The Cheese Patrol, which consists of two goofy young golden retrievers named Colby and Bleu, are becoming Instagram sensations after their owner posted an adorable timelapse video of the pair growing up as they run for their feed bowls.
Their owner spent 9 months recording videos of the goofballs as they race around the kitchen corner to get to their feed bowls. The dogs grow bigger and bigger, but their funny race never changes, with the one on the left always almost hitting the counter (except for when he does).
After their owner’s video went viral, the pups have gained hundreds of new followers on their adorable Instagram. Check it out for more!
More info: Instagram
Watch the video here:
Share on Facebookthink so. looks like something with his left? back leg.
Load More Replies...I loved how at 0:50 one of them gets (very) slightly distracted by the tennis ball! XD
That's a hilarious observation! Food trumps the ball!
Load More Replies...think so. looks like something with his left? back leg.
Load More Replies...I loved how at 0:50 one of them gets (very) slightly distracted by the tennis ball! XD
That's a hilarious observation! Food trumps the ball!
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