Have you ever found yourself feeling down in the dumps, decided to scroll through a bunch of random memes, and suddenly felt better? Even if only for a short while… That’s because a good, hilarious meme has the potential to lift your spirits, make you feel seen, and inject some much-needed humor into an otherwise dark situation. Research shows that memes can even destigmatise depression, and help those suffering feel a sense of community.
We've discovered an IG page filled with random but relatable memes. The fact that it has clocked up over 1.4 million followers says something... Whether you're feeling happy or sad, or maybe just looking for a reason to procrastinate, there should be something for you on the BruhIFunny Instagram page. Bored Panda has gone through thousands of the posts to select a list of the best. Don't forget to upvote the ones that made you spit out your morning coffee.
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The University of Westminster likens memes to fast-food media. “They are like cheeseburgers – highly tempting in colour, smell and texture, but low in nutritional value,” notes the website. “They feed you up a bit (on the news agenda), but you really need a decent meal (or reading a respected newspaper) to nurture your body and mind.”
Nevertheless, just like fast food, memes are here to stay. The University explains that people see, understand and respond to images way faster than we do to text. And some mental health experts believe that’s a great thing.
I would save the packaging, cook the meat, go in search of the type of people that would put that kind of label on the package in the first place, and consume it front of those people while holding up the little picture and telling them all how delicious Chole is. I don't even really eat much meat anymore, beef least of all, maybe twice in the past 18 months....but this kind of thing just pisses me off.
You know what, the idea is fine if you support that philosophy but I'm against the implied level of admin required to achieve this. I'm supposed to believe they identified a specific Cow named Chloe, followed it covertly until it's appointed execution and then followed it's corpse to a packing factory... warehouse... distribution centre... supermarket...before finally applying the sticker they presumably could have made at the first opportunity...just to make a philosophical point regarding the validity of Cows as beings of consciousness and worth. Nah...not buying it. No way was that Cow called Chloe.
Load More Replies...No. The cow wasn't called Chloe. It was more likely called Stock Unit # 447. Or SU #448... Labeling like this wont stop me buying 'Chloe'. The price will...
Naming her is a reminder that she is an individual not just a "unit" so eat her if you want but appreciate her as life form at least. Cows are very nice creatures actually, and eating lots of beef is not healthy. Just trying to make people think instead of being mindless consumers shoveling products down their gullets. I know people who raise their animals, name them, slaughter and eat them. There is a level of appreciation there absent in the meat machine, and they are kindly treated in their lifetimes. But still eaten. But not mindlessly and without regard for the sacrifice for our nourishment. Connecting us to the world and what we are actually partaking in, instead of just consuming products.
Load More Replies...Chloe was bred for her meat. She would never have been born otherwise, so living a peaceful live was never a possibility for her.
Depends on how they are farmed. I have one Angus in my fridge/freezer. Blackie was his name, he had a great life filled with love and his fave berries and apples as treats. The farmer got them as babies, so my bf and I handed and spoilt him until his time. Baby (my bf’s hand reared freisan ) is still spoilt daily but she isn’t in the same paddock as his dads (the farmer) food cows
Load More Replies...Chloe, thank you for tasty meat that will provide me both nourishment and pleasure.
Choosing to not eat meat is one thing, guilt tripping people is another. 🤷♀️
The sticker bothers me. I look at this like it's like the cow d*ed in vein and the meat spoils instead if you don't eat it.
This is beyond stupid and disrespectful. I am -very- well aware that the cows, chickens, pigs, elk, sheep, gators, octopi, squid, kangaroo, yak, boar, deer, ducks, geese, et cetra that I eat were animals. I wouldn't eat meat or seafood if it didn't come from the living, non-insect creatures it came from. Not one of those animals had a name beyond what was on their tag, or maybe their brand. But if I'm somehow eating Thumper instead of "Rabbit 377" or something, then Thumper tastes great.
I grew up on a farm. When we sent an animal to the slaughterhouse we sometimes would get some of the meat returned to us so we had meat for dinner. Did not bother us to eat the animals we had raised and known; that's what we kept them for!
I would be like.. Well.. Chloe died for nothing if I don't eat her and also - How TF did her ghost make this sticker with no thumbs?! 🤯
It's already dead. Sometimes it's like vegans think that if they stop buying milk then dead cows will come back to life
Yes I would eat it because I also want to live. Humans are omnivores we need both plants and meat to survive.
