Amy Willis is a photographer based out of Colorado who specializes in creating beautiful images of floral blooms. Although now focusing mainly on floral projects, her fascination with photography began with her travels, specifically focusing on the “unique architecture” of Eastern Europe, and the indigenous people of South America. In 2010, Amy was diagnosed with the rare autoimmune disease Lupus but hasn’t let it stop her – especially in her work as a photographer. In fact, she’s embraced the challenge, naming her company Lupie Photography as a means to spread the word about the little-known illness. She even donates a portion of her annual proceeds to the Lupus Foundation of America.
“Every one of us has some distraction we use to deal with our troubles; mine is photography.” – Amy Willis
We reached out to Amy, and were happy to have her on board as our first interviewed artist for Real Artists, Real Stories – For the full interview please go to our Tumblr by clicking more info!
You can also find Amy Willis’ work on her Your Art Gallery portfolio:
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