Usually, getting mail is great. You might open up your mailbox to find a postcard from a long-forgotten friend or an invitation to support a local cause you care about deeply. However, right at the back of your mailbox you might find a bill or… a debt collection letter.

A Tumblr user, who goes by the name of Cherryseltzer, shared their story about a weird and “super predatory” debt collection letter they got. And it got their alarm bells ringing. The letter’s full of ambiguity and it’s bound to make anyone want to complain about getting something like this.

Scroll down, have a read, and let us know what you think, dear Pandas. Have you gotten anything like this yourselves? What’s the best thing to do in a situation like this? Share your thoughts in the comment section.


    Someone shared their negative experience with a bank letter and it’s a warning about how you should read everything very carefully

    Image credits: Daniel Arauz (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: cherryseltzer

    Image credits: feetlips

    Paying off your debts and honoring your agreements is important. However, letters about a minuscule debt from over 2 decades ago that make you wish you had a lawyer on retainer don’t exactly help improve a company’s reputation.

    And what makes my head spin the most is that actually making any repayments toward the debt (even though you don’t have to) would make it possible for the bank to sue you for the full amount. I might be old-fashioned, but aren’t things that are legal supposed to be connected to the spirit of justice (just a tiny bit)?

    Cherryseltzer’s story got nearly 122k notes on Tumblr. The story made a resurgence in popularity on Imgur recently, too, with nearly 5.9k upvotes. Naturally, the people who read the story online were shocked and suggested that everyone read all letters and contracts very carefully. And one commenter took the cake when they summed up the entire situation in a single sentence: “Pay us so we can sue you.”


    Debt collection laws vary country to country and state to state, so you’ll need to do some research and read up on what is and isn’t allowed if you get any similar letters. And if you’re confused, there are always people and organizations who offer pro bono advice about legal matters. Just make sure to always, always, always read the fine print.

    Here’s what people said when they read about what happened