Sandhill Crane In My Face
I’m currently working on all the videos of nature & wildlife in my little corner of South Florida. Spring has sprung & everything’s starting to bloom. Sandhill Cranes are protected & they for sure have the right of way. Whenever they come around, I sit still & press record. Unless they get a little too curious like this one. They don’t attack as far as I know, more curious & love to make holes in gardens & flower pots searching for food. Checkout my YouTube channel for more & to see this guy get up in my face!
Sandhill Crane Gets Curious
I’m currently working on all the videos of nature & wildlife in my little corner of South Florida. Spring has sprung & everything’s starting to bloom. Sandhill Cranes are protected & they for sure have the right of way. Whenever they come around, I sit still & press record. Unless they get a little too curious like this one. They don’t attack as far as I know, more curious & love to make holes in gardens & flower pots searching for food. Checkout my YouTube channel for more & to see this guy get up in my face!