“I don’t like to brag, but–

We all know humility is a great quality to have, but there is a time and place for celebrating our accomplishments as well. Earn your PhD? You deserve to be proud of that. Beat a life-threatening illness? I wouldn’t blame you for telling everyone you know. Complete an ultramarathon? That’s something worth posting on Facebook about. But if you get less than 5 hours of sleep every night, can drink an entire bottle of tequila by yourself or think all of your exes are “toxic and crazy”, you might want to keep those things to yourself…

One curious Reddit user recently asked people to share things others brag about that signal red flags, and readers did not hold back in the replies. So below, we’ve gathered a list of some of those qualities and "accomplishments" people should stop being so proud of to remind you pandas which boasts to look out for. Keep reading to also find an interview we were lucky enough to receive from Viktor Sander, a counselor at SocialSelf.

Be sure to upvote the responses you strongly agree with, and let us know in the comments any other brags that would send you running out the door. Then if you’d like to read another Bored Panda article discussing red flags to look out for, look no further than right here!


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them The people who instantly have a solution for everything.

Fat? Eat less. Addicted? Quit. Depressed? Smile more. Broke? Get a better job. Tired? Sleep more.

There is nuance to the issues of society. Major red flag if you're in your 20's or older and can't critically think.

BeefInGR , Slim Emcee Report

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david2074 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lack of critical thinking has been a major issue in the USA the past few years. It is frankly rather embarrassing.

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We all know that nobody likes a braggart, but why do we brag in the first place? What compels us to want to share our accomplishments so openly? To gain some insight on this topic, we reached out to Viktor Sander, a counselor at SocialSelf. "I believe people primarily brag because they’re insecure about their own value," Viktor told Bored Panda. "They want to be validated by others, they want to feel liked, or they want to feel better than others. The problem is that bragging usually has the opposite effect - people will like and validate us less if we brag."

We were also curious if there are ever times where it is acceptable to boast. "It’s more socially acceptable to brag about major life accomplishments, such as getting a job, finishing your degree, getting married, or buying a house," Viktor shared. So if you've recently done any of those things, go nuts! Enjoy your socially acceptable bragging for a limited time only.


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them They boast about how many drinks they can hold "and still drive home without a problem."

Back2Bach , kazuend Report


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them When a professor brags about how many people have failed their class

Whenwillthisend12 , o Tra Nguyen Report

We also wanted to know if Viktor would consider any brags to be red flags. "Accidentally bragging about something is seldom a deal-breaker in itself," he shared. "Everyone needs validation, and sometimes things slip out of us when we try to get that validation in a clumsy way such as bragging."

"For me, a red flag would be if someone brags about being mean or disrespectful to others," Viktor added. "That signals they have badly developed empathy and a flawed moral compass."


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Self-victimizers who need to out-victimize everyone within a 100 foot radius. No one - and I mean *no one* - has *ever* had it harder than they did/do. One-uppers (or one-downers?) extraordinaire.

Also, 'Nice Guys'. "I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet" = Run!

Herbrugglesbezos , Artem Beliaikin Report


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Bragging about successfully tricking people.

Not like April Fools harmless pranks, stuff like stealing or cheating.

Mikeavelli , Marcos Paulo Prado Report

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tea_2 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just because they tell you about what they do to others, don't think that you are immune - best believe they will do the same to you.

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Sometimes, our loved ones may not realize they have a tendency for being boastful, so we asked Viktor if he had any advice for navigating those situations. "If someone you care about brags, I would recommend a non-reactive, but still polite response," he told Bored Panda. "A non-reactive reply discourages their bragging, without the need for confrontation."

"For example, you can reply, 'Oh, I see' and then switch topics. There’s usually no need to confront someone about bragging. By not reacting, we make sure they’re not rewarded for their bragging to discourage the behavior," he explained. "Also, keep in mind that they’re probably bragging because they feel insecure and want your validation. Realizing that they’re just insecure can make it easier to put things into perspective and not take their bragging personally."

If you'd like to hear more wise words from Viktor and the rest of the team at SocialSelf, be sure to visit their website right here.


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Bragging about how people are scared of them and no one will ever cross them because they know they will get there a*s beat, how crazy they are

lysdgn , David East Report


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them "Owning" or "Triggering" people: "I'm so difficult to get along with that I was able to annoy someone into an outburt with only a brief interraction." really isn't the flex some people think it is.

