People Are Sharing Their Best Work Comebacks And They’re Hilariously Passive Aggressive
One of the many joys of working in an office is having to deal with passive-aggressive emails from your co-workers. Perhaps they sit right opposite you, or maybe they work in a different office completely, but as long as they’re hiding behind their computer, there’s no limit to the saltiness and secret comebacks that they can unexpectedly drop into your inbox.
DC-based writer and marketing consultant Danielle René (known on Twitter as @DeeRene_) knows all about these funny insults, which is why she recently asked people to share their best comebacks after tweeting her own go-to roast phrase for problematic colleagues. Her tweet clearly resonated with people everywhere as many were quick to respond with their own funny comebacks, all of them professional yet at the same time secretly sassy. Scroll down to see for yourself. Do you have any office-related best roasts? Let us know in the comments below.
More info: Twitter
This Twitter user is encouraging people to share their favorite professional clapbacks
People responded by tweeting their own passive-aggressive office comebacks