50 Of The Most ‘Antisocial’ Memes From This Instagram Account Cleverly Titled ‘Fear Of Going Out’ (New Pics)
Not everyone is equally thrilled about the idea of socializing or going out. For some people it’s more tiresome than anything else, which is why they often opt for a less crowded alternative. Or try to avoid people altogether. And if you’re wondering what their reasoning behind it is, the ‘Fear Of Going Out’ Instagram account is where you can find your answers.
With the caption reading, “memes for the antisocial you”, it covers socializing-related situations one Tweet at a time. And it seems that over 210k followers can relate. Today, we’ve gathered some of their posts that best describe the less thrilling part of going out and interacting with people. If you’d like to familiarize yourself with their thoughts, wait no longer and scroll down to find the images below.
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Who Knew Frog Life Was For Me
There are days when you just don’t feel like spending time with people, not to mention going out. That’s what FOGO, or ‘Fear Of Going Out’, portrays through the Tweets they share on their Instagram account. Started back in 2017, it currently has 212k followers and nearly 7,900 posts, which reveal people’s true feelings about certain social situations.
Contrary to the description (that reads “Memes for the antisocial you”), they don’t depict actual antisocial behavior, which is generally defined as behavior that violates the basic rights of other people. It’s usually more related to strong unwillingness to go out or spend time communicating with others. And most internet users know that there are millions of Tweets and memes out there that describe the feeling better than anything else could—these 40 memes introverts might relate to, for example.
*promptly Faints*
Okay but imagine likes in real life. Would it be people making hearts with their hands and leaving? Would it be a simple nod? Would it be an enthusiastic smile?
It Appears That Norway Is My Exact Speed? Brb, Gonna Pack
Actual antisocial behavior is a key symptom of several debilitating psychiatric disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder (CD) in children or antisocial personality disorder when it comes to adults.
However, the Tweets shared by FOGO typically depict people who are simply more of an introvert than a social butterfly rather than anything resembling actual antisocial behavior. For instance, those who avoid phone calls instead of answering them or choose to stay in over partying on a Friday night, just to name a couple examples.
I Used To Spend Hours Recording The *perfect* Voicemail Greeting. Now If You Call Me You Get A Robot Lady Letting You Know My Mailbox Is Full And You Cannot Leave A Message And I Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way
Icon Status: *unlocks*
Being an introvert does not equal avoiding any form of socializing at any cost. However, some situations shared by FOGO are directly aimed at or relate to introverts; and for a reason. According to Healthline, introverted people enjoy spending time alone and do better in quiet environments, which sounds like something a person with a ‘fear of going out’ would choose.
Normalize Public Speakers Who Say “Good Morning” And Then When The Crowd Says “Good Morning” The Speaker Says “Oh No, That Was Way Too Much. Over The Top. Can We Try This Again But Please Be A Bit More Subdued?”
Sorry But Making Small Talk With Y’all *is* Work. On My Break, I Do Not Work
Please normalise not bothering people who use their break to read. The correct answer to "What are you reading?" is "F**k off, I'm reading."
“It Was Just Too Noisy At Whole Foods And Now I’m Weeping” A Novel By *me*
Healthline pointed out that for introverts, the idea of a peaceful period of solitude evokes feelings of relief and peace rather than disappointment (which is often the case to their extroverted counterparts). It’s because introverted people need more time to recharge their social battery. And that’s why it’s important to remember that introverts don’t hate socializing, it’s just that they need more time to balance everything out after they do.
Love Is Alive, Y’all
I was at a social event a couple of weeks ago. I waited socially appropriate time. Some people had left - others were playing some table games. Told a neighbor I was leaving because my social battery was running low. I was half joking / half serious. I went home and slept for 11 hours. For comparison - I normally sleep 6-7 with 8 being a good night.
