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Nobody Knew How To Help This Dog Who Was Scared Of Everything, Until Her Baby Brother Arrived
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Nobody Knew How To Help This Dog Who Was Scared Of Everything, Until Her Baby Brother Arrived


Meet Weezy, the frightened doggie who would tremble at just about everything – until she met his human brother that is. No one knows exactly why the little Italian greyhound, who was dropped off at an animal shelter in Alberta, was so quaky all the time, but she seemed to be afraid of everything, from people to squeaky toys and even flies. The first people who took her from the shelter returned the pooch the next day – she looked too scared.

Then one day a woman named Sarah Mavro jumped into the car and drove two hours to get her. Turns out, Weezy’s teeth were in such bad condition, she was left only with two, as the others had to be removed – which explains her signature hanging tongue.

It took the doggie 3 years to bark for the first time – in her case, a sure sign of trust and comfort. Then along came baby Evan, and, miraculously, Weezy relaxed around him. “He is 7 months old now and she loves him even more than she loves us I think,” Mavro says. “She will climb right up beside him and let him get all over her.”

More info: Instagram (h/t: thedodo)


    Meet Weezy, the frightened doggie who would tremble at everything – people, squeaky toys and even flies

    She was dropped off at an animal shelter in Alberta

    Then one day a woman named Sarah Mavro adopted her and started showering the pooch with love


    Weezy’s has only two teeth, which explains her signature hanging tongue

    It took the doggie 3 years to bark for the first time – in her case, a sure sign of trust and comfort

    Then along came baby Evan, and, miraculously, Weezy relaxed around him

    The friendship with the baby boy taught the doggie how to trust life again


    “He is 7 months old now and she loves him even more than she loves us I think”


    “She will climb right up beside him and let him get all over her”


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    Amanda Panda
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm willing to venture a guess, that if this dog was that scared of everything, and had bad teeth, and wouldn't bark for 3 years, that she was probably abused. And I"m thankful she found a happy and loving forever home!

    Grace Barclay
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Right here, right now I would like to thank every human being across the world who takes in an animal to love, care and feed. On a daily basis, it is small things like this that make it a big thing. You, collectively, one by one, restore my belief in human beings.

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    Amanda Panda
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm willing to venture a guess, that if this dog was that scared of everything, and had bad teeth, and wouldn't bark for 3 years, that she was probably abused. And I"m thankful she found a happy and loving forever home!

    Grace Barclay
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Right here, right now I would like to thank every human being across the world who takes in an animal to love, care and feed. On a daily basis, it is small things like this that make it a big thing. You, collectively, one by one, restore my belief in human beings.

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