59 Powerful NSFW Photos From The 2017 Birth Photo Competition Prove That Moms Are Badass
The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers has announced the winners of their 2017 contest, and the photos they chose show the struggles mothers go through to bring new life into the world, and the sheer joy that follows.
We took your breath away with last year's contest, and these new photos will leave you even more amazed. Each one tells a story of pain, perseverance, and finally, relief. They document a baby's first moments of life, and a family's first moments of unity.
Many of the photos below are intense and graphic, so reader discretion is advised. They are all, however, powerful in their own unique ways.
More info: IAPBB
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I've Been Waiting For You
Best In Category: Birth Details, Pieces Of Me
This is amazing. But the placenta is grossing me out a bit. Never seen one look like that before
Best In Category: Postpartum, Straight From Heaven
That First Gaze
Skin To Skin Today. Heart To Heart Always
Jesus. What's our society coming to?! That kid's WAY too young to be a parent.
Falling In Love All Over Again
Are You My Mama?
Great neck control at just a few minutes old. The neck control comes weeks after birth. Strong baby.
Best In Category: Delivery, With A Splash
Freshly Squeezed
Why? This is only how you would have entered the world too (barring medical intervention).
Load More Replies...People bitching when they see a baby being born, in a PHOTO SERIES ABOUT BABIES BEING BORN
I don't understand what is wrong with this picture that has everyone is a frenzy. How is it adult content? It's a babies head, thighs, partial buttocks and a hand... is it the idea of what is happening that is repulsive to people? If si, you all need to realize it happens every minute of everyday and is just the most natural thing there is. This is birth photography, what did you expect?
Did you think you were going to see a crane delivering a baby with a bow in a basket?!
I'm 69, but Í don't understand what is so terrible about this picture that young people shouldn't see it, this is what life is about.
Why should one be 18 to see the beautiful life event of a baby born !This photo Could and Should be shown in primary school, or even kindergarten , it's just Fantastisk ❤️
Some of these comments are pathetic. This is how babies usually come out. There was a warning, it's a NSFW series about childbirth. What did you expect? Fuckwits!
Head first is normal...and so far a great group of pics
Load More Replies...This is beautiful,my midwives also helped me calm down enough to guide my hands feel my baby's head coming through and gave me the power to over come the pain and without epidural they said I did great because I was eager and determined to hold my baby right away and then I did it again with my next baby
The most beautiful and visually funny picture ever? Literally first glimpse of the world upside down 😍 How wonderfully captured
Why for godsake the warning...it's biology/nature/life mesmerising and beautiful
Biology and life are often beautiful AND messy, simultaneously. Mesmerizing AND schocking. Life is far from black or white.
Load More Replies...Many of you are disgusted or smthn. WHAT did you expect to see in this topic?! Stop doing a shitstorm..
Why shouldn't young people see this? this is what life is about.
Agreed! Birth is so incredibly powerful. It's an amazing thing to experience as a woman, and even to watch.
Load More Replies...Did people momentarily forget that babies come out of a vagina?? Seriously, get over yourselves. You can't claim one minute that birth is beautiful and b***h about it the next.
Absolutely beautiful! To those who wished they had headed the warning, how on earth could you be repulsed. This is life!
This is where most of us started, unless you were ripped out via c-section as my third one was. Now there's lots of evidence to show how many greT bacteria to protect our gut and lives we get by travel through the birth canal
I had my children c section and thank God for them, and some of us ain't built for this kind of birth
Load More Replies...Interesting. All I can think of i how much pain the mother is in this photo, but it will be all worth it after.
This part of birth actually isn't that painful, the worst part is over (birth of the head).
Load More Replies...We try to keep as much of the vernix (white ) on the baby as humanly possible. NO bath for 24 or more hours. Very antimicrobial. I have overdue babies born all the time with no vernix. We keep it on.. and baby and mom skin to skin immediately. No blanket between mom and baby ever. Skin touching skin.
Load More Replies...What the heck? I have 4 kids and 4 grandkids and I NEVER got to see THIS view!!
She might be on all fours? I think squating is supposed the most natural position to help push the baby out. It seems like squatting would be better than lying on your back. But then you don't have the epidural, and so that's a big negative to that birth position. haha I tried to go without the epidural, and I got really close but I couldn't do it. So I don't think I would be a squatter or stander. 😁
Load More Replies...Obviously some arnt very mature so they never should have clicked on "mature content"
I chose not to see my son come out, and now I'm glad I chose not to. All of that labor business is scary enough. I think it would have freaked me out more than I was already freaking out. haha
Don't get why there are people bitching about this being disgusting when everyone including you was literally born this way! If you don't like it then don't click on it!
Lovely picture, just have to wait for the rest to come ... gotta love hands and knees!
Lovely photo! Just waiting on the rest to come ... love hands and knees!
Done almost 400 deliveries in my intern ship but still wasn't expecting it like that
Amazing shot...amazing view....amazing share....amazing everything about it!
I love this one. I didn't have the choice to have anything but a c-section due to two medical issues, one being placenta previa and the other being severe arthritis in my hip and back, so although I "missed out," so to speak, I think it is beautiful. It was nice to walk in on my baby's birthday pain-free and calm and say "I'm here to have a baby," but if I had had a choice, I would've had a natural birth.
Why is this article Not Safe For Work. These are images of childbirth, these are not sexuality explicit images.
I read all the comments and I laughed so hard I cried on some of them! And just to clarify - I have had 8 children - all natural with no medication. I am that earthy mother who fell in love with all things pregnancy, childbirth, nursing and children related. Obviously. (smile) And while I find childbirth incredibly beautiful and have even filmed a number of my births, this picture is just an odd juxtaposition to me - still incredible - just not one of my favorites. And as I said, the comments had me in tears. And leading to me to want to "caption" this from the newborn's point of view. But such a beautiful baby for sure!
It's not even showinf the female genital area so I don't rwly find this "mature content". More of... Watch out. It's purple baby!!! Lol :)
what is so censorable about this? Wonderful. It's a recall of My Own struggled relief and joy 60 years ago.
It's sad that there needs to be a warning. If this image is disturbing to you, watch some national geographic, visit someone in the hospital, or just stop using fabric softener on yourself while showing.