Inlerah , Kevin Cease Report

We hope the examples on this list aren't reminding you too much of anyone you know personally, but if they are, it might be time to give them some gentle reminders that these brags aren't helping them out. Keep upvoting the responses you find particularly relatable, and let us know in the comments what other brags make you roll your eyes. Then if you're looking for another Bored Panda article featuring red flags to look out for, you can find that right here!


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them How crazy all their exes are

CaterpillarNo6795 , Afif Ramdhasuma Report

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lackadaisy_1981 avatar
Meredith Adams
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It’s a HUGE red flag when someone says that all of their exes were crazy. If someone you’re dating tells you that, steer clear!

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them How much they work and how little they sleep. That's an unbalanced person and they're unlikely to have an idea of "success" that includes other people.

powerfulmojo , Nataliya Vaitkevich Report

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yettichild avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Honestly, I can't imagine not sleeping much voluntarily. I can't sleep well and it makes my life very difficult. I would give up a lot to sleep better.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them “Over half of you will quit this class before the semester ends. The half of that remaining will fail” Had a professor say this and could only think man you must be a sh***y teacher. Searched him up and sure enough most people quit because the way he taught was counterproductive and half the class time was spent talking down to them. I requested to be added to a different professor.

Vanishingf0x , Michał Parzuchowski Report

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yellowsyringe153 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If a professor said that to me i would probably tell them "Hey, ya know that's not a good thing, right?" before walking out and requesting to be added somewhere else.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Men who can't talk to women like they're human beings and refer to them as "females"

Cynicole24 , Garry Knight Report

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stephaniedowns avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe it's my age? I can't wrap my head around why it is all the sudden bad to refer to women (is using *women* acceptable?) as *female*? Are they not females? We still call men, *men*. I'm not being intentionally ignorant, I simply don't "get" it. I've seen others explain it I still am baffled.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them How they grew up in a time when raging abuse was the norm. And they "turned out just fine"...

ironicf8 , Karolina Grabowska Report

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alexia_1 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Moreover, how they'd apply the same "parenting" style to their children: "Kids need to fear you, so you must beat them up and punish them frequently". That was my ex.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them How they can get any guy they wanted, married or not

contrarychimera , Chris Nguyen Report


Being "brutally honest" or "having no filter." This usually signals a severe lack of tact.
Source: Me. I was this guy in my early 20s and have since chilled out.

aerwrek Report

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Okasan Willis
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My daughter has autism and it is part of her disorder that she has very little filter

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them How much they “don’t care what other people think.”

If you have to constantly tell others and yourself “I don’t care,” you *totally* do, you just wish you didn’t.

Debaser626 , Katerina May Report

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Wolf Wolf
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

From experience, if one says things like "I don't care what people think" or "I'm over it," then why are you bringing it up in the first place? Something tells me that you're still affected by it, and still in denial.

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Their "alpha" status. Their high standards.

just_minutes_ago Report


Scoring four touchdowns in a single game for Polk High School in Chicago during the 1966 City Championship

1000000CHF Report


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them I have a coworker who is kind of like the first one. She is generally a one-upper, and she has had a really hard life. But you can't talk about yourself for more than 30 seconds before she has a story about either how awesome she is, or how much harder than you she's had it. It's exhausting.

JulesLovesYou1993 , Towfiqu barbhuiya Report

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pink_1 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

sounds a bit like neurodivergent trying to sympathise, I also try to comfort someone by saying 'yeah I've had it like that' but I mean it nicely, and kinda assuring??

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them "I am (such a) a nice person".
If you have to point it out, it's probably not true.

Mellissimomo , Ivana Cajina Report


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them This is the relationship version of, "If you work with a guy who's an a**hole, then that guy's an a**hole. If you work with 20 guys and every last one is them is an asshole, you're the asshole."

DerCatzefragger , cottonbro studio Report

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Sinister Murder
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Actually, I worked in a toxic workenvironment that turned everybody in an a*****e. Quit and quite happy at my new normal colleagues job.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Bragging about not knowing things.

Also, bragging about how little they sleep.

The5thDoppelganger , Joanna Nix-Walkup Report


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Ah, the person at my job who bought up all the toilet paper during the pandemic so they could sell it to coworkers at an inflated price.

They can keep their Mercedes. I'd rather not be a monster.

Reis_Asher , Beatriz Fernandes Report

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marcoconti avatar
Mario Strada
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What Mercedes? The one with paint stripper all over it and the 4 flat tires? That one? I wonder how many rolls of toilet paper it will take to pay for that paint job.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them How quickly they cut people out of their lives.

