40 Times Recruiters’ True Colors Came Out And Job Seekers Just Had To Shame Them (Best Of All Time)
Interview With ExpertUnless you're a trust-fund kid, won the lotto, were born into extreme wealth, or have someone else to help pay the bills, chances are high that you need to work to live. Over 161 million people are employed in the U.S. according to data from late last year. More than 7 million people don't have jobs. There's a big group of people seeking work, and it includes some who are currently employed.
But as they've discovered, navigating the recruitment process can sometimes be hell on earth. From dumb job descriptions to ridiculous requirements and expectations from recruiters, and endless interviews that go nowhere slowly, people seem to be going through the most.
Online community Recruiting Hell has over 770,000 members, all commiserating with each other about the horrors of job hunting and/or hiring new talent. "We'll pay you in experience!" reads the page, before inviting people to share their nightmarish stories of searching for work.
Bored Panda has picked the best posts from the community, and we can only hope you have the good fortune of not having to encounter any of these situations anytime soon. Don't miss the chat we had with Resume Genius Career Expert Nathan Soto, about how to navigate the sometimes rocky hunt for jobs.
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Found This On Linkedin, Thought It Probably Belongs Here...lol
Landing a job is no walk in the park, and some recruiters will make you feel like you're jumping through narrow hoops of fire. To get some tips for job seekers, Bored Panda reached out to Nathan Soto. He's a Career Expert from online resume building platform Resume Genius.
"To stand out in today’s job market, job seekers should focus on three essentials: staying on top of industry trends, building genuine connections, and nailing interviews," Soto told us during our interview.
He adds that job seekers should follow companies and industry leaders online to stay current on the latest developments in their field. "Networking (both online and in person) can lead to advice and referrals you wouldn’t find otherwise," advises Soto.
"When it comes to interviews, do your homework on the company, practice answers that highlight your skills, and come ready with smart questions about the company and position to show you’re serious about the role."
I Will Drink To That
$13 is nowhere near a living wage in 2024. Min wage here in Portland is $15.95. It's even higher in California but the federal min wage is still $7.85. It's crazy.
Soto says job seekers should think twice about responding to job ads that are more than 2 months old, because they might be ghost job postings. "Ghost jobs are positions that are advertised but aren’t actively being recruited for," explained Soto. "Check the company's website or social media accounts to verify that the job you want is cross-posted there."
The expert says a major red flag during the recruitment process is receiving extensive pre-interview assignments where you're asked to do work that could be directly used by the company to make money.
"Another potential red flag is when you’re interacting with hiring managers who can't clearly answer questions about the role, and interviewers who haven't looked at your resume," he cautioned.
Anyone Relate To This?
The main job notice site for foreigners where I live is FB, and the one running the group says "no salary, we delete your job posting". Employers get pissy about it, but too bad for them.
Soto tells Bored Panda that employers are looking for candidates who have the skills they need. "Whether you show it through your experience or through qualifications, what matters most is that you have those skills," he said.
"Impressive experience can usually make up for a lack of qualifications, and likewise the right qualifications can often make up for a lack of experience in a specific job."
It's Really Not That Complicated
A Story Of Two Parts, Recruiter Edition
Funny How The Language Changes Between People And Businesses
This guy right here is more or less the only CEO who should be spared the Luigi treatment
More than 60% of the American workforce doesn't have a college degree, but that's not stopping them from earning big bucks. According to CNBC, many of the country's top companies, including Walmart, Amazon, Apple, GM, Bank of America, Uber, Nike, Delta Air Lines, and Target are removing degree requirements from job postings.
CNBC adds that it's becoming more common for companies to hire based on skills rather than qualifications.
We Need To Make Discussing Salary Normal
Can I Get A Second To The Motion?
OMG I would love to see Muskrat do that. Would he apply at Tesla or Space-X or Xitter? Doesn't matter, he's not qualified to work for any of them. He's not qualified to change a lightbulb.
Counterpoint: If It's Taking 6 Months For An Upper Manager To Fill A Position, The Company Should Be Looking To Fill 2 Positions
If the manager doesn't show up to work, the work still gets done. If the staff doesn't show up, nothing gets done. Hope that clarifies things, employers!
“Gen Z job seekers are increasingly foregoing college and seeking out meaningful, lucrative work that doesn't require a university degree," revealed another Resume Genius career expert, Eva Chan, in a press release.
"Along with a shift from experience-based hiring to skills-based hiring, this creates the perfect conditions for people to consider a variety of fulfilling roles they may have never considered before," added Chan.
Robert Half Being Called Out On This Linkedin Post
The Truth About "Nobody Wants To Work" (That We All Knew Already)
We need to talk about 'ghost jobs', too: "More than 40% of hiring managers said they list jobs they aren't actively trying to fill to give the impression that the company is growing. A similar share said the job listings are made to motivate employees, while 34% said the jobs are posted to placate overworked staff who may be hoping for additional help to be brought on." Source: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240315-ghost-jobs-digital-job-boards
I Have Been Interviewing With A Company For Over 6 Weeks And Have Talked To Ten Different Interviewers. Emailed Today Saying I’ve Moved To The Next Round. Finally Sick Of It
Resume Genius recently released its "10 Highest Paying Jobs Without A Degree In 2025" report. Topping the list is an elevator and escalator installer and repairer, who has a median annual salary of $102,420. Instead of a college degree, recruiters are looking for those with a high school diploma and a 4-year apprenticeship, along with a state license or certification.
