Monet had quite a few haystacks painting, this is the one which really captures my heart with the amazing colours he used. A wide pallettte of pastels with their brighter versions …. capturing the haystacks in dawn( or dusk?). I think this is the most vibrant haystacks that he had drawn. The painting was auctioned off at a price of over USD110M, a record price at the time.

#monet #claudemonet #haystacks #monethaystacks

#wool #woolfelt #wolle #filz #felting #needlefelt #merino #merinowool #woolart #fibreart #fiberart #needlefelting #woolbrooch #brooch #羊毛氈 #羊毛フェルト 


    Monet’s Haystacks Wool Brooch

    Monet’s masterpiece in wool

    Monet had quite a few haystacks painting, this is the one which really captures my heart with the amazing colours he used. A wide pallettte of pastels with their brighter versions …. capturing the haystacks in dawn( or dusk?). I think this is the most vibrant haystacks that he had drawn. The painting was auctioned off at a price of over USD110M, a record price at the time.

    #monet #claudemonet #haystacks #monethaystacks

    #wool #woolfelt #wolle #filz #felting #needlefelt #merino #merinowool #woolart #fibreart #fiberart #needlefelting #woolbrooch #brooch #羊毛氈 #羊毛フェルト 


      Monet’s Haystacks Wool Brooch

      Monet’s masterpiece in wool