Girl Thinks If You Regret Having Sex It Means You’ve Been Raped, Gets A Perfect Lesson On Consent
Consent – no other term has been discussed so often in the past few years like this one. And no matter how many times people have thought about it, the meaning is still an enigma for some. And if you yourself have a doubt what affirmative consent means, it’s when a person voluntarily agrees to someone else’s wishes or desires.
Now, when it comes to discussing sensitive issues like rape and sexual consent, Twitter is often the most disastrous forum of them all. When a girl began arguing with a nursing student over the difference between abuse and regretful sexual encounter, one user had the perfect comeback to sum up her logic – or lack thereof. The rest of the Internet has also united to denounce her comments, as well as contribute their own points of view, and we’ve got it all on the screenshot for you below.
If you’re deciding to come online and offer your counsel on any given issue, at least make sure you’re fully aware of what you’re talking about first. Scroll down to follow this entire debate on consensual sex, and don’t forget to add your views at the end.
This nursing student perfectly summed up the difference between rape and regretting sex on Twitter…
And was countered by this user who disagreed with her
This brilliant comeback, however, exposes the problem with the girl’s argument
Some male users felt particularly perturbed by the supposed ‘revoked consent’ policy
Even female users, especially one rape survivor, took issue with it
ADVERTISEMENTThere is actually some truth behind what the girl was trying to say
She brutally misfired, though, and the Internet had absolutely no time for it
Do you think consent can be revoked in retrospect, or does this concept harm real victims? Tell us below!
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
To me this sounds like giving something to someone and then later calling them a thief because you regretted giving that to them. Not only this takes the attention and respect away from the real rape cases by making it seem like everything is rape, you're basically saying that guy at the party that you thought you were really into but in retrospect weren't really is the same as a rapist, and a guy who just had sex with the wrong girl should not have his life ruined for it.
I bet that guy would regret having had sex with that girl making her a rapist too.
Load More Replies...I have a feeling people who go as far as thinking regretting sex counts as rape are the kind of people who also somehow think women can't rape men just because the guy has to be hard - which obviously means he has to want it, right? Which is just as ridiculous.
Stijn V.: that would require him fabricate a story of how it happened. Such women want to feel "ravished" by just giving signals for men to take the lead, but then spin them as "rape" when her feelings for him change after the fact. Even if she was a prostitute.
I completely agree! I thought this was ridiculous! There's a big difference between realizing you were raped in retrospect and being "Ugh, that guy was a mistake".
I know a really nice guy that spent 10 years in prison for this exact same thing... he met a girl... they went to bed together... later she regretted it... claimed rape... he went to prison.. ruined his life... he was one of the nicest guys I've ever known in my life.
That is so sad. I don't know how people can falsely accuse something of such a horrendous crime.
I was googling my nephew's name just now, and saw his comment below on this subject. He had a very difficult upbringing and never got the love or understanding that he desperately needed... Which is complete understatement. He finally had found a girl that he fell in love with but really had no experience whatsoever when it came to handling any kind of relationship. It did not help that she also suffered from mental problems. Broken people do tend to gravitate towards each other to find understanding and acceptance. She had an order of protection placed against him because their arguments would get very volatile at times. They continued their relationship, until she became angry with him and reported him for violating it. Vermont feeds off it's inmates and does not help them grow. He was jailed for over a year. They again resumed their relationship, or so he thought ,since they were having sex.. until she decided she know longer wanted to continue and accused him of unconsensual sex.
This time he was jailed for 2 years. He finally got out this past October. We were in touch and I was planning a visit to Vermont to see him. Since I hadn't seen him in years I was greatly looking forward to restarting our relationship and being the family member that is there for him and love some unconditionally and sees the beauty in his heart and soul. His grandfather also had a lot of love for him and always looked out for him. I will never get a chance to see or hug or talk to my nephew again , since he took his own life right after Christmas. Why continue living if no one truly understands or loves you and you feel all alone. Her actions, out of anger, not only destroyed his life, but took it forever as well. Changes definitely have to be made regarding this... So other people don't have to lose their loved ones. I now get to see my nephew's face plastered on the internet right under his obituary. Things really need to change... So no one else needs to go through this hell.
Rafaella Bueno: "To me this sounds like giving something to someone and then later calling them a thief because you regretted giving that to them. " So they're Indian Sex-givers?
