Comic books, Porsche 911s, and Vincent Van Gogh paintings are just a few examples of things that have managed to stand the test of time; they have remained popular and valued for decades and centuries. However, there's plenty of stuff that have a much, much shorter lifespan. And you can find most of it on the subreddit 'Aged Like Milk.'
This online community of over 1 million members offers a humorous look at ideas, opinions, and items that were once (somewhat) popular or trendy but are now considered outdated and downright cringeworthy. 'Aged Like Milk' is like a magnifying glass, showing the changes happening in popular culture and broader society that we might miss otherwise. It's a reminder that the world evolves and we need to as well.
So continue scrolling to check out its latest content and for more, fire up our earlier publications on the subreddit here and here. Enjoy. Or hate it. Sometimes these two acts can be equally addictive and pleasing.
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Nice One Google
9 Days
What's worse, I think with a span of only nine days Wright brothers were already building and experimenting on their plane prototypes when this article was posted.
Few people arrive at adulthood without sharing embarrassing takes online. Scroll down long enough and I think most of us have something on our social media profiles that we could be dragged for.
Mark Travers, Ph.D., who is an American psychologist with degrees from Cornell University and the University of Colorado Boulder, and is the lead psychologist at Awake Therapy, thinks that being mocked on the internet has very little to do with you — reacting to your post is often just an opportunity for the haters to get recognition. Once your post is no longer trending, he wrote in Forbes, they will move on to the next big post to hate on.
Hardest ever game of guess who….raise your hand if you get sexually aroused at the thought of personally killing millions through the exploitation of addiction?
Aged Like Milk In 24 Hours
Aged Like Milk, Literally
With this in mind, the psychologist suggests not engaging if you end up featured on a subreddit like this one or start receiving negative attention on social media.
"People who attempt to put you down online are doing so for reasons beyond your control. You will not be able to reason with an angry mob," he said. "Aiming hurtful comments at you on social media is ‘safe’ because they only see you as a social media handle. Often, they may just be virtue-signaling their way into their fifteen minutes of fame and unwilling to recognize that you are a real human being."
The Musker Really Showing His True Colors…
Lots Of Experience With Little Kids…
On the 2008 reality TV show 19 Kids and Counting, Josh Duggar and his wife Anna announce that they are expecting a new child. In a cutaway, his little sister Jessa comments on how he’ll be a good dad, considering his extensive experience with little kids. In 2015, allegations against Josh came out that when he was 14-15 years old, he molested 4 of his younger sisters. Today, Josh is currently serving a 12 year prison sentence after being convicted for downloading images of child sex abuse from his work computer.
A Lot Here On Andrew Tate At The Moment, But This Really Sticks Out
Love How The Tone Of This Postcard Shifted Ever So Slightly Between Its Making And Today
We express ourselves online because that is how we feel at the time. People change, however, Travers believes there is no need to prove yourself with petty back-and-forths with those we don’t know.
"This will just add fuel to the fire and cause more people to jump on the we-hate-you bandwagon," he explained. "While you may be tempted to ruminate on the loudest and meanest comments, don’t let your negativity bias trip you up. There are several people on social media who will offer their support, kindness, and understanding. Focus on these comments."
A Truly Awful Aged Like Milk
Cnn Strikes Again
So, Is That A No To Dignity?
Now she's claiming to be the duly elected governor. Denial runs strong in the republican party.
“I Can Say Antisemitic Things And Adidas Can’t Drop Me” -Kanye
As a rule of thumb, don't post anything on social media that you wouldn't stand by in real life. But unless your post is illegal or in any way harmful to you or others, don’t delete it just because you are being dragged online.
"Doing so will not prevent further backlash as people may have taken screenshots of your tweet or post. Deleting your post will give them more fodder to troll you," Travers explained.
"They Don’t Put Pretty People Like Me In Jail"
Oh, Netflix
They lost a fair amount of subscribers last year, so now they're trying to recoup their losses.
