People Share Screenshots Of Delusional Requests From Bosses, Here Are The 50 Worst Ones
Every workday, most of us clock in or log on and have a decent idea of the tasks ahead of us. Big, small, easy, or daunting, a workday is a workday. However, some managers and bosses seem to forget reality and have started creating more and more ridiculous expectations from their employees.
So we have gathered screenshots from employees sharing the most entitled and delusional orders and requests from their bosses. Get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites, and be sure to share your thoughts and stories in the comments section below.
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My Boss Declined My Vacation (After Having 4 Months Notice) To Hawaii To Propose To My Girlfriend Because They Needed Me In The Office. Work-Life Balance Didn’t Mean Anything To Them
Anyway… Here’s my view. She said yes.
Are you saying that...your employees only work during work hours? That's shocking behavior. You should definitely fire them on the spot. /s
Tips For Younger Folks In The Workplace
It Would Have Taken Everything For Me To Not Hit My Boss If This Was Me
I Mean, Work Is Good For Something
This Is Wild. She Didn't Work, But She Didn't Quit. It Took Her Boss Ignoring A Vacation Request We Planned 6 Months Out For Her To Finally Quit The Job
I am amazed that she was married twice in the first place. What an awful person to work for.
Boss Wanted Me To Come In On Days That I Requested Off. Then He Threatened Me When I Said No
I allow you to see your family once a week. I thought slavery was outlawed.
I Would Have Hung Up Immediately And Told Her That What She Was Doing Was Selfish
Also, I lost my grandma a few weeks before my wedding and they denied my paid time off because I was going to be off for my wedding, so I didn't get to go to her funeral. She was my last living grandparent. I was heartbroken. I quit that job a few months later. It was a hostile workplace.
This is truly horrific. It would be really rare for this to happen in the UK (I don’t want to say it wouldn’t as there will be that one person that knew someone who couldn’t get the time off!) But blimey, that and the post before about the person’s sister, are awful. I had a day off when my dog died - for free - I just told them I’m not coming in on Monday as I had to travel home the night before to go back to bury him.
Wife Needs Surgery. They Wanted Her To Sign This. She Said No
I’m A Caregiver/Direct Support Worker For Developmentally Disabled Adults. My Boss Just Scheduled Me For A 20 Hour Shift Without My Consent, So I Quit
This manager also never shows up for her own shifts.
It's amazing how these bosses are always complaining about short staffs, and still they don't hire more employees.
When Will They Start Tracking Our Bowel Movements, You May Ask? Right Now
I Wouldn't Have Been As Nice As You Were In Your Response
It breaks my heart (and makes me angry at the same time) when the death of a family pet is being trivialized like this.
Got Fired From My Job Because I Couldn't Come To A Cleaning Party On 2-Hour Notice
There should be a term for discrimination against android users, like androiphobic or smthn
CEO Called The Manager Today To Tell My Coworker He Was Taking Too Many Water Breaks
Text I Received From My Boss While Sick In Bed
I had told her the day before that I was attempting to look, but of course, nobody wanted to cover. She didn't respond, so I sent a follow-up text, and that was the reply I got. What is this joke about making employees find their own coverage while sick? I literally passed out on the floor, being told I needed to find coverage.
we have a work group chat. if no one can cover, it is what it is. its only one day, people have sht to do and our bosses understand.
My Ex-Boss's Reaction When I Told Her That My House Almost Collapsed And I Am Basically Homeless Now. She Wanted Me To Bring The T-Shirt She Gave Me For Work
No Sick Days
Forcing Us To Come In On A Day Off For Some Stupid Meeting
Boss Lied To Clients About My Mother Passing Away And Expected Me To Play Along
The job was two weeks late in starting, but he could have just told the clients he’d forgotten how swamped our shop was and apologized. Or told a white lie that one or another of the machines at the shop had broken down and it took two weeks to get someone in to fix it. But no. And this is hardly the worst thing he’s done. I don’t work for him anymore.
"There Is No Such Thing As A Day Off." I Used To Work As A Pharmacy Technician For A Very Popular Chain Pharmacy. This Was My Boss Last December, Telling Me I Can't Take A Day Off, Ever
No such thing as days off then proceeds to say they are on their day off
I Wasn’t Dealing With My Toxic Boss. Does Anyone Know If I Can File For Unemployment After This?