This picture reminded me of a mini-story that I wrote last year. https://alkagirdhar.com/2016/06/15/first-journey/
Intensive panda must be a guy... Were you expecting a giant vibrator or fist to be coming out .. seriously .. how do you think you got here
OH c**p people - why would you regret seeing this? Don't be so squeamish. It is an absolute privilege to get to see the very second a child enters the world. This is what it is to be human, strong and vulnerable and the same as everybody else.
Wow, this is just so real, the vernix on the babies head, that look on its face, and mums hand, as a mum brings it all back. Wonderful. What an honour to be there, what a fabulous photo for the paernts to have after.
Awesome and beautiful photo. Little one covered in vernix as mama stands to help deliver.
Magnificent. I'm not seeing well through my tears. These are such a celebration.
Baby looks uncomfortable. This isn't beautiful...as a mother seeing the birth from tne back end, baby clearly can't breathe here, this isn't capturing a good moment. It looks like she's squeezing his head between her cheeks. I get the concept. But try again
He has no need to breathe yet, he has O2 being delivered from Mom via the umbilical cord. Not to mention he is unable to breathe as his body is still compressed in the birth canal, and his thoracic cavity cannot expand yet. This is a perfectly normal position.
Load More Replies...Beautiful! (I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Kids see more skin than this on the beach, and the blood is easily explained.)
Why is there a warning on this? You can't see anything. People are crazy
ouch, yes it does hurt especially with a bigger baby :) Birth is so amazing!
такива снимки на мен ми развалят усещането за "красотата" да донесеш живот на този свят.И тази жена докато е раждала ,когато се е показала главата на бебето какво е казала:"Задръж го малко там на задника ми и снимай?!...."За мен е малоумно!!!
I'm sorry but is anyone else thinking wow when the kid starts dating and mom and dad pull out the baby picture to show the date! Like someone said the babies are well worth the pain and yes it is pain but that's life
Wow. I wonder if this went in the baby book. I also wonder if the baby coming unexpectedly. I've never seen a picture like this.
Awww! Reminds me of when i was birthing my baby and the doc had me reach down and touch her head!
I have a picture like this of me delivering my son my best mate took it nd I find it amazing still
Um... for someone who's somewhat planning to have kids in near future... this is scary as hell (just imagining the pain when squeezing that baby out).
I delivered two (big) sons, but at that moment you need all the strength you've got to push the baby out. You are so concentrated on pushing, so I didn't feel much pain. Most of the pain is when you're having contractions before the actual birth.
Load More Replies...First Place Winner. Road To Deliverance
Honorable Mentions. Catching Her Baby, Born Via Surrogacy
I'm surprised there are no comments here. I had the strongest emotional reaction to this photo. The image of encircling and comforting arms and hands around the new life with the potential for the same encircling and comfort. This photo tells a great story.
The End: A New Beginning
The First Look
'OK, she's screaming. Maybe this is how adults communicate. Odd, but I should be polite to my new hosts.'
Honorable Mentions. Approaching Life
Honorable Mentions. Surprise
Honorable Mentions. Joyful Finale
Honorable Mentions. As She Rose From The Depths
Honorable Mentions. Hello Before Goodbye
That also happened to my son in law. He had several brain surgeries just to stay alive so he could see his daughter be born. He lived for 3 weeks after she was born.
A Beautiful Transition
Honorable Mentions. Gentle Caesarean Birth
As a C-SECTION Mama, this made me cry. Due to the partition I wasn't able to see my son come into the world, and I can very much imagine his tiny newborn face on this little one. 😍 so precious!
The Softest Landing Pad
Becoming Grandmothers
Honorable Mentions. Before The First Breath
Mother's Pure Bliss
Euphoric First Embrace Together
Honorable Mentions. Honoring The Temple
Those fishnet stretchy hospital panties with jumbo pad.. best feeling though.. once your here, you know you definitely passed the finish line!!
Birth In Colour
Bathed In The Morning Light She Welcomes New Life
Honorable Mentions. Birth Of A Mother
Honorable Mentions. 17 Years Of Waiting: A Non-fertility Miracle
Those are really muscular legs! I don't understand why they are holding the baby's neck that way.
Honorable Mentions. She Holds Her Daughter’s Fingers In Awe And Wonde
That's some astounding nails om that baby. Those are going to be beautifull
Superman Style Arrival
Raw Power
Looking Inside
This really reminded me of just how intense the pain was. Childbirth was much harder that I expected!
The Go-to Position For Slow Labor
Honorable Mentions. Rapture
Not sure if that is rapture or relief, but the photo is beautiful.
Honorable Mentions. Future Big Sister
First Wrinkles
Holding On To Strength
This Is Life
Moment To Collect
Christmas Eve Head Shot
That's a powerful reason why you shouldn't yell at your mom! All the pain she passed because of you
Euphoria, Triumph
Honorable Mentions. She Believed She Could
United We Are Strong
Within The Waves
Peaceful Entry
Best In Category: Labor, Determination
Honorable Mentions. Entangled In The Cord That Ties Us
My son was born 30 days early. His cord was wrapped around 3 times around his neck, hence blue baby. He's 47 now, 6'8"....
Hear Me Roar
Baby's First Defense
Its called Vernix. It protects the baby from the amniotic fluid they swim in before birth
Honorable Mentions. Droplets Of Mercy
You do realize most, if not all of these, are taken by birth photographers right?
The World Ahead
Riding The Wave
After having my first, I am not doing that again! If we have more kids, it's gonna be through adoption. I don't know how any woman puts herself through that more than once!
Load More Replies...I've never seen such raw, real photos of childbirth. As a woman who will not bear children, these photos filled me simultaneously with relief and a strange longing. It must be a truly incredible experience.