Sometimes it can be a good thing to cut people out of your life. There are definitely people who are toxic to you and you are better off without their influence or presence. But it should almost always be bittersweet to actually do this.

People who actually brag about this usually are people who refuse to accept personal fault, or to work on themselves at all.

makesyoudownvote , John Bussell Report

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david2074 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know a couple of people who do this. In both cases I also know enough of their personal dirt / tea to know they would not want to be treated the way they treat others and that their, "It's everyone else not me" tales are in all cases at least exaggerated and in some cases complete fabrications of their own minds.

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Being "good at manipulation." Nuh-uh rule one of manipulation is to seem trustworthy

Accurate-Bedroom9384 Report

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jonnyman avatar
Jonny Man
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Bragging about being good at manipulation is something that not even slimy and untrustworthy Grima Wormtongue-tier evil advisors would do, that dumb b******t is reserved exclusively for somewhat-good-looking narcissists with delusions of grandeur.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Their luxurious material possessions and lavish lifestyle despite using debt and not having the money to support such a lifestyle.

HeaviestMetal89 , Helena Lopes Report

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stefanscheiben avatar
The Scout
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You can tell the really rich from the wannabe rich often by the way they display (or NOT display) their wealth. A Patek Phillipe costs about ten times the money of a Rolex, but it is simply an elegant, unimposing watch, while the Rolex is an ugly brick you are carrying on your wrist that just looks expensive. Simple black cashmere turtleneck vs. bright glittering Versace Jacket. Also, brand logos are frowned upon.

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People who base their life choices on f*****g astrology

chejtho Report

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david2074 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

LOL due to the censor bot I read that as "gastrology". Was trying to imagine how that worked.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them being toxic, “omg I’m literally so manipulative uwu🥺 everyone’s afraid of me hehehe I’m so problematic and toxic, I constantly get cancelled online for *insert problematic/
offensive statement* No one can mess with me or else I’ll dox them, spread rumors and [take out] their whole family🤪I once beat someone up for bumping into me and I constantly use people for my own sake ahahaha“

userhvfegcd , Marina Ryazantseva Report

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How much they identify with The Joker, Tommy Shelby, Tyler Durden, Jordan Belfort, or a number of other characters like that.

PhreedomPhighter Report


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Firing their employees. It can be necessary to do so, but when you brag about it (so real *bragging*, not just telling), it sounds like you love executing power over weaker people and hurting them.

Lvcivs2311 , Dinielle De Veyra Report

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petemccann avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Bragging about it? Really crappy. Being relieved because you no longer have to deal with a toxic person? An amazing feeling.

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"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them Getting a rise out of people isn’t particularly a difficult thing to do. People just do this because they like the feeling of control that they get like they can make someone else mad. I used to do this when I was younger, but then I realized I was just being an immature asshole.

SpeakerImaginary9796 , Odonata Wellnesscenter Report


Owning dangerous pet

Owning a lot of guns

Being racist or anti gay

Being rich

Being promiscuous

wistfulmaiden Report

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wendillon avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nothing wrong with being promiscuous if you're single or in an open relationship. It doesn't matter if you sleep with 1 person or with 6 people as long as everyone consents.

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If a woman says "I'm not about that drama b******t" she is ALL about that drama.

QuietDapper Report


"How Crazy All Their Exes Are": 35 Things People Boast About Without Realizing It's A Major Red Flag About Them How "in the know" they are.

At some point, it just becomes you turning into a conspiracy nut

TheWronged_Citizen , Alena Shekhovtcova Report

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ortaduchess avatar
Stephanie Did It
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I knew a guy whose way of sharing info always began with "here's what you don't know." When told that he was basically calling others ignorant, he briefly apologized and kept doing it. He just didn't care.

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This is going back to my high school days but I knew a kid who bragged that her mam didn’t care. She could drink, smoke and do drugs! Half the time when you’d stop by her mother would offer to get you drugs. I learnt early on this isn’t cool and is a massive red flag.

I’m not saying i’ve grown up to be sober and perfect but even I think it’s messed up to offer it to your kid. She literally didn’t care, she slept over at mine most days till social got involved. She used to brag to everyone at school though even after she’d been removed from her mother that she was cool.

Sad to think how she turned out really.

ukalbinogal Report

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Stephanie Did It
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My aunt had a high school friend like that. After she told her friend she wouldn't be allowed to do those things, the friend said, I wish my mom cared about me enough to stop me. So sad.

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Note: this post originally had 72 images. It’s been shortened to the top 35 images based on user votes.

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