Women are stupid nowdays, its better to ignore most birdbrains. Not saying women aren’t capable of being smart, but they’re far from that right now. It’s just instant gratifications, and irresponsibility, I feel bad for men who have to deal with one of them. Thanks to feminism you can just f**k them and dump them and never have to actually deal with one, thanks ladies, you’ve been a useful cum bucket now that you threw relationship out for “free independent woman” when its really just promiscuity. They will learn once they hit the wall, then they “want to settle down” but no thanks you used men for sex and now you want to use men as a wallet, frankly I’m surprised guys are still marrying these dumpsters, how nice men are.
At least there's finally an article that isn't titled 'won the internet'.
Adogcalledkitty , I agree with you that posters are guilty of seriously imitating the "Used Car salesman Syndrome". I just went back and did a quick review of Stella's posts, and she is not quite as flamboyant, as many of the other posters here. She could improve her titles with a bit more British understatement, but she is nothing like a few others who would willingly advertise a serial rapist as a pillar of society. 😱
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is that really your biggest concern in day to day life? articles being labeled "won the internet"?
I can't believe people exist who legitimately think regretting having sex with someone means it was rape. It's incredibly scary. I'm so glad I don't live in the states, you'd never get that mentality in England. We have dumb people here but that's next level stupidity.
Ronnie Marks: What the hell was bad about Obama? Did he hurt your feelings with his accomplishments? WAS AMERICA TOO AWESOME FOR YOU?! Screenshot...f6af3e.png
And that you didn't personally vote for Brexit doesn't negate the point that it was a next-level stupid thing to do and 51% of the country did vote for it.
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And I vote you be taken into the public square and burned alive as a fascist little Nazi who deplores democracy.
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And you guys were stupid enough to vote for obama
Aw honey. You're already halfway there. Never say never, or else one day you wake up in Idiocracy.
I happen to know of two in Liverpool, one in Sheffield/Rotherham, under rape charges right now, by the SAME WOMAN...whose friends all openly state she was completely consenting...but got knocked up, is married, and is now trying to keep the hubby from leaving happens in the UK...ya'll are just worse tan we are about presupposing guilt on a rape charge...when's the last time you had an accused rapist get off because there wasn't proof beyond a reasonable doubt? How many got convicted DESPITE very believable, and often testified to, alternate possibilities? Both of these gents are likely to go to jail, too, as SHE picked THEM up, and took them to either her hotel (Liverpool), or to a friend's house who openly states that after letting them in, she went to her boyfriends' for the night. (Rotherham) Think, given motivation, known facts, friends' testimony, etc that EITHER of the accusations are likely legitimate?
I don't think there is ONE country in the world where you don't find this kind of disgraceful opionion, the one depicted in the article and rightfully shamed.. As long as there is a significant amount of people in a certain location, it's bound to happen. Stupidity knows no borders.
People who voted AGAINST Brexit are the types that would agree that Regret equals Rape. The ones that Voted FOR Brexit would likely believe that regret is regret, not rape.
We do get people that stupid here. Next level stupidity gets displayed all the time in the UK. There's the guy who said he voted for Brexit because he's okay with immigrants coming in from Europe but he doesn't want Syrians here... There's the man who was asked the capital of Italy in a quiz, said France, was told France was a country, said Benidorm, was then asked what country the Parthenon is in, and answered Paris to that. Someone was asked what European country Mount Etna was in, and the two answers they offered were Japan and Mexico. Dude who thought Cambridge University was in Leicester. And let's not forget Jade Goody, whose gems of wisdom included: asking if "East Angular" was abroad; that Rio de Janeiro was a person; said a ferret was a bird; claimed Mother Theresa was German; asked if the English flag was the London flag; asked if peacock feathers are their real eyes... the list goes on. We absolutely have next level stupidity here.
Anima Hays: it might be the majority of American women. Their thinking is very subjective and emotional, rationalizing that things can happen different ways-- according to how they "feel," being prone to immense denial and self-deception; while also given to denying responsibility or their own actions and blaming others. And so when a scorned woman's fury exceeds that of Hell, then prior consent becomes remembered as coercion and force-- particularly since women almost ALWAYS have some mixed feelings about sex. After all, the requirement of consent being "affirmatively and freely given" is very subjective, and almost never given expressly as "I AFFIRMATIVELY AND FREELY GIVE CONSENT TO SEXUAL PENETRATION!" And even then she could always claim duress. You'd be amazed what a British lawyer encounters in terms of women "changing their story" after the fact, especially men are expected to ESTABLISH that consent was affirmative and freely given, when she can just DENY it.
Actually the Queen does have a hand in Politics... She's head of state
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England doesn't really legally recognize male rape victims as rape victims when the perpetrator is a female, so you're not really too much better off.