I completely understand. I lost an ovary to tumors from extreme endometriosis. The tumors keep returning. This time they were all over my remaining ovary , my uterus &bladder. The hormone treatment made me so sick.I have reached a choice. Continue the hormones , which are not even a proven method , or get my uterus removed , which will cure me. I tried the hormone treatment for months. Migraines. Vomiting . Hair loss. It was bad. So recently , I made the choice to get my uterus removed. Because the tumors will return , as they always do. And while losing my uterus means I will never bear children , keeping it is risking me losing my only ovary, which would leave me unable to have children and require me to be on those dreadful hormones for life. It was a very hard choice. I cried and cried. But I'm finally content with it. I just close my eyes &picture me after my uterus is out. Never again suffering these dreadful symptoms & never again having tumors. ❤️
Load More Replies...Kudos to all these women who agreed to have these incredibly intimate moments published!
omg, I dont have a child yet, but those pictures made me absolutely scred and absolutely replace my plans for a child at least with an year ....I am gonna adopt too or a surogate .....got so shocked from fear
Adopt adopt adopt. They need families too! Not all women want to plop babies out. Some of us want to use our compassion to bring happiness to a child that isn't a part of us, but is our child all the same. Anyone can give birth, but not everyone has the mental and emotional strength to take on a child that isn't theirs.
Load More Replies...Absolutely awfull. It's such a torture for the body. I'm so happy I did sterilisation. I love my body and my life.
She knows more than you do, Dee. Maybe she doesn't want to be used as a breeding mule? Maybe she has more to offer to the world than children? Any moron can have kids. It's really not that amazing lol.
Load More Replies...These are beautiful photos, but... WTF is up with the censoring? Like, one pic has nipples, so it's censored, but 2 others have nipples and it's fine. Then you've got a full-on c-section image, cut open skin and all, uncensored. While you've censored two images that literally show nothing but leg and baby head. It's not the blood, because there is blood in some of the other images. Seriously, what's going on???
Beautiful pictures but I'm a mom that had to have 2 c-sections I wish they showed more pictures of babies be born that way too.
I agree i medically cant have natural births, so i should be a badass mum for been able to carry a baby. They neede more c sec pics in there.
Load More Replies...Awesome pictures. That being said, I had 3, all natural, no meds. Yes, I won't go into all the details but what I got out of getting older is I think I would use drugs now.I would not want my daughter to go through the pain, to be honest and I tell her when she has a baby so long as it won't endanger her or baby then take whatever will lessen the pain. Maybe it's because I don't want my daughter in pain?? I don't know but if you don't have to have all the pain and there is pain, worst ever in my life, then why have pain. Ha, I just saw I wrote pain far too often, sorry.
No, it's okay. It only shows it must have been VERY painful. ^_-
Load More Replies...Now I'm terrified 😣 they are beautiful but Omg it looks so painful. I'm having my first child in August 😨😨😨
It's scary and painful but also very temporary. The birth is just one day, but once it's done and you get to hold your fresh new baby the rest just melts away. I would do it again in an instant to feel that burst of emotions; love, pride, relief, accomplishment. It's pure euphoria. Then you get to stare at this creature that is so familiar yet so alien and try to figure out what they are thinking and feeling. That's the real magic.
Load More Replies...Stop saying it's beautiful, it's not beautiful!! A special, raw, personal moment perhaps, but not beautiful!!!!
Stop trying to tell people what is beautiful and what is not.
Load More Replies...I have mixed feelings on these. I am a mother of two but must admit I found some of them disgusting and all of them as a private moment for the family. Of course that was their choice and this is my personal opinion. And whilst some people find these photos to be beautiful they can also portray a terrifying moment for those wanting to become parents for the first time and maybe even scare them off. It also makes me think of those women who have had still borns or those unable to conceive and how upsetting these photos must be for them
Right?!?!!? Idk how anyone thinks they're cute.
Load More Replies...So strange to think something so beautiful, magnificent, wonder can come out of 9 months of waiting. Its really something isn't it?!
I've given birth 4 times. I've also adopted. I know for a fact adoption is an amazing experience. I love my baby just as much as I do my bio children. I encourage everyone to adopt. There are so many unwanted abused, neglected babies and children in this world who need a good home and families to live them. I also foster children. I also have 3 grand children that were adopted. I love it all. My family loves all of the kids I bring into their lives. I guess my point is, even if you can't give birth you can be a wonderful parent and you won't feel any different about your adopted child then you would a bio. Good luck y'all
These photos are disgusting!Whether all must see one's most intimate moment?!?!Today nobody respects their or any privacy.So sad...
I found that having my baby was a difficult experience; a rough pregnancy, a painful recovery after a c-section...but honestly, those things were easier than the challenges of parenthood. Guiding a little person into becoming a kind, respectful, and independent young adult is the biggest challenge of all. It's the best thing I've ever done :)
Anyone find it odd that this whole series of fotos are of white women?... Most women around the world just give birth naturally or even in a hospital [or even in a rice field] and not in tubs of salt water with 'professional' photographers snapping pics of every second ... since there are more than 7 billion of us crawling on earth do they think their birth and by extension their children are somehow more special and every moment needs to be captured and shared?
It's only a "special" blessing when a white woman does it. It's only beautiful when a white woman does it. This isn't about showing the 'beauty' of all women giving birth. *Eyeroll*. Giving birth is such a shallow thing to be proud about. It's something pretty much every woman was 'made' to do. They feel they are entitled to sharing their experience because they think it is special for whatever reason. Birth isn't special. Birth isn't amazing. It's a regular, everyday body function and glorifying it like this is ridiculous.
Load More Replies...It's because white women are sooo much more special (this is sarcasm). Obviously they are the ONLY ones worthy of sharing their "special" journey with the world. Because giving birth is something ONLY they do and it's ONLY a blessing and super duper special when they have babies. They jut HAVE to share with the world their special journey that only they experience even though having kids is something almost any person can do. If there were black women, Asian women, or Mexican women, the comments wouldn't be nearly as nice and inspiring as these ones are. You and I both know that unfortunately.
Load More Replies..."instant tokophobia" this should be called. Just add water (your tears)
I want to share my wife's delivery photo of our newest daughter. it's a great C-section photo. Who do I send it to ?
That's why viewing these are optional, silly...clearly many viewers were moved by these
Load More Replies...So tired of being force-fed this "birth is beautiful" b******t.. It isn't - it's disgusting. I have no interest at all in ruining my vagina (and the rest of my body) just to have a kid that I ultimately don't want.. Babies aren't adorable (especially newborns), pregnancy isn't "beautiful" and labor is all-around f*****g gross.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Pregnancy isn't amazing. Pregnancy isn't incredible. It's not an amazing feat. Neither is giving birth. Literally any moron can get pregnant. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL FOR HAVING A BABY.