Transportation, storage, and distribution managers aren't faring too bad either, with a median salary of around $99,200. There are about 211,800 jobs available in that sector and the typical educational requirements are a high school diploma with no work experience needed. Of course, that varies from company to company.
Hiring Managers And Recruiters
Not going to happen. They figured out they can replace HR with AI and they aren't going back.
This Should Be Mandatory Training For All Interviewers
I Just Want A Paycheck While Not Having To Join A Cult
When you stop only being here for profit, then we will talk about MY attitude.
If you're an electrical power-line installer and repairer, you could rake in $85,420 a year. Again, no degree needed. But you will need a high school diploma or GED, as well as an apprenticeship and hands-on classroom instruction.
If you fancy life on the edge while serving and protecting, you'll be glad to know you can earn around $74,910 as a detective or criminal investigator. You'll need a high school diploma, and some fairly stringent police academy training. According to Resume Genius, there are more than 790,000 jobs available.
That Backfired Spectacularly
UNO Card
That's It
When ever I've been the recruiting manager for a role, I have always contacted candidates personally to let them know the outcome, and I have always offered feedback following the interview. Just common decency, and allows candidates to understand the reason(s) why they weren't appointed.
After 22 Online Rejections And Ghostings, I Finally Got An Interview! When I Arrived I Was Told They Had No Intentions Of Hiring Me And Just Wanted To Encourage Me To Continue My Education
That is the most abysmal thing I have read here, the words 'not nice' just don't cover it. I would be reporting them to the authorities and spreading the word everywhere I could about their truly unprofessional conduct. Frankly Tracy & Terry need to be fired immediately.
Saw It Online
I hope they applied for the job just to see what would happen. "Sorry, we found a more experienced applicant"
I’m Done
Back in the 80s recession it was very hard to find work and bank interests rates got north of 20%. F*****g Ronnie ray-gun and thatcher. Had a friend in the same field I was in. No job and he contacted dozens of employers. Kept all the rejection letters in a drawer.
This Guy Gets It
I...I'm honestly amazed it's taken so long for me to see something like this. It works so well...
Why So Secret?
Job Ads Nowadays. Sorry If Repost I Didn’t Find It In Search
Got An Email From A Recruiter Today. I Was Interested Until They Disclosed The Pay. It’s Seriously Insultingly Low For The Role And Requirements. So I Told Them Just That Over Email
Interviewing For My First Recruiting Job - Why Did I Start This Life??
Enough Said
Companies want the ability to fire you on the spot because they know many times the firing isn't justified and they fear retaliation in the form of people erasing hard drives or sabotaging equipment or outright theft, that's why they hustle you out the door BUT also ask you for 3 weeks notice if you are resigning.
As An Autistic Person, I Despise Everything About This!
My dude, it's this way for all of us. I'm not autistic and I completely relate!
Who Were You In Your Past Life?
Well I guess that makes you overqualified for the job, unless you were applying to replace an abdicated monarch
A Company Found Me On Linkedin And Reached Out To Me, This Was My Response
Felt So Good To Talk Back For Once
I have a feeling that at this company, "limited bookkeeping" means that's all you'd be doing!
We Don’t Count Internships As Experience Here, So Let’s Just Forget All Of That
Better Start Hiring Then
This Guy Gets It
People Are Human And Human Things Happen
I’ve been so worried about going back to work after 16 years, during which time I developed epilepsy, had 2 kids - one of which has a condition so rare it took us 8 years to get a diagnosis - moving twice for my husband’s jobs, multiple family members died… So yes, hiring manager, I do in fact know how to perform under stress.
Don't Know If This Has Been Posted Here Yet
Naming And Shaming Done Right
All thanks to Mr Harold Kendrick expert mentor trader I met on F@CEB00K, he helped me achieve my dreams through his trading program,I have made over $40,000 ROI in duration of two weeks, he’s so amazing. If you wish to be successful in trading get to him on..447407600166. for mentorship.
I once interviewed for a receptionist position for a renovation company. It was one owner and the office was in his garage (he interviewed at a coffee shop.) He explained that he expected a trial run week and if it worked he’d hire permanently. No pay. Needless to say I noped it out of there
For years, I've been posting BP posts in FB and rating reading most of them. I can't feel good about posting them any more because they're incomplete without becoming premium. And I find myself less and less interested in reading them myself.
If the job advert lacks information, ask for it. Call, send an email or whatever. Don't get an answer or answer does not match with your expectations? Then don't apply. Life can sometimes be easy if energy is invested in finding solutions instead of complaining.
That is literally what some of these candidates did. Unfortunately many hiring managers will take that as a sign that you "aren't invested in our company" or some such c**p.
All thanks to Mr Harold Kendrick expert mentor trader I met on F@CEB00K, he helped me achieve my dreams through his trading program,I have made over $40,000 ROI in duration of two weeks, he’s so amazing. If you wish to be successful in trading get to him on..447407600166. for mentorship.
I once interviewed for a receptionist position for a renovation company. It was one owner and the office was in his garage (he interviewed at a coffee shop.) He explained that he expected a trial run week and if it worked he’d hire permanently. No pay. Needless to say I noped it out of there
For years, I've been posting BP posts in FB and rating reading most of them. I can't feel good about posting them any more because they're incomplete without becoming premium. And I find myself less and less interested in reading them myself.
If the job advert lacks information, ask for it. Call, send an email or whatever. Don't get an answer or answer does not match with your expectations? Then don't apply. Life can sometimes be easy if energy is invested in finding solutions instead of complaining.
That is literally what some of these candidates did. Unfortunately many hiring managers will take that as a sign that you "aren't invested in our company" or some such c**p.