Where in the heck are you getting your information from? Of course they're recognised as rape victims here. We even have specific hotlines and counselling for male surivors as well as the standard ones in case they need a more tailored way to help them through it.
Oh heck, yup, I take that back. I double checked after what Rah said. It gets called "engaging in sexual activity without consent" - that's messed up. The public would see it as rape but we really need the law to revise that definition.
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Feminists are to blame for this. They INSIST regret = rape and teach womyn to beleive this insanity.
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you guys still have a queen.. at least we'll only have trump for 8 years tops.
Yeah but the queen has naff all to do with politics, whereas you have a juvenile cheeto making decisions.
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And then you vote in another d******d like obama or clinton
To me this sounds like giving something to someone and then later calling them a thief because you regretted giving that to them. Not only this takes the attention and respect away from the real rape cases by making it seem like everything is rape, you're basically saying that guy at the party that you thought you were really into but in retrospect weren't really is the same as a rapist, and a guy who just had sex with the wrong girl should not have his life ruined for it.
I bet that guy would regret having had sex with that girl making her a rapist too.
Load More Replies...I have a feeling people who go as far as thinking regretting sex counts as rape are the kind of people who also somehow think women can't rape men just because the guy has to be hard - which obviously means he has to want it, right? Which is just as ridiculous.
Stijn V.: that would require him fabricate a story of how it happened. Such women want to feel "ravished" by just giving signals for men to take the lead, but then spin them as "rape" when her feelings for him change after the fact. Even if she was a prostitute.
I completely agree! I thought this was ridiculous! There's a big difference between realizing you were raped in retrospect and being "Ugh, that guy was a mistake".
I know a really nice guy that spent 10 years in prison for this exact same thing... he met a girl... they went to bed together... later she regretted it... claimed rape... he went to prison.. ruined his life... he was one of the nicest guys I've ever known in my life.
That is so sad. I don't know how people can falsely accuse something of such a horrendous crime.
I was googling my nephew's name just now, and saw his comment below on this subject. He had a very difficult upbringing and never got the love or understanding that he desperately needed... Which is complete understatement. He finally had found a girl that he fell in love with but really had no experience whatsoever when it came to handling any kind of relationship. It did not help that she also suffered from mental problems. Broken people do tend to gravitate towards each other to find understanding and acceptance. She had an order of protection placed against him because their arguments would get very volatile at times. They continued their relationship, until she became angry with him and reported him for violating it. Vermont feeds off it's inmates and does not help them grow. He was jailed for over a year. They again resumed their relationship, or so he thought ,since they were having sex.. until she decided she know longer wanted to continue and accused him of unconsensual sex.
This time he was jailed for 2 years. He finally got out this past October. We were in touch and I was planning a visit to Vermont to see him. Since I hadn't seen him in years I was greatly looking forward to restarting our relationship and being the family member that is there for him and love some unconditionally and sees the beauty in his heart and soul. His grandfather also had a lot of love for him and always looked out for him. I will never get a chance to see or hug or talk to my nephew again , since he took his own life right after Christmas. Why continue living if no one truly understands or loves you and you feel all alone. Her actions, out of anger, not only destroyed his life, but took it forever as well. Changes definitely have to be made regarding this... So other people don't have to lose their loved ones. I now get to see my nephew's face plastered on the internet right under his obituary. Things really need to change... So no one else needs to go through this hell.
Rafaella Bueno: "To me this sounds like giving something to someone and then later calling them a thief because you regretted giving that to them. " So they're Indian Sex-givers?
Women are stupid nowdays, its better to ignore most birdbrains. Not saying women aren’t capable of being smart, but they’re far from that right now. It’s just instant gratifications, and irresponsibility, I feel bad for men who have to deal with one of them. Thanks to feminism you can just f**k them and dump them and never have to actually deal with one, thanks ladies, you’ve been a useful cum bucket now that you threw relationship out for “free independent woman” when its really just promiscuity. They will learn once they hit the wall, then they “want to settle down” but no thanks you used men for sex and now you want to use men as a wallet, frankly I’m surprised guys are still marrying these dumpsters, how nice men are.
At least there's finally an article that isn't titled 'won the internet'.
Adogcalledkitty , I agree with you that posters are guilty of seriously imitating the "Used Car salesman Syndrome". I just went back and did a quick review of Stella's posts, and she is not quite as flamboyant, as many of the other posters here. She could improve her titles with a bit more British understatement, but she is nothing like a few others who would willingly advertise a serial rapist as a pillar of society. 😱
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is that really your biggest concern in day to day life? articles being labeled "won the internet"?