Load More Replies...It is the most exhilarating and terrifying experience, you can't compare anything else like it. The passion that goes into delivering that baby safe and sound is paramount. It's truely a bizarre experience and I'm grateful to have experienced it.
These are the most awesome pictures i have ever seen. Birth is so beautiful. I have done it 5 times and wish i could have done it many more. Something only a mother can experience.
What amazingly beautiful raw photos...my youngest is 16 and people were just starting to open up to the idea of photographing your birth ..you were still kind of a weirdo...if you did a video...what brave beautiful souls..
These are absolutely beautiful! Brings back beautiful memories of my first 3 children, then creates an emptiness and longing from my 4th. He was born at 23weeks (survived and healthy now) but I missed a huge portion of the pregnancy.
Lovely photos tho every experience is different mine was perfect as could have been...
Am I the only one thinking this shouldn't be here? Maybe not even exhist? From such a natural act this goes all the way to iconic advertising and maybe manipulation? Yes, child birth is most wondeful natural thing ( i guess, I'm still very young), why do you need to put it in such a hard raw spotlight that it stoppes being intimate, natural and part of life? It became like a propaganda on how you should think about child birth.
I think that may be a bit cynical. It is one of the most life changing moments. It is natural for a parent to want to document that milestone. These are personal keepsakes but also art. Art doesn't dictate a certain reaction and in fact, as illustrated by the comments, people had a wide range of responses.
Load More Replies...I was in labor for4 days with my son who was 2 months early......lots of pain and anxiety!
WoW, I personally want children but i’ve always been scared of the process of giving birth. Seeing these pictures, for me it is still difficult to watch but it is getting a little bit easier. (In the past I felt nauseous and felt like I was gonna pass out) guessing the whole pain thing is really an issue for me... I still want to built a family with my husband though.
i am a birthing photographer in NZ, its the most exhilarating experience to be part of it
My youngest daughter is 7 months I delivered her in four pushes with no pain killers. The second best moment of my life. It was painful and beautifully gratifying.
I don't get what determines mature content in some of these photos - they are all amazing
Absolutely beautiful. #23 brought tears to my eyes and #40 made me giggle. ❤
I think their all Breathtakingly!! I I I just gave birth to my daughter on October 2nd 2017 & I'm so in LOVE with her!!💜
If birth in pool is effective why its not mainstream? maybe hospitals and paid docs want to keep their businesses up?
At 54, two wonderful adult children(boy and girl), four years post hysterectomy and I still feel a bit of sadness knowing that stage of life is over!
All this makes me think of is that there are too many humans on the planet. Seriously people, stop having babies!! Your child is not special and adding one more human being to the mix is not going to change the world for the better. Our planet is dying and every extra mouth to feed is just making it worse -- especially given that these are all white people in affluent countries who are using up way more resources than anyone else. P.S. Ugh, white people and their water births and professional photographers! Shoot me now!
I have wonderful pictures of my sons being born via csection 😊 Photos I will cherish forever! It was the nurse who stole the camera from my husbands pocket that took them lol
Beautiful! Professionally taken or otherwise. Strong babies, women and the people the aid. I found this incredibly moving. Thank you.
Kudos to the uploader. For making us witness some most powerful epic pictures ever. A tear shed down at once. Miss my girl. My ex. The one I thot I wud witness this miracle moments with.
I think every single one of those photos were beautiful! There's nothing icky about childbirth.
Wonderful....And within seconds the pain of birth is forgot and replaced with the pain of love👶👶👶👶👶
I friggen love the fact that these beautiful people were willing to show the real part of life and the beauty of what Love is!
I feel extremely offended why are you censored some pics THIS IS WHEN LIFE STARTS NOT Sexual Content parents have to tell their children what is actually happening not some b******t like god created you NO its not
As a mother who waited 11 years to bear my son, these types of photos are always awe inspiring for me to see.
Even if all of them looks serious... Adding watermark with beautiful font screws up those photos and make them look at least awkward.
I've had 4 c sections and have always felt I was cheated out of experiencing the one true thing that makes me feel like a true woman and mom. Having a baby the way God intended and to not experience the true joy of what it's like to have experience this is like longing for something without ever possibly coming close to it and there's nothing you can do about it ... Thanks for these cause I've never even seen a live natural birth
That's unfortunate. You are a woman, you are more than a birthing mule. Giving birth should not be the only thing you feel makes you a woman. That's such a terrible way to view yourself. You're discounting all of your talents, your ideas, and other qualities that make you special. C-section is still giving birth. It's a necessary medical procedure. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Anyone that tells you otherwise is a moron.
Load More Replies...I have worked as a labor and delivery nurse for almost 20 years. These photos are beautiful, especially the black and white ones. This is exactly what it looks like during child birth. I love my job.
Amazing trip through 59 photos. This is the most interesting beautiful topic i have ever seen
So powerful....these photos! So many memories of my own births..
I have four girls with normal deliveries but I never witness this raw ,breathtaking scenes.
That collection was amazing it brought tears to my eyes so raw soo real, so deep, I just LOVED all of it! I'm a mother of 2 and I thought the pictures were beautiful.
Priceless, best moments in life mother can have. The pain just goes away straight after you hold the baby in your arms. And you dont even think about it, once you see the beautiful living thing that way inside of you for 9 months is now in your arms. Trust me ladies you will never regret it. Its the most beautiful thing that could happen yo you...
I think we women we go through a lot of pain that makes us get old sooner and we lose a lot of blood
Such beautiful pictures. Love them. To many people that don't have children it may seem disgusting, raw, crude and hard to watch. But when you live these moments they are beautiful, amazing, excitement run through your veins but your are nervous. You have butterflies in your stomach and are anxious. It's a one of a kinds feeling that bring joy and happiness.
When your child is born you are allowed to keep your placenta connected for hours after birth. It has so many things your baby would benefit from, and they will more than likely be geniuses. Just a tip.