Classic Law & Order
Kanye In Highschool
You know, it used to be that NAZIs were the one thing we could all agree on. You see a NAZI in a movie, he's a bad guy. He's going to get his butt kicked by the hero. What happened?
"Also, stay true to your opinions. The dragging will pass as soon as the haters get bored and people will respect you for being strong-willed. This could translate to more online connections with people who see eye to eye with you," the psychologist explained.
Mmmhh Love Me Some Aged Milk
Stick To Weekly Programming “Predictions”
An Ad From The 1950's Gives Tips On How To Dispose Of Batteries
According to a fact checking site: applying the advice mentioned above to a 1950s dry-cell zinc battery would not produce the same explosive results you would encounter if you tossed a modern battery into a fireplace.
Justice Served
In her book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, Amy Morin, included a chapter about the dangers of dwelling on the past.
She said you can't be your strongest self when your brain is preoccupied with prior mistakes, past hurts, and nagging regret.
Fyi They Do Now
"I'll Put My Reputation On The Line. Multiple Times"
If You Can't Even Clean Up Your Own Room, Who The Hell Are You To Give Advice To The World?
He is the poster child for the incel/ toxic masculinity crowd. And just a misogynistic, transphobic hypocrite. He also preached personal responsibility while being a raging drug addict. And yet there are a pile of douche bros who defend him "for teaching the importance of masculinity".
A "Victorious" Prime Minister Declares "Peace For Our Time" After Hitler Agrees Not To Invade Any More Territories In Europe, 1938
Although a certain amount of self-reflection can, of course, be healthy for you, sometimes you need to be able to focus on the present and let go of the past, including those confusing posts you made too. Looking backward makes it impossible to enjoy what's going on around you right now.
From Hero To Villain
No One Forces You To Have A Baby
The fact the USA has such appalling maternity leave for new mums and also appalling family planning options is awful. How anyone can go back to work days after giving birth is beyond me, even those have had c sections! Also the cost of child care seems extortionate too. Like the USA really seems to hate all its citizens in regards to health care and job rights but really hates on woman!
This Did Not Take Long
This Dude Was Caught Robbing A Bank 3 Days After He Tweeted This
Sugar As Diet Aid 1971
Surprise! this was published by the sugar lobby, which is why checking who wrote an article/ posted info is always important.
Speaks For Itself. I’m An Antique Dealer, And This Is From My Personal Collection
The thing is, it probably did work in the short-term due to the vasoconstricting and stimulant effects of the alkaloids - much the same effects that modern steroids would produce. In the long run however....
This Oil-Disposal Tip
How It Started / How It’s Going
Widely Aged Like Milk Things
Spore is a great game, love making funky little guys on it, wish there was a new game.
And it still haven't failed a test of time. It's still fun to play and is enjoyable by many.
Load More Replies...I still have my Wii and after 15 years it's still going strong and there are great games for it
I read that the wii was what caused one archery Olympian to discover his interest and then live of the sport. He played archery on the wii as a child/ teen and liked it so much he joined a club and well the rest is history. I tried to find the article I read it on, but I'm too ill to search too much for it.
Load More Replies...Just bought a Samsung Galaxy for £125. Probably not the fastest, but do I notice the 0.5 seconds difference, nope. Would I notice the £800, yep.
Load More Replies...#10: Absolutely, #9: I agree. It was CRAZY popular but I personally feel that the games didn't live up to the potential. Motion+ came way too late. #8: Absolutely. #7 At the time, they had a point. They said they want more native 64 bit apps. #6: Subjective Opinion. #5: Technically, nobody downloads anymore. We stream. #4: For better or worse, this is a big oof. #3: They sort of had a point here. HD (1080p) adoption was slow at first and didn't take long before we moved to UHD. #2: Can't comment, #1: There's an argument to be made that the iPhone didn't *really* take off until the iPhone 3G but yeah, gotta give the OG its due.
