My name is Marie Troitskaia, I’m 21 years old, I’m an architect from Moscow, but now I study in Master1 in Arch school Paris-Malaquais.
I studied in three different schools in Paris (Alain Ducasse, Michalak and Bellouet Conseil) and interned at Antonio Bachour kitchen in Miami.
More than two years I create architectural cakes. Through my education, first I think out the difficult architectural ideas, I draw sketches, I create models and molds myself. Only after that I create flavor composition, and then I create my art cake.
Today I made a cake of the Centre Pompidou by Renzo Piano in Paris. This is chocolate-vanilla cake with chocolate and sugar decorations. I drew and created everything by my hands. Finally my favorite Paris building and my passion are together!!! I made this cake for our architectural project in school Paris-Malaquais. We shot a film in which the main role is this cake. The scale is 1:500.
For me cakes – they’re art objects. I’m inspired by architecture, architects (Gehry, Le Corbusier, Gaudi, Utzon), architectural objects, artists, cities, materials, textures. I especially love to draw chocolate panoramas and create my own chocolate cities! At this moment I am the brand-chef of the Moscow bakery and dedicate more time to it. Happy that I made the cakes for different famous Moscow architects! In the future I want to open my pastryshop in Paris for architects, architectural students and artists!
I dream to share my passion and this mix of architecture and pastry art with you!
More info: Instagram
Share on FacebookI checked your insta. You cakes are beautiful and look yummy ;). You can be proud! You can even be prub of that specific cake, even if i am not really found of the whole estheticism of the Centre Pompidou
I checked your insta. You cakes are beautiful and look yummy ;). You can be proud! You can even be prub of that specific cake, even if i am not really found of the whole estheticism of the Centre Pompidou