I can't believe people exist who legitimately think regretting having sex with someone means it was rape. It's incredibly scary. I'm so glad I don't live in the states, you'd never get that mentality in England. We have dumb people here but that's next level stupidity.
Ronnie Marks: What the hell was bad about Obama? Did he hurt your feelings with his accomplishments? WAS AMERICA TOO AWESOME FOR YOU?! Screenshot...f6af3e.png
And that you didn't personally vote for Brexit doesn't negate the point that it was a next-level stupid thing to do and 51% of the country did vote for it.
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And I vote you be taken into the public square and burned alive as a fascist little Nazi who deplores democracy.
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And you guys were stupid enough to vote for obama
Aw honey. You're already halfway there. Never say never, or else one day you wake up in Idiocracy.
I happen to know of two in Liverpool, one in Sheffield/Rotherham, under rape charges right now, by the SAME WOMAN...whose friends all openly state she was completely consenting...but got knocked up, is married, and is now trying to keep the hubby from leaving happens in the UK...ya'll are just worse tan we are about presupposing guilt on a rape charge...when's the last time you had an accused rapist get off because there wasn't proof beyond a reasonable doubt? How many got convicted DESPITE very believable, and often testified to, alternate possibilities? Both of these gents are likely to go to jail, too, as SHE picked THEM up, and took them to either her hotel (Liverpool), or to a friend's house who openly states that after letting them in, she went to her boyfriends' for the night. (Rotherham) Think, given motivation, known facts, friends' testimony, etc that EITHER of the accusations are likely legitimate?
I don't think there is ONE country in the world where you don't find this kind of disgraceful opionion, the one depicted in the article and rightfully shamed.. As long as there is a significant amount of people in a certain location, it's bound to happen. Stupidity knows no borders.
People who voted AGAINST Brexit are the types that would agree that Regret equals Rape. The ones that Voted FOR Brexit would likely believe that regret is regret, not rape.
We do get people that stupid here. Next level stupidity gets displayed all the time in the UK. There's the guy who said he voted for Brexit because he's okay with immigrants coming in from Europe but he doesn't want Syrians here... There's the man who was asked the capital of Italy in a quiz, said France, was told France was a country, said Benidorm, was then asked what country the Parthenon is in, and answered Paris to that. Someone was asked what European country Mount Etna was in, and the two answers they offered were Japan and Mexico. Dude who thought Cambridge University was in Leicester. And let's not forget Jade Goody, whose gems of wisdom included: asking if "East Angular" was abroad; that Rio de Janeiro was a person; said a ferret was a bird; claimed Mother Theresa was German; asked if the English flag was the London flag; asked if peacock feathers are their real eyes... the list goes on. We absolutely have next level stupidity here.
Anima Hays: it might be the majority of American women. Their thinking is very subjective and emotional, rationalizing that things can happen different ways-- according to how they "feel," being prone to immense denial and self-deception; while also given to denying responsibility or their own actions and blaming others. And so when a scorned woman's fury exceeds that of Hell, then prior consent becomes remembered as coercion and force-- particularly since women almost ALWAYS have some mixed feelings about sex. After all, the requirement of consent being "affirmatively and freely given" is very subjective, and almost never given expressly as "I AFFIRMATIVELY AND FREELY GIVE CONSENT TO SEXUAL PENETRATION!" And even then she could always claim duress. You'd be amazed what a British lawyer encounters in terms of women "changing their story" after the fact, especially men are expected to ESTABLISH that consent was affirmative and freely given, when she can just DENY it.
Actually the Queen does have a hand in Politics... She's head of state
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England doesn't really legally recognize male rape victims as rape victims when the perpetrator is a female, so you're not really too much better off.
Where in the heck are you getting your information from? Of course they're recognised as rape victims here. We even have specific hotlines and counselling for male surivors as well as the standard ones in case they need a more tailored way to help them through it.
Oh heck, yup, I take that back. I double checked after what Rah said. It gets called "engaging in sexual activity without consent" - that's messed up. The public would see it as rape but we really need the law to revise that definition.
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Feminists are to blame for this. They INSIST regret = rape and teach womyn to beleive this insanity.
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you guys still have a queen.. at least we'll only have trump for 8 years tops.
Yeah but the queen has naff all to do with politics, whereas you have a juvenile cheeto making decisions.
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And then you vote in another d******d like obama or clinton