To THRIVE, not survive. The Indians and their vegetarian diet have fooled me. I didn't realize that 20-40% of those 1.5 billion people were done for! Gads! Better tell them they need to start eating meat to survive!
Load More Replies...I wonder how the activist identified the specific cow buy their steaks.
I eat vegetables, not because they are healthy, but because I hate vegetables.
When I went for road trip aroun Ireland, I would point out to sheep grazing over the side of the road and declare - I'm gonna eat you for dinner.
I'm all for caring about animals but those people gotta pick their lanes, honestly a cow grown for meat is not a wild animal that wants to be free. They should focus their efforts on wild life preservation restoration of habitat donate to TIP and other poacher stopping groups. It's just such wasted effort from someone who probably cares a lot.
"Hi, my name is Fred. I'm a corn plant. Your 'personal choice' unalived (sigh) me, because plants are living things too. All life lives at the expense of other life, and that's just the way it is. And since Humans are in fact opportunistic omnivores, design-intended to eat both meat and plants, I know it's not personal. Thanks!"
That cow never would have been born were it not for the ranch that raised it. What matters is that it's treated well while alive. That isn't what's always happening and this tactic will do nothing to change that. The data seems to show that the best thing we can do for livestock is allow them to free range and put internet connected cameras in the barns and slaughter houses. This has been done to great effect in a couple of states, but it's not a national requirement. It needs to be.
We can't bring Chloe back, people. Best that she is consumed lest we waste her.
I find it really sad that people are so far removed from where their food comes from they get upset by this sticker? you'll find very few cattle farmers who are vegetarians let alone vegan. it's more important to not waste food than ban it.
I enjoy meat and hate factory farming. My in laws raised small amounts of animals humanely and I really respect their production. Large scale factory farming is atrocious but affordable, IMO. However, wasting meat is an absolute offence to the animal and far worse than using the meat for nutrition.
I have mixed feelings about this. I mean why waste it? I guess awareness is good. We over consume meat and don't really appreciate the life we're consuming. It's true. We do need animal protein, it's essential to a healthier diet that gives more energy and feeling better. I don't think we need more than 4 servings of animal meat a week. The gladiators lived off of garbanzo beans (meat was harder to come by back then). There's many people who have seen animals killed to be eaten and that kicks them where they just can't anymore. I try to eat more fish. But I enjoy most meats. When I eat meat I take my time chewing and being appreciative. Unless it's a Christmas ham... then I'm like a wild monster with it and my husband is like, where the ham go?
I wonder why people get so mad when someone tries to show the gentle, loving nature of cows to people who hire mercenaries to kill them? Seriously. I grew up in a hunting family and I think the idea that people are unable to realize how sociable and similar to us animals are, well, it's pathetic.
The trouble is that only certain animal flesh contains all of the amino acids we need for our bodies to function properly. We cannot make all of the amino acids we need on a molecular level.
Wouldn't it be worse to let her sacrifice go to waste? Also, I don't like meat often, but have to eat it because my iron is low despite taking multiple tablets. I would probably try to make the best of it by also choosing names I liked.
Chloe is a little pricey, I expect Coco is too. I might not eat something that expired in 2017
Being raised on a farm, I assumed everyone knew that the meat they were buying once had a life. Imagine my shock when I learned that people far removed from farms really didn't know the whole story. It was just another faceless, cellophaned-wrapped product tossed in their cart without a thought. I lived on a humane family farm, but the meat y'all are buying at your local grocery store lived in heinous conditions that I won't get into here because there are documentaries about factory farms that should chill you to the bone. The label is right. Your personal choices are keeping these ghastly "farms" operating.
Chloe was delicious. Thank you Chloe. I would have cuddled you if I met you but still would have eaten you.
I get what they were aiming for but it didn't work. There is however a massive disconnect between what's on a shelf wrapped in plastic and a living, breathing, sentient being. If most people had to do the slaughtering and butchering themselves I think they might find a meatless diet quite appealing after all. Not preaching, just saying.
