If You’re Having A Tough Day, These 30 Random Memes Might Cheer You Up
Interview With ExpertWe all, no matter who we are, love to partake in memes by either creating or sharing them (or maybe both) from time to time. That's why various meme pages on social media are thriving.
Like @couplethingvideos, which currently has over 300K followers on Instagram. The schedule for what the account uploads is quite random, but so are the memes they post. In fact, the versatility of themes might be exactly what brought so many people to follow them. So, let's take a look at what kind of random memes they share with the hope of bringing some laughter to our day.
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Knowing that you’re reading this article online, we’re sure you know what a meme is. Well, you wouldn’t have opened this piece if you didn’t.
While memes are a source of entertainment, they can be more than that. In fact, it could be said that memes are a language in themselves—they are a format people use to communicate. They can transcend other languages and cultures, making them a universal tongue in a way.
I learned to employ significant friction with a metallic locking device to penetrate the lateral surface of his aesthetically pleasing, heavily modified four wheel drive vehicle.
With modern technology, it’s easier than ever to create memes—even if you’re not a tech nerd. Bored Panda’s interviewee, Richard Lachman, associate professor at Ryerson University, said, “Tools like Photoshop, or built-in capabilities on our phones, or online tools, mean we can edit, mash-up, and remix videos and photos effortlessly.”
The ideas for memes usually come from various places—from social media, pop culture, fashion, life, and so on.
R. Lachman said that the sources can not only inspire but also signal in-group membership: “If you ‘get’ my image reference, I'm proving my cultural adroitness, making common cause with a subgroup that understands the joke/reference, and claiming a little of that glow of that media object for myself.“
This one goes with: I ran into my ex the other day, backed up and ran into her again.
People are wired to crave group memberships for survival. Yet, sometimes it might not be easy to create the connections we crave so much. The reasons for this are endless—mental health problems, poor social skills, and so on—but we’re not going to get into that too deeply today.
That’s where memes come in. Our interviewee already said that they help people feel like members of certain communities. What we haven’t mentioned yet is that he also believes memes usually serve as bridges between people because discussing any topic in a joke format is easier than taking it seriously.
It's convenient when they let you know they don't respect boundaries before you have to date them. Saves time.
For example, when speaking out about their mental illness in meme format, people can form bonds with others who can relate. Feeling understood and supported by others through sharing similar memes can positively affect those with mental health issues.
As R. Lachman said: “Sharing a meme can help bond, which can then lead to (online or offline) conversations, acknowledging that others are out there and that we are not alone.“ He also noted that sometimes it's not just the individual meme itself, but the feeling of sharing them within a thematic community that helps.
Lol I mean, it can also be "here we are today, what does this look like, a mole?"
Of course, relying solely on memes to create connections isn’t the best idea. As our interviewee put it: “Life online is a complex beast, and memes aren't purely good or bad, helpful or harmful, any more than any other form of communication. They are both at the same time.”
Also, mental health isn’t the only theme that can unite people through memes. Just as there are plenty of sources for their creation, there are as many communities that can be connected.
The topics for memes can vary as well. The Instagram page @couplethingvideos proves that—the themes there are pretty random but still quite hilarious. Over 300K followers would likely agree. So, let’s enjoy the randomness and humor of these memes by upvoting them on this list!
I can see this for some people like...why are you here? You didn't like him when he was alive.
I think the weirdest part in that scenario would be the fact, that you're both just doing some mondane shopping. When you are nineteen, your emotions are so strong, your sadness so real. You would kill and die for the love of that other person. And then suddenly, you're both just some adults on a tuesday who need milk.
What was it Len Deighton put in one of his books? 'Short people aren't aggressive because they're short, they're born short because they're aggressive and being short is to keep them from taking over the world.' Something similar to that, anyway.
This is so my daughter. She told my son that him and his GF should have a baby because she has baby fever but doesn't want children. a week later they announce their pregnancy lol
God this was painful. Most of these were "haha being abusive in a relationship is so funny!". No, no it is not.
I quit reading because I felt most of them were kinda sexist (against both genders)
I don't know who picked these, but they'd better not complain about boomer humour I hate my wife stuff again
No images? *insert megamind image peering through the peephole*
God this was painful. Most of these were "haha being abusive in a relationship is so funny!". No, no it is not.
I quit reading because I felt most of them were kinda sexist (against both genders)
I don't know who picked these, but they'd better not complain about boomer humour I hate my wife stuff again
No images? *insert megamind image peering through the peephole*