The Fastest Way To Make A Friend At Your New Job Is To Bond Over Someone You Both Cannot Stand ❤️
Nope. The Fictional World, It Appears, Is Infinitely More Appealing
Quite a few of these Tweets cover the matter of answering phone calls, which, let’s be honest, not a lot of people enjoy. That is behavior pretty typical to introverted people, who, according to Healthline, usually choose writing over talking. Whether it’s related to waiting for the phone to stop ringing (so you can check the number online to see who was calling instead of answering it) or preferring texts over calls, those less inclined to socialize live will most likely not answer your call.
Research shows that millennials are one of the groups that despise calls the most—75% of them believe they’re time-consuming, while over 80% admit to having apprehension anxiety before making the call.
I Have Seen My Future And It Is Bright
Never Have I Respected Any Institution As Much As I Respect The Mere Concept Of The Bubble
If Misleading Story Intros Is What Gets You Through Two Massive Family Get Togethers In Such A Short Space Of Time, I Say You Do You Boo
Another prevailing example on the list is prioritizing quality alone time over partying (in the words of one of the Tweets, “shout out to the first person to leave the social event, who ‘breaks the seal’ for the rest of the guests to head out, too”). That can be appealing to extroverts as well, at times. There are moments we all need a break from the rest of the world, to spend some time surrounded by nature, the walls of an empty room, a blanket or whatever it is that helps you unwind.
I once saw a hilarious video that used collecting cats as an analogy to the gun problem in America. I saw an outright lie in the comments from a pro gun person claiming that Australia "banned guns" and it did nothing to curb gun violence. Bullcrap statements like that about my country? Grrrrrr! I posted a statistical link which I guarantee they never read since it goes against their misinformation campaign. Also, we didn't outright ban guns we just implemented sensible gun control.
Context Is Next To Godliness
One Thing I Love About Getting Older Is Realizing That You Don’t Have To Be Super Polite And Respectful To People Who Are Actively Disrespecting You
You Identify As Someone “With No Filter” Who Thinks That Is Justification To Say And Ask Anything That Comes To Mind? That’s Cute. I Identify As Someone Who Walking Away. #toodaloo
Verywell Mind emphasized that alone time is important for our mental health. The time spent with yourself allows you to escape the social pressures for a moment and delve deeper into your own emotions. That often results in improved personal exploration, increased creativity, and more social energy.
Not Having Plans Is Very Much My Plan
*promptly Faints*
A Role That, Should I Show Up, I Am Always Happy To Fill
Forbes pointed out that some of the benefits that alone time brings have been scientifically proven. It stated that being on your own can increase empathy and productivity, as well as build mental strength and creativity. In addition to that, it is believed to reduce behavior-related problems in kids.
My Plan This Year, Just To Spice Things Up, Is To Come Up With Wildly Different Answers To The Shockingly Invasive Personal Questions I Answered Three Weeks Ago That I’ll Surely Be Asked Again And Just See How That All Plays Out
Icon Status: *unlocks*
🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻reincarnation Is A Thing
According to Verywell Mind, despite being beneficial, alone time can be challenging as well. Some people might simply not be accustomed to spending time on their own, while others even dislike it—being alone with your thoughts can lead to having to focus on distressing or painful things. There’s also social stigma that often accompanies people’s decision to spend time in solitude, which doesn’t exactly encourage them to do that more often.
Working My Way Up To Meetless 7 Days A Week
I’ve only once had a semblance of a migraine, but those who know me are convinced it’s a chronic condition of mine.
Feeling Aggressively Seen Tbh
Not Today, Satan
Pew Research Center revealed that elderly people are the ones who spend the most time alone. Americans over the age of 60 spend roughly 7 hours of their time awake on their own. People in their 40s and 50s have roughly 4 hours 45 minutes, while those under 40 have 3.5 hours.
I Am Not 1/100th Of A Pound But, Apart From That, I’m Absolutely Twinning With The Lil Gwumpy Goldcrest
On Second Thought, Maybe I Don’t Need To Spend $89 On An Ancestry Test As It Is Pretty Clear That I Am 100% Honey Cake
Completely necessary after two minutes of small talk.