Being Even A Minute Late Counts As A Full Day Missed
I used to work for a company that did 36 hours a week but paid for 40 hours with perfect attendance if we were even a minute passed 7 we lost the extra 4 hours pay and got a point
My Boss At Work Said This When My Mom Called Me About Her Getting A Big Seizure
Should I Take His Advice?
My Boss Denied My Graduation Day Off Without Telling Me And Told Me She'd Send A Picture Of The Schedule To Me (Which She Didn't) So I Wouldn't Be Able To Address It
Boss Asked Me To Work Half An Hour After I Told Her My Grandpa Passed Away
This Was My Boss's Response To Me Calling In Sick. What Should I Do? I Can't Find A Cover. I Thought It Was His Job To Manage The Schedule And Covers
I find this baffling. In Australia, generally, if you call in sick then the manager/boss finds cover. It's not the employee's job to do so.
Expecting Employees To Sacrifice Personal Lives For Company Work
Vacation Blackout Period
HR Lady Asked Me To Pay £650 For Training And Became Very Rude When Told I Can't Afford It
The lady sent me a job offer around 8 pm on a Thursday. Not expecting people to be actively looking for roles at that time, I sent her a quick reply, hoping we could have a call instead. I was very excited to have received the job offer, so I just whizzed through the lengthy starting email (my mistake).
The job offer asked for £500+£150(?) for training, and I asked if that money could be taken out from my wages when I start working, as I only get paid £500 biweekly from benefits.
The lady got rude to me after I told her I could not pay that much as I didn't have that money anywhere. That's the comment she made about people on benefits.
I hate being on benefits and am trying my hardest to get permanently off it. Who asks for £650 training that the job should provide?
I Have Been In The Hospital For A Week. Potentially Having Surgery This Week. This Is My Lovely Boss's Response To Me Finally Putting My Health First Instead Of Work
I've had my gall bladder out, hospital said 5 days rest. Hysterectomy, 6 weeks. I wonder what was removed? ALso, you are not covered by insurance, either driving or at work if you act against Doctors direction. If they say you are unfit for work and you get hurt at work when you should not be there, first thing work insurance will do is claim you are responsible as an adult to not attend when you have been advised you are unfit by a doctor. Same with driving . Don't do it, they will throw you under the bus and wipe their a*s clean with your remains.
Advice For 22-Year-Olds, Tell This "CEO" To Go Off
This is what my dad did which made the family a bit more richer but because of that he became extremely unhealthy and became a shadow of his former self. Now at least he’s doing much better because he has work life balance
My Boss Wanted Me To Come In While Sick. Also, I Work With Children
Boss texted me 4 hours later, saying she found coverage. Good thing because I wasn't going in.
My Boss Calling Me 12 Times After Hours To Talk About Non-Important Info
My Partner Asked If They Would Be Getting Paid For A Mandatory Work Meeting On Their Day Off
The other half had heard about the manager's (owner's daughter) attitude before and was super anxious to ask. What makes it worse is this place doesn't do holiday pay despite it being a legal requirement in the UK.
Miss Me With That "We Are A Family" Thing
Sure, because everyone is over the death of a parent in under 24 hours, what a c**k for asking.
Who Needs Life After Work When You Are Young
I mean working all the time can pay off sometimes, but you shouldn’t be forced to. It’s a commitment that should be your choice to make.
I Just Got This Email From My Boss, What Should I Respond To?
My Boss Texted Me This After I Went To The Hospital
Yesterday I left work an hour and a half early because I had a very intense pain in my upper middle stomach/chest. I went to urgent care and they gave me a diagnosis of gastritis. Although, I don’t believe that’s what it was. Around midnight my heart was racing, the inside of my chest felt like it was burning, I was sweating and my hands were tingling. I drove myself to the hospital around the corner and texted my boss a picture of me being at the hospital. My phone ended up dying. I got home around 5 am and set my alarm. I must have been so exhausted because I slept through them and woke up at 1 pm. I start work at 8:30 am. So I understand that in any normal circumstance, this would be unacceptable. But her response to me felt a little insensitive given the situation.
