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Guy Expects Wife To Handle House Move Alone Because He Booked A Guys’ Trip In Advance

Guy Expects Wife To Handle House Move Alone Because He Booked A Guys’ Trip In Advance


Ah, the joys of marriage, a mix of love and happiness, random fights and the occasional logistical nightmare. Many brave souls have tried to figure out this real-life game that is marriage and, while many have succeeded, some are still trying to finish the puzzle with a few missing pieces. Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations that test our patience, but also priorities. From choosing paint colors to deciding where to go on vacation or whose family to visit for the holidays, it’s all about compromise.

But what happens when a long-planned guys’ trip clashes with the big move-in day into a new home? One husband found himself in hot water when his annual bro getaway happened to fall in the same week as the closing date to his and his wife’s new home.

More info: Reddit

Husband refuses to cancel his annual guys’ trip to help his wife move to their new home, as he doesn’t want to miss the chance of hanging out with his buddies

Image credits: Ketut Subiyanto (not the actual photo)

The closing date on the couple’s home falls in the middle of the man’s vacation but he still plans on going as the trip has been arranged for a long time, making his wife angry

Image credits: gpointstudio (not the actual photo)

The man has arranged for a moving truck and hired people to help his wife with other things that need to be done on moving day, but she still asks him to be there


Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)

“This is the one opportunity I get every year to get together with my guy friends”: the man says his wife is unreasonable for asking him to give up his trip that he planned in advance


Image credits: JamintheKY1002

The wife is furious at her husband for refusing to help her move into their new home as he prefers to go on this annual trip with his buddies

Our protagonist, a 35-year-old man, let’s just call him Jake, shared his story on Reddit, asking netizens to help him get some clarity on his situation. Jake and his wife have been eagerly waiting for the day when their new home, on which they had been working for a while, would be ready to move in.


Everything has gone according to plan, and they’re set to get the keys in just a few weeks. But life, as it often does, threw the couple a curveball. Jake has a long-standing annual guys’ trip booked right smack in the middle of their move-in week. He doesn’t want to give up his trip as this isn’t just any trip, it’s a tradition for himself and his buddies.

Every year they rent a cabin for a few days to play board games. “This is the one opportunity I get every year to get together with my guy friends to do something we love and it is important to me,” Jake recalls.

Now, here’s the thing – their annual trips have always been planned well in advance and this one is no different. Jake had arranged to go on this board gaming bonanza long before construction on the new house even began.

However, the closing date coincides with the Friday of his trip, so Jake figured he’d simply drive back home to sign the paperwork (it’s just an hour’s drive), then head back to rejoin his friends. Sounds like a solid plan, right? Well, his wife had a different opinion. She told Jake to go on his trip on Wednesday as planned, but she wants him to leave the trip on Friday and cancel the rest of the weekend entirely to help with the move-in.

Jake, thinking ahead, has already arranged for a friend’s moving company to handle the heavy lifting and even lined up people to install the internet, hang TVs and mirrors, and get the house in order. All his wife has to do is show up, but she’s not having it. She feels as if her husband is abandoning her during this important time in their lives, while Jake believes she’s being unreasonable, stating that this annual trip is his one chance each year to unwind and bond with his friends.


This sparked an online debate with most folks siding with Jake’s wife, arguing that moving into a new home is a significant life event that warrants his full presence and support. So, is Jake really the jerk here?

Image credits: Eneida Nieves (not the actual photo)

Well, according to experts, dealing with conflicting priorities is a common challenge in marriages and meeting your partner half-way is key in maintaining a healthy relationship. Here is where compromise comes in – the secret ingredient that makes everything else blend together smoothly. Whether it’s figuring out whose turn it is to do the dishes, or deciding between a vacation or move-in day, finding that middle ground is key.

Marriage and family therapists suggest that compromise is less about giving up what you want and more about creating a win-win situation where both partners feel heard and valued. “It’s not fair for either one of you to get your way all the time, so compromise helps ensure that both partner’s views are heard, and a mutually beneficial solution is worked out accordingly,” experts explain.

Maybe Jake could shorten his trip, spending more time helping with the move but still getting a couple of days with his friends. It’s about showing willingness to meet each other halfway and communicate your feelings to your partner.


Well, according to an article on the importance of communication in marriage, while love, trust, and honesty are key ingredients for a happy relationship, communication is the glue that holds everything together. “[It] can help you prevent a misunderstanding by giving you the opportunity to understand your spouse’s opinions and reasons in their entirety. It ensures that their actions, words and thoughts then don’t come as surprise to you,” experts explain.

To improve communication in your marriage, experts advise to start by making time for regular check-ins with your partner. Set aside a few minutes each day to discuss your feelings and listen to each other without interruptions and verbalize your appreciation for each other regularly.

What did you think of this story? Is Jake justified in sticking to his plans, or should he prioritize the move-in day? Let us know in the comment section.

People in the comments say the man is a jerk for not prioritizing his wife and forcing her to deal with the move-in by herself while he enjoys spending time with his friends


Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)

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Denis Krotovas

Denis Krotovas

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I am a Visual Editor at Bored Panda. While studying at Vilnius Tech University, I learned how to use Photoshop and decided to continue mastering it at Bored Panda. I am interested in learning UI/UX design and creating unique designs for apps, games and websites. On my spare time, I enjoy playing video and board games, watching TV shows and movies and reading funny posts on the internet.

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laura_ketteridge avatar
Community Member
1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If this happened to us, my husband would say to the guys, "I'm really sorry. I was so looking forward to it, but we're moving house that weekend. Give us a few weeks, and I'll have you all over for a huge bbq." I would not have to a thing. I would not have to suggest a compromise. He would prioritise our needs over a long weekend with the guys.

jillh70 avatar
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5 days ago

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It was already planned. Rude to back out of plans/ commitments.

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tw72 avatar
tw 72
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1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This whole thing could have been avoided very easily: When the closing or moving date was suggested, simply say that you had other plans for those days. The boys weekend date was already known by then.

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laura_ketteridge avatar
Community Member
1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If this happened to us, my husband would say to the guys, "I'm really sorry. I was so looking forward to it, but we're moving house that weekend. Give us a few weeks, and I'll have you all over for a huge bbq." I would not have to a thing. I would not have to suggest a compromise. He would prioritise our needs over a long weekend with the guys.

jillh70 avatar
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5 days ago

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It was already planned. Rude to back out of plans/ commitments.

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tw72 avatar
tw 72
Community Member
1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This whole thing could have been avoided very easily: When the closing or moving date was suggested, simply say that you had other plans for those days. The boys weekend date was already known by then.

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