Apart from remaking famous art pieces into brooches. I sometimes recreating them into wool bags or pouches, This is a pouch which I made with wet felting, then adding more details with needlefelt. Another pain from Van Gogh that I love.

#vangogh #starrynoght #starrynihhtontherhone #wool #woolfelt #wolle #filz #felting #needlefelt #merino #merinowool #woolart #fibreart #fiberart #needlefelting #woolbrooch #brooch #羊毛氈 #羊毛フェルト #woolpouch


    Starry Night on the Rhone, Wool Pouch

    Starry Night on the Rhone, Wool Pouch

    Starry Night on the Rhone, Wool Pouch