She has already been slaughtered. Wasting the meat would be disrespectful.
she aint s**t, thats not insulting. She is human, so its partially true
Load More Replies...I wouldn't go this far. I do cook meat for my husband, really (cooking meat) repulses me. I apologize to every cow I pass on the road.
I truly believe that if people had to kill the animals themselves or at least watch the entire process and interact with the animals before they were killed we would have a lot more vegetarians or at the very least a lot more humane conditions. I don’t care what people eat but I do think there’s a lot of denial. The conditions some of these animals are kept in are appalling.
Vegetarianism and veganism are unnatural to the human animal. We are omnivores. And not very long ago, most people DID raise, slaughter, and butcher their own meat animals. There weren't exactly scads of vegans or vegetarians back then.
Load More Replies...LA-based psychologist Theodora Blanchfield sees memes as a helpful part of someone’s healing journey. Blanchfield says memes get “trivialized and disparaged”, but they can play an important role in an age where a lot of our communication is done digitally.
Memes allow people to share their thoughts and feelings quickly, and can help create a sense of community and connection, especially during dark times.
The therapist says her clients sometimes send her memes. “I’m grateful that my friends and clients have used memes to communicate with me in order to say the hard things—to make jokes about their traumas or an element of dealing with chronic depression, for example,” writes Blanchfield.
She adds that finding humor during difficult times can help us to get through by taking “some of the power away from these otherwise taboo feelings.”
Blanchfield says that humor is one of her favorite therapeutic tools. “Laughing is every bit as much of an emotional and physical release as crying. Plus, I firmly believe that sometimes life is just too absurd not to laugh at.”
And she’s not the only expert to laud the power of laughter and relatable memes in the quest for mental wellness...
On a dark snowy Monday 1st in July, we found out that he forgot about the leap year...
A 2020 research paper found that online memes can help those with depression to cope with their symptoms. If you've ever had depression, you might have found it difficult to leave the house, socialize, or even get out of bed. You possibly didn't want to talk about your emotions or feelings. Or maybe you felt like a burden to those around you.
“With memes, depressed people can share their experience in a simple way – possibly even allowing depressed people to form socially supportive and emotional bonds with others,” revealed one of the researchers, Dr. Umair Akram. “It might also help them feel less alone in their experience with depression.”
The experts at digital marketing agency Pennington Creative believe the popularity of memes lies within their ability to create a sense of community. They liken memes to inside jokes. “Your knowledge of a shared joke makes you part of a specific community and ties you together with the other people who are in on it,” notes their site.
The guys at Pennington say memes can make people feel socially accepted, especially if a meme you share gets shared again and again among your social group.
"It’s a reconfirmation of your place within your community," they write. "Memes offer a little bit of human connection in the digital realm, which can otherwise feel cold and isolating, just like an inside joke can in offline world."
Toast is like cheese. There is no such thing as too much.
So whether you've been scrolling through this list of random memes as a means to lift your spirits, whether you've used them as a way to beat boredom, or pass time while trying to look busy at work, don't feel bad. There seems to be enough expert opinion on the benefits of memes on your mental health. And we at Bored Panda want you to be happy!
When was this posted?? I secretly want to judge on how long that xmas wreath has been on the door
Ok, secret to restaurant quality fries at home. 1) You have to use a STARCHY potato. 2) Peel and cut potatoes into french fries (shoestring cut ftw) 3) Put a pot of water onto boil, with 1/2 cup of vinegar and 5g salt while you 4) Soak your fries in room temp water for 5 minutes, drain and repeat until the water stays CLEAR 5) When your pot of water reaches a rolling boil, add your raw fries to the pot, boil for 4-5 minutes, 6) drain the water, lay your fries out on a tea towel blot dry and allow to cool. 7) Once fully cooled and dry, toss in a bit of cornstarch (to prevent sticking) place in bag and FREEZE them, at least 4 hours ideally over night. That's the whole deal. Boiling expands the starches, vinegar prevents browning, freezing creates ice crystals, which further expand the starches and give texture to the exterior of the fry. If you want to toss them in seasoning or batter before freezing, you can do that. If you want to do the fancy double fry method.....
Me if being unable to keep my mouth shut and making constant pop culture references was a job.
No need to have a hungover to enjoy this. In fact, it's even better without the hangover. And now I'm hungry.
Note: this post originally had 68images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.