Love And Cats: 30 Hilariously Relatable Comics Inspired By This Artist’s Real Life (New Pics)
Interview With ArtistSarah Graley creates very relatable comics about the relationship with her boyfriend Stef and a bunch of cats, well, four, to be exact, all based on real-life experiences.
As the artist previously shared: “Making comics is great! I've always loved drawing, and getting to tell stories through art is really cool. With Our Super Adventure, we get to come up with comics and share them on the internet on a regular basis and it's a really nice way to capture all of the weird little moments that happen in our life!”
So today, we invite you once again on a Super Adventure that this full-time cartoonist experienced and shared with her followers.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | sarahgraley.com | oursuperadventure.com | sarahgraley.mybigcommerce.com
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Bored Panda once again reached out to Sarah, who kindly answered our questions.
First of all, we wanted to know if Sarah has a favorite character or a specific strip that holds special significance for her.Sarah shared: “I love all of the comics that feature our cats! They are constantly doing weird new things and it’s a nice way to keep track of that! We’ve had all four of them for ten years now and the comics have been a really nice record of all of their weird habits and milestones…and rivalries!! (It’s very rare that all four cats get along with each other!)”
I've tried that with my older one, it did work to the extent that she's slightly less likely to run away when I try to pick her up. But it could also just be age dulling her reflexes.
I love the cats' expressions in the last panel! No thoughts behind those eyes 😊
Many people find Sarah’s comics extremely relatable. We were wondering how Sarah feels knowing that.
“I don’t think we’ve ever been able to truly realize the scope of it! Every time we get a message from a reader, or when someone says something nice about the comics at a convention, it feels really special! We constantly feel incredibly lucky that we get to do this - thank you so much to everyone who reads our comics and enjoys them!” explained Sarah.
My technique is sitting down on the edge of the chair and slightly push the cat with my a*s, but i would not dare to move him directly ^^
Besides comics, we asked how Sarah loves to spend her time. She wrote: “I love playing video games! I recently picked up Animal Crossing New Horizons again and I’ve been really enjoying revisiting that, and me and Stef also like jumping on Fortnite together a few times a week! Stardew Valley is another big favorite as well, although we have a habit of starting our farm again every time there’s an update to the game! We’ve also really gotten into board games! We currently really enjoy a game called Wingspan which seemed super complicated to start with, but once we got into it, we got REALLY into it!”
And lastly, Sarah added: “We’re currently working on a brand new comic series together which hasn’t been announced just yet, and I’ve also written and drawn some official Garfield comics for BOOM! Studios, with Issue 1 due for release in comic shops in August!”
aren’t those worth a lot? after some quick research: the ppl in this comic could be RICH