Human, Where Are You?
"I wish they'd stop telling everyone who has a job to get a CAT. Gee whiz. Convenient for them. No fun for me. I want a kitten for my B-D.
Image Credits: Cristian Munteanu
Look Through My Eyes
Otis Wants Out By Sara Ashton
So Lonley
Hurry Home, We're Hungry.
This Is Gatsby
Waiting On The Roof - Roubaix, France. Céline Petit.
Anxious Cat
Looking In At Moose
I Love U Though
Kitty Trio Waitin For Mommy!
My Friend's Cat Tivali
Gorki, Waiting For Guests!
¿no Volverá?
Sono In!
It Is Cold???
Margaret Thatcher At The Window...
A View Of Paris
The Dreamers
I Miss You...
Sur Le Toit
Jumper Waiting For Her Human
My Cat, The Behemoth That Guards The Bridge.
Sky Waits
Nelly Nelly, By Anna Solomatina
It's Lonely ..
This cat really means, "I wish somebody would help me find my glasses."