Beautiful photos, but seriously lacking in diversity. Would be nice to see some women of color in there tol
this is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen! totally gonna get pregnant
So not a single brown person? Seriously? I think everyone was literally a freckled white woman. Except for that squeezed thing of course.
You should get your eyes checked, because there definitely were POC in this set.
Load More Replies...Beautifully done! Props to the Photographers and most especially to the mothers of these photo's and every mother out there, there's nothing in the world like having a child~
Brings back tons of remembered feelings..euphoria, peace and intense maternal love in one big overwhelming rush...
Amazing experience child birth and the beauty is no birth is the same. I had my little Harry 4 months ago and never wanted to be a mother previously but after finding out I was 5 months pregnant maternal instinct does kick in and now cant imagine my life without him. I convinced myself I would die in childbirth but actually with pain relief and a few stitches it was a walk in the park. Amazing photos wish I had one like it
Miracles brought to us by God! The sweetest gifts I have ever received were my two sons! I absolutely loved and treasured every single moment from pregnancy to birth! Our bodies may change from giving birth, but I wouldn't exchange this incredibly beautiful experience, for any other on earth!
Fabulous pictures! Shows the beauty and wonder of life in all stages of birthing!
Got 2 of my own, but never seen how it look from another side. Wow... That one "With the splash" is really something..... Moms are awesome...
These photos are beautiful and these mommas are truly blessed! I must admit a bit of jealousy though. I am infertile and don't have the money for surrogacy or infertility treatments. This is what the beauty of life is all about!
I had 5 baby's, but the last one I had natural. And it was a beautiful experience
I don't understand why many people thought these images were disgusting and too mature? I'm not a mom and have never seen someone give birth before yet none of these images bothered me at all. If you're not mature enough to deal with it, then you shouldn't click on the image to view it.
It is unbearable but at the same time exciting and sweet torment. Most bizarre experience of my life, it's what being alive is all about. So much passion goes into bringing that baby out of you quickly and as safe as possible.
It is the best feeling in the world giving birth nothing comes near to it💕
From the very beginning to the end of the 9 months is the Most ANXIOUS GIFT to wait for and a reminder of how it's worth every sickness felt and every pain endured.....you usually only reconsider when they are Teens and can be mouthy (RUN-LOL) but beautiful precious moments that are Never 2 Be Forgotten/TRUE LOVE fromTHE MOST HIGH
Just beautiful. I gave birth to three daughters, I wish I would of had pictures.
Having delivered four of my own and being present at the birth of six of my grandchildren, everyone is new and exciting to witness. These photos were beautiful and brought back memories.
Brilliant photos. The squirting one though, I couldn't help but react in laughter for the doctor's reaction and shock for such an extremely intense situation being captured in a photo. It borders on taboo. It succeeded in that it had that much power over me though. I am not offended or anything by such a display, just amazed it has been shared publicly.
It's amniotic fluid and believe me, that dr is used to it
Load More Replies...Having given birth to 7 children (1 set of twins), these photos take me right back to those first moments. So precious. Birth is an incredibly beautiful journey.
i would much rather see these photos of alive babies instead of aborted ones.like the beginning of HARD TRUTH. where this one is a picture of a LIVE babys head coming out between a moms legs, in HARD TRUTH it the babys head not connected to the body any longer, its very sad to watch.thats a d and x abortion im talking abouit, where the doctor goes in your womb, tears the babys body into pieces and removes them one at a time. very sad and very gruesome.while the child is still alive they do that. fact,not fiction.
I never wanted children. Hated them actually. But when I became pregnant even while being in birth control, and I was17, something told me to keep it. Even though I had an emergency c-section, though my birth plan was all natural, child birth was THE most defining and character building moment of my life. I'm appreciate that I was able to do through that. Does it hurt? Like HELL. But as I look back, that's the last thing I remember. It's been11 years since I've given birth. These pictures make me want to do it all over again. Thank you for sharing
Wow we as mothers are incredible beings and that is just the beginning of our strength as mothers. Powerful pictures
I don't understand people who say that child birth is not beautiful, but sex is, its the same damn body parts involved, just add blood, pain and babies.
Neither of them are beautiful in my opinion. Other people think it is and that's their right, however, I fail to see the beauty in something we were created to do. It's not necessarily incredible. It's just a regular everyday thing. The photoshop made the photos look pretty, but that's about it.
Load More Replies...Amazing, powerful, raw. I did this 17 months ago and will do it again in four months. Some hit home and brought a flood of memories, some were a gutpunch, some were experiences I hoped to have but didn't...all in all, very moving.
Makes me want to get married...Just reminds me how much I want to get married. Man, being ineligible sucks.
Is there a reason you have to make it about race? Just like the other person said: maybe no black women wanted to be photographed or the photographs shared. Stop race baiting!
Load More Replies...I don't understand, why some people like to give birth like animals ?
If you're referring to giving birth on all fours, it's actually a way better way to give birth and reduces the likelihood of complications and vaginal tearing. Nature has it right. The on the back birthing position is easier for doctors to see the birth which is why it is widely used, but it causes the tailbone to be pushed into the birth canal making labour longer, more painful and riskier.
Load More Replies...I just started my own Health & Wellness business as an Independent Distributor with #ItWorksGlobal. Home of the #CrazyWrapThing & many more wonderful products. Please keep in mind that it is your decision to either become a loyal customer or join my team in becoming an Independent Distributor with It Works Global. You can become your own boss at your own time and make your own money. For more information please feel free to comment below or message me at facebook.com/evemarlik
While I think the pictures of women bringing life to Earth are empowering I can't help but noticed that all the women featured in here were of White people. It would have been nice to see colored women too, for they also bring life to Earth.
Tries to be SJW... calls then "colored people". 🙄
Load More Replies...Penis Are ugly as well. But somehow they are put to good use.
Load More Replies...After having my first, I am not doing that again! If we have more kids, it's gonna be through adoption. I don't know how any woman puts herself through that more than once!
Load More Replies...I've never seen such raw, real photos of childbirth. As a woman who will not bear children, these photos filled me simultaneously with relief and a strange longing. It must be a truly incredible experience.
