The resplendent quetzal is an aptly named bird that many consider among the world’s most beautiful. These vibrantly colored animals live in the mountainous, tropical forests of Central America where they eat fruit, insects, lizards, and other small creatures.

During mating season, male quetzals grow twin tail feathers that form an amazing train up to three feet (one meter) long. Females do not have long trains, but they do share the brilliant blue, green, and red coloring of their mates. Male colors tend to be more vibrant.

During my visits to the cloud forests of Costa Rica, I was fortunate to see and photograph the bird in wild. Hope you will enjoy the pictures. For more visit my IG page @abinashdhal

More info: Instagram


    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Male


    Resplendent Quetzal Male


    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Male


    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Male


    Resplendent Quetzal Pair


    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Male

    Resplendent Quetzal Female