CEO Of Game Studio Bragging About Developers Working 6-7 Days A Week, 12-15 Hours A Day To Release A Game
This Situation Is Way Too Common (Minus The Dad Part)
That Text Message Would Be The Last Thing They Heard From Me
"I Know You’re Already Scheduled Into Overtime But Do You Want To Work More Anyway?" Text From My Boss This Morning
Texts I Received From My Manager Tonight
I hope they saved these screenshots in a few places for when that "manager" starts acting like this to them on the clock. HR doesn't "help" employees, but they will bend over backwards if they think the company may be in for a lawsuit.
After Helping Them On Short Notice Many Times, I Finally Learned That My Day Off Is My Day Off
Should I Go To Work In 3 Hours When My Boss Texts Me At 5 In The Morning?
The American Work/Life Balance
My old boss used to do our one on ones during her microdermabrasion appointments. I didn’t care - I got her undivided attention and more of her time because I rolled with things like this. She was great - a decade later, I still coach others with the things she taught me.
Today Is The First Time I've Taken A Personal Day Since February
My boss just took a trip for about two weeks, and I had to take over all his responsibilities while he was gone. It was a lot to handle, and I wanted to take a personal day to relax over a long weekend now that he's back. I even already cleared it with him on Tuesday. I'm the only one at my job who works every day (including my boss), but as soon as I need a break, of course, that's when someone gets sick.
Boss Didn't Tell Me To Come In On Sunday When He Had The Chance To Do So During My Working Hours On Saturday, And So, I Was Awakened By This "Excuse" Of A Message
"Never Hire Anyone That's Looking For Work-Life Balance."
My husband and own a small retail business with a single location and ten employees. We've been in business for fifteen years and our employees stay with us for years, usually only leaving for college or to move away. They also really enjoy their jobs and are happy. Our secret? We treat our employees like human beings and adults and base our decisions on respecting them and making sure they're taken care of - both with salary and working conditions. Need a day off? It's our job to find someone to work for them, not theirs. Can't get health insurance? We provide it. A customer was yelling and disrespectful to you? They're banned from the store. It's really not hard not to be a f*****g micromanaging dehumanizing a*****e. And - shockingly! - people do a much better job when they like their job and like their boss than when they have to force themselves to come into a place they hate just to get a meager paycheck.
Ain’t it weird that you don’t have a high turnover of staff and you’ve built yourself a team of people who want to work for you? You treat them as fellow humans and you respect them, I’ll bet your staff have lower numbers of sick days, they happily tell people where they work, they actually promote your company even when they aren’t on paid time and they have pride in their work because you are proud of them. Long may your company keep you and your staff in wages and profit!
Load More Replies...Was on vacation when my wife suddenly became sick. We went to the ER. She ended up having emergency surgery. Had to stay for a few days. I called my boss while she was in surgery to let him know what was going on. He started throwing a fit and said I need you here get back right away. I am thinking... my wife almost died....go to h...e...l...l. I almost told him I quit. I called and talk to my coworker and he just defended the boss saying he was just stressed out. Dude we're carpet cleaners...... not brain surgeons or rocket scientists.
My husband and own a small retail business with a single location and ten employees. We've been in business for fifteen years and our employees stay with us for years, usually only leaving for college or to move away. They also really enjoy their jobs and are happy. Our secret? We treat our employees like human beings and adults and base our decisions on respecting them and making sure they're taken care of - both with salary and working conditions. Need a day off? It's our job to find someone to work for them, not theirs. Can't get health insurance? We provide it. A customer was yelling and disrespectful to you? They're banned from the store. It's really not hard not to be a f*****g micromanaging dehumanizing a*****e. And - shockingly! - people do a much better job when they like their job and like their boss than when they have to force themselves to come into a place they hate just to get a meager paycheck.
Ain’t it weird that you don’t have a high turnover of staff and you’ve built yourself a team of people who want to work for you? You treat them as fellow humans and you respect them, I’ll bet your staff have lower numbers of sick days, they happily tell people where they work, they actually promote your company even when they aren’t on paid time and they have pride in their work because you are proud of them. Long may your company keep you and your staff in wages and profit!
Load More Replies...Was on vacation when my wife suddenly became sick. We went to the ER. She ended up having emergency surgery. Had to stay for a few days. I called my boss while she was in surgery to let him know what was going on. He started throwing a fit and said I need you here get back right away. I am thinking... my wife almost died....go to h...e...l...l. I almost told him I quit. I called and talk to my coworker and he just defended the boss saying he was just stressed out. Dude we're carpet cleaners...... not brain surgeons or rocket scientists.