Pandas = The Og Aspirational Lifestyle Influencers
Whether the amount of time spent alone is related to one’s fear of going out or not, it might be a good idea to skip a social gathering every once in a while and opt for a relaxing night at home instead. If these pictures didn’t convince you to do that, browse our previous editions covering FOGO here or here.
And Now, A Little Song Called “Why I’m Crying At The Whole Foods” And A 1 And A 2 And A 1 2 3
I've walked out of restaurants and other places which have a 'cheery beat' coming from the speakers.
This Is Absolutely A Mission For Tomorrow
Maybe This Is What I Need To Start The Serotonin Up Again
My Dream Gifts At 35 Would Have Destroyed Child Me
We’ll I Wouldn’t Say I’ve Been Missin’ ‘Em, Bob
My phone’s focus is always on “Driving” and delivers an auto reply about my unwillingness to text/talk & drive.
Though I Will Be Entering Approximately Zero Classrooms Today, This Is The Exact Energy I Will Be Bringing To My Friday
*goes To A Restaurant* I *must* Leave A Review
I Am A Five Star Employee, But Ask Me To Share A Fun Fact About Myself And I Will Quit
On a serious note: work activities outside of working hours (including Christmas parties and things that require overnight stays) should absolutely be banned. Work is separating families and loved ones for enough hours during the week, it’s an absolute insult to split people up from their families after working hours and at weekends. Why can companies not see that?
Why Would I Answer When There Is A Five Billion Percent Chance It Is A Scam Call Trying To Steal My Identity
Happy Hours 32-40 Day To Those Who Celebrate *kazoo Noises*
I see pregnant women with bob haircuts and giant d***s but maybe that's just me.
Load More Replies...Do raccoons make good friends? They look cool to me but we'll never have them here.
So I guess I'm not doing to bad. I have made friends with local squirrels, raccoons, opossums, birds, and my neighbor's cats.
I don't see a raccoon to befriend. Where's the raccoon? Come back, raccoon!!
My psychologist " you know, I know being in nature is calming for you but, do you think there's a point where it's a form of avoidance?"
Librarian Hermit Winter Is On Y’all
I Don’t Even Wanna Make This Flärdfull Anymore Tbh
Somewhat Of A Hobby I Suppose
I Like To Prolong To Torture For As Long As Possible By Rescheduling Plans
I Do Not Dream Of Labor, But All Of These Will Suffice
Self Checkout Is Bae
So. Many. Dishes
I Do My Greatest Confrontational Conversational Work In The Shower Tho
Social Media Is A Toxic Dumpster Fire But The Normalization Of Just Exiting An Interaction Whenever You Want Without Having To Explain Anything Or Really Communicate That You’re Exiting At All Is Pure *chef’s Kiss*
What? You totally can! Especially at work, it’s even more effective in-person. :p
*gently Tosses Phone Into Sea*
I would like to suggest changing this posts’s title. The word “antisocial” means actively hostile, and harmful to society, often used to describe psychopaths. I think the word you’re looking for is “asocial.”
Thank you! My patients are always telling me they're "anti-social." Meaning they don't like to socialize. I'm like no "anti-social personality disorder" is a DSM-V diagnosis where you're basically a criminal who lacks remorse. I know what they mean. But it causes some confusion.
Load More Replies...From a guy who has actual anxiety/panic attacks because of PTSD, this list of awkward teenager emo c**p is so annoying. We have to get up, we have to go to work, we have to interact, it's a learned skill. Like potty training, it's not easy at first but you have to try, or your life will be affected negatively. Finding a way to overcome our anxieties is also a learned skill. Most people are just a bit shy, most people are a bit socially awkward. Real social anxiety is debilitating and life destroying, and this just makes everyone ignore the real sufferers because of people jumping on a sympathy bandwagon. (Not talking to people who have actual social anxiety, my heart goes out to you!)