I completely understand. I lost an ovary to tumors from extreme endometriosis. The tumors keep returning. This time they were all over my remaining ovary , my uterus &bladder. The hormone treatment made me so sick.I have reached a choice. Continue the hormones , which are not even a proven method , or get my uterus removed , which will cure me. I tried the hormone treatment for months. Migraines. Vomiting . Hair loss. It was bad. So recently , I made the choice to get my uterus removed. Because the tumors will return , as they always do. And while losing my uterus means I will never bear children , keeping it is risking me losing my only ovary, which would leave me unable to have children and require me to be on those dreadful hormones for life. It was a very hard choice. I cried and cried. But I'm finally content with it. I just close my eyes &picture me after my uterus is out. Never again suffering these dreadful symptoms & never again having tumors. ❤️
Load More Replies...Kudos to all these women who agreed to have these incredibly intimate moments published!
omg, I dont have a child yet, but those pictures made me absolutely scred and absolutely replace my plans for a child at least with an year ....I am gonna adopt too or a surogate .....got so shocked from fear
Adopt adopt adopt. They need families too! Not all women want to plop babies out. Some of us want to use our compassion to bring happiness to a child that isn't a part of us, but is our child all the same. Anyone can give birth, but not everyone has the mental and emotional strength to take on a child that isn't theirs.
Load More Replies...Absolutely awfull. It's such a torture for the body. I'm so happy I did sterilisation. I love my body and my life.
She knows more than you do, Dee. Maybe she doesn't want to be used as a breeding mule? Maybe she has more to offer to the world than children? Any moron can have kids. It's really not that amazing lol.
Load More Replies...These are beautiful photos, but... WTF is up with the censoring? Like, one pic has nipples, so it's censored, but 2 others have nipples and it's fine. Then you've got a full-on c-section image, cut open skin and all, uncensored. While you've censored two images that literally show nothing but leg and baby head. It's not the blood, because there is blood in some of the other images. Seriously, what's going on???
Beautiful pictures but I'm a mom that had to have 2 c-sections I wish they showed more pictures of babies be born that way too.
I agree i medically cant have natural births, so i should be a badass mum for been able to carry a baby. They neede more c sec pics in there.
Load More Replies...Awesome pictures. That being said, I had 3, all natural, no meds. Yes, I won't go into all the details but what I got out of getting older is I think I would use drugs now.I would not want my daughter to go through the pain, to be honest and I tell her when she has a baby so long as it won't endanger her or baby then take whatever will lessen the pain. Maybe it's because I don't want my daughter in pain?? I don't know but if you don't have to have all the pain and there is pain, worst ever in my life, then why have pain. Ha, I just saw I wrote pain far too often, sorry.
No, it's okay. It only shows it must have been VERY painful. ^_-
Load More Replies...Now I'm terrified 😣 they are beautiful but Omg it looks so painful. I'm having my first child in August 😨😨😨
It's scary and painful but also very temporary. The birth is just one day, but once it's done and you get to hold your fresh new baby the rest just melts away. I would do it again in an instant to feel that burst of emotions; love, pride, relief, accomplishment. It's pure euphoria. Then you get to stare at this creature that is so familiar yet so alien and try to figure out what they are thinking and feeling. That's the real magic.
Load More Replies...Stop saying it's beautiful, it's not beautiful!! A special, raw, personal moment perhaps, but not beautiful!!!!
Stop trying to tell people what is beautiful and what is not.
Load More Replies...I have mixed feelings on these. I am a mother of two but must admit I found some of them disgusting and all of them as a private moment for the family. Of course that was their choice and this is my personal opinion. And whilst some people find these photos to be beautiful they can also portray a terrifying moment for those wanting to become parents for the first time and maybe even scare them off. It also makes me think of those women who have had still borns or those unable to conceive and how upsetting these photos must be for them
Right?!?!!? Idk how anyone thinks they're cute.
Load More Replies...So strange to think something so beautiful, magnificent, wonder can come out of 9 months of waiting. Its really something isn't it?!
I've given birth 4 times. I've also adopted. I know for a fact adoption is an amazing experience. I love my baby just as much as I do my bio children. I encourage everyone to adopt. There are so many unwanted abused, neglected babies and children in this world who need a good home and families to live them. I also foster children. I also have 3 grand children that were adopted. I love it all. My family loves all of the kids I bring into their lives. I guess my point is, even if you can't give birth you can be a wonderful parent and you won't feel any different about your adopted child then you would a bio. Good luck y'all
These photos are disgusting!Whether all must see one's most intimate moment?!?!Today nobody respects their or any privacy.So sad...
I found that having my baby was a difficult experience; a rough pregnancy, a painful recovery after a c-section...but honestly, those things were easier than the challenges of parenthood. Guiding a little person into becoming a kind, respectful, and independent young adult is the biggest challenge of all. It's the best thing I've ever done :)
Anyone find it odd that this whole series of fotos are of white women?... Most women around the world just give birth naturally or even in a hospital [or even in a rice field] and not in tubs of salt water with 'professional' photographers snapping pics of every second ... since there are more than 7 billion of us crawling on earth do they think their birth and by extension their children are somehow more special and every moment needs to be captured and shared?
It's only a "special" blessing when a white woman does it. It's only beautiful when a white woman does it. This isn't about showing the 'beauty' of all women giving birth. *Eyeroll*. Giving birth is such a shallow thing to be proud about. It's something pretty much every woman was 'made' to do. They feel they are entitled to sharing their experience because they think it is special for whatever reason. Birth isn't special. Birth isn't amazing. It's a regular, everyday body function and glorifying it like this is ridiculous.
Load More Replies...It's because white women are sooo much more special (this is sarcasm). Obviously they are the ONLY ones worthy of sharing their "special" journey with the world. Because giving birth is something ONLY they do and it's ONLY a blessing and super duper special when they have babies. They jut HAVE to share with the world their special journey that only they experience even though having kids is something almost any person can do. If there were black women, Asian women, or Mexican women, the comments wouldn't be nearly as nice and inspiring as these ones are. You and I both know that unfortunately.
Load More Replies..."instant tokophobia" this should be called. Just add water (your tears)
I want to share my wife's delivery photo of our newest daughter. it's a great C-section photo. Who do I send it to ?
