No couple wants to be upstaged at their wedding, especially not by someone with a “unique” sense of style. Although it’s important to express yourself and wear outfits that make you happy, it’s probably not a good idea to go all out on someone else’s special day.

This caused a big problem between a couple when the man’s girlfriend wanted to wear a very flashy and inappropriate outfit to his gay friend’s wedding. Just hearing about her dress choice will make you ask the question ‘how much is too much’.

More info: Reddit

Meme-loving woman thinks it’s a good idea to wear an outfit inspired by a “gay rat wedding” trend to an actual gay person’s wedding, her boyfriend is horrified

Image credits: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures (not the actual photo)

The poster explained that his 30-year-old girlfriend Nat had a weird sense of style and that she’d often incorporate memes into the outfits she’d wear


Image credits: (not the actual photo)

He invited Nat as a plus one to his gay friend’s wedding but was confused when she decided to wear a dress with stuffed rats, pride flags, and “I support gay rats” written on it


Image credits: Terje Sollie (not the actual photo)

The poster discouraged his girlfriend from wearing the outfit as he felt his friend would be in an uproar over it, but she got angry with him and accused him of stifling her creativity


Image credits: harleygfproblem

Eventually, the guy broke up with his girlfriend over the dress argument, and he happily said that he went to the wedding as a “single, rat-free dress” man

Let’s get one thing clear, weddings are a place for only the betrothed couple to showcase their creativity; it’s justified if they go overboard. Although the poster mentioned that his girlfriend had a unique sense of style, his friend’s wedding was clearly not the place for her to wear a weird outfit. But, judging by her reaction, she probably wanted to steal the bridal couple’s thunder.

The author shared that his 30-year-old girlfriend, Nat, loved referencing memes through her ensemble. Since the couple getting married were gay, Nat had the “perfect” pride outfit in mind. Around 2019, the Internet went crazy when Mr. Ratburn from the show ‘Arthur’ was shown getting married to a man. Since the episode received a lot of pushback from homophobic people, it led to the creation of a counter slogan, namely: “I support gay rats.”


So, Nat’s idea was to wear a dress based on the meme, complete with stuffed rats, pride flags, and the slogan. Commenters and the poster were horrified by her outfit choice, but she clearly couldn’t see the problem. One of the most obvious and common-sense rules for wedding guests is not to wear anything that can upstage the couple. 

Many bridal parties also share a wedding dress code with their guests so that there is clarity on what is allowed and what should be avoided. It’s common for women to avoid wearing white so as not to clash with the bride. In certain religious weddings, people are asked to dress modestly and sometimes even keep their shoulders or heads covered. 

Image credits: (not the actual photo)

According to wedding experts, sequins, animal prints, bright red, and any over-the-top designs are great for a night out but not the right choice for a wedding. While most dress code lists may ban these flashy options, they don’t usually specify “gay rat” dresses. That’s because it’s safe to assume that only the poster’s girlfriend is quirky enough to try and pull this kind of stunt.


Although (hopefully) most folks aren’t going to wear a meme-inspired dress to a wedding, the best thing to do if you want to wear a creative outfit is to ask the bridal couple first. Clarifying whether your attire is appropriate will help you avoid making waves on their big day. The bride and groom will also likely appreciate your effort to ask.

The author’s post went viral and received over 33k upvotes. Unsurprisingly, his Redditor girlfriend found it and was livid. She refused to own up to her actions, and the guy broke up with her over it. He even showed the post to his friend whose wedding he was going to attend. The groom told him that he would have kicked them to the curb if the woman had shown up in the gay rat outfit.

Most commenters called out Nat for trying to upstage the grooms. Maybe she could have had good intentions and tried to show her support for gay rights, but her plan of execution definitely needed work. Luckily, the wedding probably went off without a hitch and without any gay rats in sight.

How would you have handled this situation if you were in the poster’s place? 


Netizens felt that the woman was trying to be the center of attention and called her out for such narcissistic behavior