I think it's fun to joke about. Makes me feel better, but everyone is different.
Load More Replies...BoredPanda do you even bother to review the stuff you copy and paste from Reddit!? None of this has to do with introversion. This sounds more like intense social anxiety and depression. How about you review content before posting it? No, introverts are not all hermits who loathe human contact.
I found it accurate. Don't really care if it's "introversion" or "social phobia" or "anxiety"...
You don't care and that's okay. But many do, and it helps a lot of people get better if they know what it is that they're dealing with.
Load More Replies...I have never really been a morning person, but when I discovered the absolute joy that comes from grocery shopping at 6am - my world changed.
I used to get off work at midnight, and there was a supermarket near the hospital. Loved grocery shopping at that time. One of the guys would stand by the door and make sure I got to my car, since it was dark.
Load More Replies...My mom made me make a call to M.L Aubrey's once. She told me "just say "yes, sir/ma'am, I just wanted to ask what time you open. Thank you". I nearly panicked. JUST TEXT 'EM D*MM!T.
Yeah, I’ve felt that. I have to ask my mom, “wait, what do I say to them again? How do I ask them how school is doing?? How do I make small talk??” Because I really doubted how to do it. I’ve never initiated it with anyone except for someone I’m really comfortable with, and they usually hold the conversation because I was really bad at communicating after lockdown TvT the conversation for asking how a friend was doing was even over text. I think she was onto me that my mom asked me to talk to her…
Load More Replies...I would like to suggest changing this posts’s title. The word “antisocial” means actively hostile, and harmful to society, often used to describe psychopaths. I think the word you’re looking for is “asocial.”
Thank you! My patients are always telling me they're "anti-social." Meaning they don't like to socialize. I'm like no "anti-social personality disorder" is a DSM-V diagnosis where you're basically a criminal who lacks remorse. I know what they mean. But it causes some confusion.
Load More Replies...From a guy who has actual anxiety/panic attacks because of PTSD, this list of awkward teenager emo c**p is so annoying. We have to get up, we have to go to work, we have to interact, it's a learned skill. Like potty training, it's not easy at first but you have to try, or your life will be affected negatively. Finding a way to overcome our anxieties is also a learned skill. Most people are just a bit shy, most people are a bit socially awkward. Real social anxiety is debilitating and life destroying, and this just makes everyone ignore the real sufferers because of people jumping on a sympathy bandwagon. (Not talking to people who have actual social anxiety, my heart goes out to you!)
I think it's fun to joke about. Makes me feel better, but everyone is different.
Load More Replies...BoredPanda do you even bother to review the stuff you copy and paste from Reddit!? None of this has to do with introversion. This sounds more like intense social anxiety and depression. How about you review content before posting it? No, introverts are not all hermits who loathe human contact.
I found it accurate. Don't really care if it's "introversion" or "social phobia" or "anxiety"...
You don't care and that's okay. But many do, and it helps a lot of people get better if they know what it is that they're dealing with.
Load More Replies...I have never really been a morning person, but when I discovered the absolute joy that comes from grocery shopping at 6am - my world changed.
I used to get off work at midnight, and there was a supermarket near the hospital. Loved grocery shopping at that time. One of the guys would stand by the door and make sure I got to my car, since it was dark.
Load More Replies...My mom made me make a call to M.L Aubrey's once. She told me "just say "yes, sir/ma'am, I just wanted to ask what time you open. Thank you". I nearly panicked. JUST TEXT 'EM D*MM!T.
Yeah, I’ve felt that. I have to ask my mom, “wait, what do I say to them again? How do I ask them how school is doing?? How do I make small talk??” Because I really doubted how to do it. I’ve never initiated it with anyone except for someone I’m really comfortable with, and they usually hold the conversation because I was really bad at communicating after lockdown TvT the conversation for asking how a friend was doing was even over text. I think she was onto me that my mom asked me to talk to her…
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