This image where a baby smiles at a policeman has recently become viral on social media. The photo was shared by IPS officer Swati Lakra on Twitter and also by the Hyderabad Police.

It shows a 4-month-old Faizan Khan smiling at a police officer after being rescued from kidnappers. His mother Humera Begum sadly survives by begging and sleeps on the streets, so her son has been taken from her while they were sleeping on the pavement in Nampally Trail, Hyderabad, India.

Police took action and after 15-hour hunt they captured the kidnappers who were trying to sell the baby. Little Faizan’s reaction while being in the hands of inspector Sanjay Kumar says it all.

More info:


    4-month-old smiles at a police officer after being rescued from kidnappers

    His mother Humera Begum survives by begging and sleeps on the streets, so her son has been taken from her while they were sleeping on the pavement

    Police took action and after 15-hour hunt they captured two kidnappers who were trying to sell the baby