School Calls Mom After Her Daughter Hits Another Student, But Mom’s Reaction Surprises Them
No parent wants to get a call from school informing them that their child has punched another student. But as you can see from this anecdotal story, not everything is as black and white as it might first appear. Because even though this girl did indeed assault another student, there are two sides to every story. The anecdote contains a valuable lesson about respect while also serving to remind us of how right and wrong aren’t always so easily defined.
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Oh how they love to blame the victim. I think every girl that had to witness the assault should punch the teacher in the nuts and then he should just ignore it. Oooooh this makes me want to break something!!! Preferably the teachers face!
Oh how they love to blame the victim. I think every girl that had to witness the assault should punch the teacher in the nuts and then he should just ignore it. Oooooh this makes me want to break something!!! Preferably the teachers face!