expert noted that sometimes insecurity can manifest in extremely different ways.
Well, Yeah?
Yes, now your getting it. The rich should pay there fair share in taxes for starters.
Wonderful! Let's help make people feel more accepted and happy, without fearing for their safety :D
Brexiteer Discovers What Brexit Meant For Their Holidays
“Another way to counter the 'I'm not enough' is by pushing others down, sabotaging other people's success, or attacking people as a way to feel powerful so that they can control their inner pain of 'I'm not enough.' All of these strategies don't work because what they do is either internalizing or externalizing the belief 'I'm not enough' rather than changing it," psychotherapist Silva told Bored Panda that certain individuals put down others to feel better about themselves.
Gop Invents Universal Healthcare
That is a laugh out loud moment right there. They are soooooo close
Conservative Journalist Accidentally Admits To Being A Hypocrite
"Don't murder children! Just let them starve to death naturally or get shot to death at school! " /s
Super Political But Still Very Accurate
"The key to becoming more secure is to change the underlying belief 'I'm not enough' to 'I'm enough.’” Learning self-compassion can help unlearn the ‘I’m not enough’ beliefs that we grow during our childhoods. As we mature, these beliefs can become deeply enrooted in us.
Accidentally Arriving At The Right Conclusion
in smart countries police education is years, not months. They teach law and de-escalation of situations. Weapons are seldom drawn and when a police person shoots it's national news. That's what a normal police force looks like.
She Is So, So, So Very Close
Uh Yes That’s Kind Of The Point
"Perhaps parents didn't praise children enough, or they paid more attention to the mistakes rather than the successes. As an adult now, people can give themselves a hug once in a while and tell themselves, gently: 'you're doing good,' 'well done,' 'congratulations.' Eventually, the brain will listen and slowly change the message 'I'm not enough' to 'I'm enough.’ Rather than shouting your praise at other people, it is about speaking to yourself in a loving way. When people are genuinely aware of their successes, they can become genuinely more confident without the need to impose their power onto others."
Spot On
The really scary thought is that if we keep whitewashing American textbooks like publishers have since the Civil War, Trump will probably be noted as some sort of charismatic egalitarian moderate. (He isn't.)
Ridiculous To Suggest We Supply People With Necessities
Don't Ask Them Who Promotes Christianity, Infighting, And Military Over Anything Else
Yep, This Definitely Happened
That's A Great One
Yes Graham, Yes It Does
Yes. It's also why the American public should be able to see Trump's tax returns.
First Time Posting, Saw This And Just Couldn’t Believe It
Not sure where anyone is seeing "justice, wisdom and goodness" in the bible. It's a book written by bronze age people with bronze age morals and according to them sexism, racism, slavery, homophobia and religious intolerance were all fine and dandy things. Those are not the kind of morals we aspire to in 2021.
He Might Be Onto Something Here
Okay. It's odd between the options of vaccination and death to choose death, but I'm glad you seem to have clearly understand the options. Your choice has been noted.
I’m Glad You Agree, Let’s Get Started
There is nothing wrong with that. The law is the same for everyone, and political transparency is essential.
Just Maybe
“Socialism Helped Me Get Where I Am Today - Trying To Destroy Socialism”
*stares In Feminism*
Imagine Identifying The Issue So Precisely Yet Missing The Point By So Much
When you are so privileged and so full of yourself you can't even see when you are making an ass of yourself... That kind of s**t happens. That will be curling up in a ball and complaining for me.
Ding Ding Ding! You Are Correct!
My Family Doesn't Want To See Me Because Of My Beliefs, But It's Probably Nothing To Do With My Beliefs
BLM isn't cancelling families, your own actions made your family cancel you. That is not the same thing.
I Am Not Sure, How To Feel About This
It's Because Trump Has Made Us Completely Embarrassed When Faced By The World
R/Conservative Post Regarding The Current President’s Approval
Ben Shapiro Gets It
The fact that these people meant what they wrote does so, too. =/
Load More Replies...hey pandas! it's late in my time zone but I don't have anybody really to share it with other than you-I just came out as bi to my BFF and it went super smoothly! I'm so happy/relieved! :) thx have a good day!
@heyitsfionabtw. Congratulations darling. I'm so happy for you that it went well. Hugs.
Load More Replies...I'd rather be anally probed by space aliens than live on this planet much longer.
Unfortunately America seems to be have a bumper crop every year.
Load More Replies...More like "Stupid conservatives unaware they are making themselves the butt of jokes". Note how I specified it's the stupid ones doing that and not all.
Load More Replies...I totally get their right to bear arms but they really shouldn't shoot their own foot with them.
If you only walk right, you will run in circles, ivan.
Load More Replies..."Well educated" hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha
Load More Replies...The fact that these people meant what they wrote does so, too. =/
Load More Replies...hey pandas! it's late in my time zone but I don't have anybody really to share it with other than you-I just came out as bi to my BFF and it went super smoothly! I'm so happy/relieved! :) thx have a good day!
@heyitsfionabtw. Congratulations darling. I'm so happy for you that it went well. Hugs.
Load More Replies...I'd rather be anally probed by space aliens than live on this planet much longer.
Unfortunately America seems to be have a bumper crop every year.
Load More Replies...More like "Stupid conservatives unaware they are making themselves the butt of jokes". Note how I specified it's the stupid ones doing that and not all.
Load More Replies...I totally get their right to bear arms but they really shouldn't shoot their own foot with them.
If you only walk right, you will run in circles, ivan.
Load More Replies..."Well educated" hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha
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