30 Random Facts That Seem Too Hard To Believe, Yet Are Completely True, As Shared In This Twitter Thread
It’s hard to imagine life without the internet and without being able to google answers to random questions that come to our minds during the day. The whole world’s knowledge, history and art is at our fingertips and we learn so much kind of useless but very interesting information.
The problem with it is that there are a lot of made-up facts. Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between what is true and what is false because it can sound so convincing. On the other hand, the world itself is crazy and some events might seem so unbelievable that you would take them for a lie.
People on Twitter were sharing this kind of random knowledge that sounds fake but is true in a Twitter thread created by @EricMGarcia, who asked “What is a fact that sounds like a s**tpost but is 100 percent real?” These facts challenge the way we see the world and our current knowledge, making them sound preposterous, but they are very correct.
Image credits: EricMGarcia
Image credits: YellowDog (not the actual photo)
More info: Twitter
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People are curious creatures and we like to know things even though they don’t benefit us directly. Some of us even go to university to study things that don’t have true practicality, but we just desire knowledge in that particular field despite knowing that it will be difficult to find a job or apply that knowledge practically.
We get satisfaction from learning such facts like how two unrelated people lived at the same time in history or that all of the Solar system planets would fit in between the Moon and the Earth, even though it is useless information that you can’t use for your own survival.
sad but true. My self and my fellow people need to change a lot. I did not expect what would happen in the replies.Enter at ur own risk. I was stupid when I first posted this comment, and have grown. we all grow, in the end. good luck in your growth.
Information seeking is actually not just a human trait. Every animal explores its surroundings and wants to know things about their environment and other living creatures that are near. But curiosity is the yearning to know the answer and that is what sets humans apart.
Obviously, it started with humans wanting to know their surroundings to survive and it was what helped us develop and achieve the advancements that actually are practical and useful for our lives. The Encyclopedia Britannica claims that “Over thousands of years, only the most curious people reproduced, leading to the characteristic curiosity of modern-day humans.”
He's lucky he wasn't disemboweled. Beware the evil Ostrich foot! ostrich-de...2d33cf.jpg
Yet there are more stars than grains of sand. Astronomy stops making sense after you reach scales like these
Now curiosity doesn’t have that practical aspect, but we seek it because our brain rewards us for getting to know more. The Encyclopedia Britannica explains, “Researchers have determined that dopamine, the brain’s reward chemical, is intricately linked to the brain’s curiosity state. When you explore and satisfy your curiosity, your brain floods your body with dopamine, which makes you feel happier. This reward mechanism increases the likelihood that you’ll try and satisfy your curiosity again in the future.”
There are actually two types of curiosity: epistemic and empathic. Epistemic curiosity is the one that makes you research something you want to know about more and empathic is the one that drives you to get to know what other people think and feel. And the more you encourage both types of curiosity, the easier it is for you to learn even more.
We couldn’t have come this far as a species without having curiosity and without trying to learn things that might seem useless or illogical. The best part is that our brain itself makes us feel happy about knowing things and learning.
So did your brain ward you for reading through this list? Which fact surprised you the most? Do you know of any other facts that sound very bizarre but are actually true? Share them in the comments and upvote the facts that made your brain release the most dopamine!
In 60 or so years, this will be "There was only 66 years between the invention of Twitter and the apocalypse."
I sense a disturbance in the force....nope that's gary's blood.
Not exactly though. The first device that we would recognize as a "fax" came in 1880 with Shelford Bidwell's 'scanning phototelegraph'. It was able to scan a 2D original document, rather than previous machines which required an operator to manually trace over the original with a stylus
Beckett lived in the same village, and had a truck. If he passed the village kids walking to school, he would stop and let them hop into the flatbed of his truck and he would drive them to or from school. But it wasn’t singular to Andre, it was any kid in the village.
That's because there has technically only been one Democratic senator from Vermont, Patrick Leahy (Bernie Sanders is an Independent). He's been a senator since 1974.
Pluto has volcanoes made from water, not lava. It is also so cold there that nitrogen is solid at the surface. There is a possibility that Pluto may harbour life. The moons Europa(jupiter’s), Enceladus and Titan (saturn’s) have a chance of sustaining life
Better, and lesser known, than any single item in the post. Thank you.
Load More Replies...The most common type of person to die from a gunshot wound in America is... a married, white male over 50, with physical health issues. A fact about suicide that nobody talks about.
Women are four times as likely to attempt suicide than men, just far less likely to be successful because they tend to use less violent methods. This is suspected to be because women care more about the affect they will have on the people who find them. Anyone who tries to pull out the old chestnut about "cry for attention" can go take a long walk off a short pier and to see if they can find their empathy and humanity.
Load More Replies...Pluto has volcanoes made from water, not lava. It is also so cold there that nitrogen is solid at the surface. There is a possibility that Pluto may harbour life. The moons Europa(jupiter’s), Enceladus and Titan (saturn’s) have a chance of sustaining life
Better, and lesser known, than any single item in the post. Thank you.
Load More Replies...The most common type of person to die from a gunshot wound in America is... a married, white male over 50, with physical health issues. A fact about suicide that nobody talks about.
Women are four times as likely to attempt suicide than men, just far less likely to be successful because they tend to use less violent methods. This is suspected to be because women care more about the affect they will have on the people who find them. Anyone who tries to pull out the old chestnut about "cry for attention" can go take a long walk off a short pier and to see if they can find their empathy and humanity.
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