This was one of the last paintings by Van Gogh and one of his most famous works. In this painting, there is strong contrast between the dark sky and wheat field. I like working with wool to imitate his unique brushstrokes.

#vangogh #wheatfieldwithcrows #wool #woolfelt #wolle #filz #felting #needlefelt #merino #merinowool #woolart #fibreart #fiberart #needlefelting #woolbrooch #brooch #羊毛氈 #羊毛フェルト 


    Wheatfield with Crows ~ Wool Brooch

    Recreation of Van Gogh’s Work in Wool

    This was one of the last paintings by Van Gogh and one of his most famous works. In this painting, there is strong contrast between the dark sky and wheat field. I like working with wool to imitate his unique brushstrokes.

    #vangogh #wheatfieldwithcrows #wool #woolfelt #wolle #filz #felting #needlefelt #merino #merinowool #woolart #fibreart #fiberart #needlefelting #woolbrooch #brooch #羊毛氈 #羊毛フェルト 


      Wheatfield with Crows ~ Wool Brooch

      Recreation of Van Gogh’s Work in Wool