That's why viewing these are optional, silly...clearly many viewers were moved by these
Load More Replies...So tired of being force-fed this "birth is beautiful" b******t.. It isn't - it's disgusting. I have no interest at all in ruining my vagina (and the rest of my body) just to have a kid that I ultimately don't want.. Babies aren't adorable (especially newborns), pregnancy isn't "beautiful" and labor is all-around f*****g gross.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Pregnancy isn't amazing. Pregnancy isn't incredible. It's not an amazing feat. Neither is giving birth. Literally any moron can get pregnant. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL FOR HAVING A BABY.
Load More Replies...It is the most exhilarating and terrifying experience, you can't compare anything else like it. The passion that goes into delivering that baby safe and sound is paramount. It's truely a bizarre experience and I'm grateful to have experienced it.
These are the most awesome pictures i have ever seen. Birth is so beautiful. I have done it 5 times and wish i could have done it many more. Something only a mother can experience.
What amazingly beautiful raw photos...my youngest is 16 and people were just starting to open up to the idea of photographing your birth ..you were still kind of a weirdo...if you did a video...what brave beautiful souls..
These are absolutely beautiful! Brings back beautiful memories of my first 3 children, then creates an emptiness and longing from my 4th. He was born at 23weeks (survived and healthy now) but I missed a huge portion of the pregnancy.
Lovely photos tho every experience is different mine was perfect as could have been...
Am I the only one thinking this shouldn't be here? Maybe not even exhist? From such a natural act this goes all the way to iconic advertising and maybe manipulation? Yes, child birth is most wondeful natural thing ( i guess, I'm still very young), why do you need to put it in such a hard raw spotlight that it stoppes being intimate, natural and part of life? It became like a propaganda on how you should think about child birth.
I think that may be a bit cynical. It is one of the most life changing moments. It is natural for a parent to want to document that milestone. These are personal keepsakes but also art. Art doesn't dictate a certain reaction and in fact, as illustrated by the comments, people had a wide range of responses.
Load More Replies...I was in labor for4 days with my son who was 2 months early......lots of pain and anxiety!
WoW, I personally want children but i’ve always been scared of the process of giving birth. Seeing these pictures, for me it is still difficult to watch but it is getting a little bit easier. (In the past I felt nauseous and felt like I was gonna pass out) guessing the whole pain thing is really an issue for me... I still want to built a family with my husband though.
i am a birthing photographer in NZ, its the most exhilarating experience to be part of it
My youngest daughter is 7 months I delivered her in four pushes with no pain killers. The second best moment of my life. It was painful and beautifully gratifying.
I don't get what determines mature content in some of these photos - they are all amazing
Absolutely beautiful. #23 brought tears to my eyes and #40 made me giggle. ❤
I think their all Breathtakingly!! I I I just gave birth to my daughter on October 2nd 2017 & I'm so in LOVE with her!!💜
If birth in pool is effective why its not mainstream? maybe hospitals and paid docs want to keep their businesses up?
At 54, two wonderful adult children(boy and girl), four years post hysterectomy and I still feel a bit of sadness knowing that stage of life is over!
All this makes me think of is that there are too many humans on the planet. Seriously people, stop having babies!! Your child is not special and adding one more human being to the mix is not going to change the world for the better. Our planet is dying and every extra mouth to feed is just making it worse -- especially given that these are all white people in affluent countries who are using up way more resources than anyone else. P.S. Ugh, white people and their water births and professional photographers! Shoot me now!
I have wonderful pictures of my sons being born via csection 😊 Photos I will cherish forever! It was the nurse who stole the camera from my husbands pocket that took them lol
Beautiful! Professionally taken or otherwise. Strong babies, women and the people the aid. I found this incredibly moving. Thank you.
Kudos to the uploader. For making us witness some most powerful epic pictures ever. A tear shed down at once. Miss my girl. My ex. The one I thot I wud witness this miracle moments with.
I think every single one of those photos were beautiful! There's nothing icky about childbirth.
Wonderful....And within seconds the pain of birth is forgot and replaced with the pain of love👶👶👶👶👶
I friggen love the fact that these beautiful people were willing to show the real part of life and the beauty of what Love is!
I feel extremely offended why are you censored some pics THIS IS WHEN LIFE STARTS NOT Sexual Content parents have to tell their children what is actually happening not some b******t like god created you NO its not
As a mother who waited 11 years to bear my son, these types of photos are always awe inspiring for me to see.
Even if all of them looks serious... Adding watermark with beautiful font screws up those photos and make them look at least awkward.
I've had 4 c sections and have always felt I was cheated out of experiencing the one true thing that makes me feel like a true woman and mom. Having a baby the way God intended and to not experience the true joy of what it's like to have experience this is like longing for something without ever possibly coming close to it and there's nothing you can do about it ... Thanks for these cause I've never even seen a live natural birth
That's unfortunate. You are a woman, you are more than a birthing mule. Giving birth should not be the only thing you feel makes you a woman. That's such a terrible way to view yourself. You're discounting all of your talents, your ideas, and other qualities that make you special. C-section is still giving birth. It's a necessary medical procedure. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Anyone that tells you otherwise is a moron.
Load More Replies...I have worked as a labor and delivery nurse for almost 20 years. These photos are beautiful, especially the black and white ones. This is exactly what it looks like during child birth. I love my job.
Amazing trip through 59 photos. This is the most interesting beautiful topic i have ever seen
So powerful....these photos! So many memories of my own births..
I have four girls with normal deliveries but I never witness this raw ,breathtaking scenes.
That collection was amazing it brought tears to my eyes so raw soo real, so deep, I just LOVED all of it! I'm a mother of 2 and I thought the pictures were beautiful.
Priceless, best moments in life mother can have. The pain just goes away straight after you hold the baby in your arms. And you dont even think about it, once you see the beautiful living thing that way inside of you for 9 months is now in your arms. Trust me ladies you will never regret it. Its the most beautiful thing that could happen yo you...
I think we women we go through a lot of pain that makes us get old sooner and we lose a lot of blood
Such beautiful pictures. Love them. To many people that don't have children it may seem disgusting, raw, crude and hard to watch. But when you live these moments they are beautiful, amazing, excitement run through your veins but your are nervous. You have butterflies in your stomach and are anxious. It's a one of a kinds feeling that bring joy and happiness.
When your child is born you are allowed to keep your placenta connected for hours after birth. It has so many things your baby would benefit from, and they will more than likely be geniuses. Just a tip.
Beautiful photos, but seriously lacking in diversity. Would be nice to see some women of color in there tol
this is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen! totally gonna get pregnant
So not a single brown person? Seriously? I think everyone was literally a freckled white woman. Except for that squeezed thing of course.
You should get your eyes checked, because there definitely were POC in this set.
Load More Replies...Beautifully done! Props to the Photographers and most especially to the mothers of these photo's and every mother out there, there's nothing in the world like having a child~
Brings back tons of remembered feelings..euphoria, peace and intense maternal love in one big overwhelming rush...
Amazing experience child birth and the beauty is no birth is the same. I had my little Harry 4 months ago and never wanted to be a mother previously but after finding out I was 5 months pregnant maternal instinct does kick in and now cant imagine my life without him. I convinced myself I would die in childbirth but actually with pain relief and a few stitches it was a walk in the park. Amazing photos wish I had one like it
Miracles brought to us by God! The sweetest gifts I have ever received were my two sons! I absolutely loved and treasured every single moment from pregnancy to birth! Our bodies may change from giving birth, but I wouldn't exchange this incredibly beautiful experience, for any other on earth!
Fabulous pictures! Shows the beauty and wonder of life in all stages of birthing!
Got 2 of my own, but never seen how it look from another side. Wow... That one "With the splash" is really something..... Moms are awesome...
These photos are beautiful and these mommas are truly blessed! I must admit a bit of jealousy though. I am infertile and don't have the money for surrogacy or infertility treatments. This is what the beauty of life is all about!
I had 5 baby's, but the last one I had natural. And it was a beautiful experience
I don't understand why many people thought these images were disgusting and too mature? I'm not a mom and have never seen someone give birth before yet none of these images bothered me at all. If you're not mature enough to deal with it, then you shouldn't click on the image to view it.
It is unbearable but at the same time exciting and sweet torment. Most bizarre experience of my life, it's what being alive is all about. So much passion goes into bringing that baby out of you quickly and as safe as possible.
It is the best feeling in the world giving birth nothing comes near to it💕
From the very beginning to the end of the 9 months is the Most ANXIOUS GIFT to wait for and a reminder of how it's worth every sickness felt and every pain endured.....you usually only reconsider when they are Teens and can be mouthy (RUN-LOL) but beautiful precious moments that are Never 2 Be Forgotten/TRUE LOVE fromTHE MOST HIGH
Just beautiful. I gave birth to three daughters, I wish I would of had pictures.
Having delivered four of my own and being present at the birth of six of my grandchildren, everyone is new and exciting to witness. These photos were beautiful and brought back memories.
Brilliant photos. The squirting one though, I couldn't help but react in laughter for the doctor's reaction and shock for such an extremely intense situation being captured in a photo. It borders on taboo. It succeeded in that it had that much power over me though. I am not offended or anything by such a display, just amazed it has been shared publicly.
It's amniotic fluid and believe me, that dr is used to it
Load More Replies...Having given birth to 7 children (1 set of twins), these photos take me right back to those first moments. So precious. Birth is an incredibly beautiful journey.
i would much rather see these photos of alive babies instead of aborted ones.like the beginning of HARD TRUTH. where this one is a picture of a LIVE babys head coming out between a moms legs, in HARD TRUTH it the babys head not connected to the body any longer, its very sad to watch.thats a d and x abortion im talking abouit, where the doctor goes in your womb, tears the babys body into pieces and removes them one at a time. very sad and very gruesome.while the child is still alive they do that. fact,not fiction.
I never wanted children. Hated them actually. But when I became pregnant even while being in birth control, and I was17, something told me to keep it. Even though I had an emergency c-section, though my birth plan was all natural, child birth was THE most defining and character building moment of my life. I'm appreciate that I was able to do through that. Does it hurt? Like HELL. But as I look back, that's the last thing I remember. It's been11 years since I've given birth. These pictures make me want to do it all over again. Thank you for sharing
Wow we as mothers are incredible beings and that is just the beginning of our strength as mothers. Powerful pictures
I don't understand people who say that child birth is not beautiful, but sex is, its the same damn body parts involved, just add blood, pain and babies.
Neither of them are beautiful in my opinion. Other people think it is and that's their right, however, I fail to see the beauty in something we were created to do. It's not necessarily incredible. It's just a regular everyday thing. The photoshop made the photos look pretty, but that's about it.
Load More Replies...Amazing, powerful, raw. I did this 17 months ago and will do it again in four months. Some hit home and brought a flood of memories, some were a gutpunch, some were experiences I hoped to have but didn't...all in all, very moving.
Makes me want to get married...Just reminds me how much I want to get married. Man, being ineligible sucks.
Is there a reason you have to make it about race? Just like the other person said: maybe no black women wanted to be photographed or the photographs shared. Stop race baiting!
Load More Replies...I don't understand, why some people like to give birth like animals ?
If you're referring to giving birth on all fours, it's actually a way better way to give birth and reduces the likelihood of complications and vaginal tearing. Nature has it right. The on the back birthing position is easier for doctors to see the birth which is why it is widely used, but it causes the tailbone to be pushed into the birth canal making labour longer, more painful and riskier.
Load More Replies...I just started my own Health & Wellness business as an Independent Distributor with #ItWorksGlobal. Home of the #CrazyWrapThing & many more wonderful products. Please keep in mind that it is your decision to either become a loyal customer or join my team in becoming an Independent Distributor with It Works Global. You can become your own boss at your own time and make your own money. For more information please feel free to comment below or message me at facebook.com/evemarlik
While I think the pictures of women bringing life to Earth are empowering I can't help but noticed that all the women featured in here were of White people. It would have been nice to see colored women too, for they also bring life to Earth.
Tries to be SJW... calls then "colored people". 🙄
Load More Replies...Penis Are ugly as well. But somehow they are put to good use.
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