Well, they were right about Facebook anyways. Even broken clocks are right twice a day.
MaximumPC article (I'm nearly 100% certain), I actually remember reading this exact page.
I don't think this is wrong, the iphone and Wii ARE overhyped. They aren't anything special.
They're right about Facebook. I've been boycotting it for more than a year. What a greedy cash grab, and they don't even have live customer support. I feel sorry for all.the small businesses who make Facebook their homepage and then get hacked, zero help from Facebook staff in reestablishing themselves. But enough people are addicted to Facebook that Facebook doesn't have to improve itself in order to keep profiting. They just shove more and more ads down people's throats.
I had an Asus EEE PC all though college, it fit perfectly on those fold out desks. Loved it!
I had an Asus EEE PC all through college! That netbook fit perfectly on those little folding desks
IPhones now have such a complex UI, it takes away the joy of having the best camera ever put on a phone. I remember watching the ads for the IPhone 6, and that was the last time I ever heard anyone commending it. I still don't own any Apple products, but my dad bought a 6E, and later a pair of Airpods. The UI of the phone is literally beyond me, and I have no idea how someone who has never used an IPhone before is immediately able to understand it's UI. There are no dedicated buttons to return to the home screen, open the minimised tabs, and a drop -down menu. These are much more convenient than swiping all over the screen for the purpose of,say, turning on the Wi-Fi . Every time he says " Look Beta this is an iPhone.", I tell him " I'd rather have an easy to use UI ,a good speaker, and a decent camera, than an OP camera, and sh**y everything else.".
Spore is the only game i have spent a large amount of money on. EVER.
This Toothpaste Had To Be Rebranded Twice, First For The Name, And Then For The Logo
"Darkie" is pronounced exactly like a Malay word 'daki'. It means dirt. Not just regular dirt, mind you. It is the type that sticks to the surface and difficult to remove. Not something that you want to put on your teeth. I remember the jokes that went around when Darkie was first introduced in Malaysia. Very soon after, they changed it to Darlie.
This Pastor Just Admitted To Having Sexually Abused A Teenager (Or, As He Tried To Frame It, "Committed Adultery") 20+ Years Ago
Ewww. Oh my god, the amount of sexual abuse, rape, harassment, inequality and patriarchy in religion is starting to get to a ridiculous level. I am gonna die with all of the downvotes here, but religion is the most toxic thing known to man. It is used to get away with hate crimes and homocide. It is f*****g ridiculous.
This Photo
Milk Normally Lasts Longer Than A Day
elon should make a gold check mark that costs 80 dollars a month so we can watch him have a tantrum when no-one buys it
10 Years Later
They Confirmed It Today
Terrifier 2 Scene
This Knitting Recipe From 95
"Knitting recipe" is a cute way of saying it... it's called a pattern, lol.
Thanks A Lot Anti-Vaxxers!
Drew Is Our Last Hope
"Don't Tell Ruth Ginsburg To Retire" In 2014
Makes Me Think About The Iraqi Wmd
Amazingly they were slowed by NATO, so all times could have been correct. Remember the virus that shut down their nuclear facilities?
No Symbol Of My Childhood Have Aged So Horribly
Geralt No Longer, Man Of Steel No Longer
I believe that she admitted to "not liking the source material much". Why the hell would you agree to produce a show when you dislike the source material? Plus, apparently some of the show's writers also disliked the books. Yeah, you're not going to get a good show out of those people. Plus, Cavill is a huge nerd (in a good way) and LOVES the books, so there's no way he was going to stand for the travesty those people were making out of the source material.
How To Ruin Your Company
Makes you wonder what other predictions we've made will turn sour
Another thread giving me depression. Who at BP is determined to make 2023 even more nasty right from the beginning? 😭
The righty is mad that the things they believe in are being proven wrong.
Load More Replies...Makes you wonder what other predictions we've made will turn sour
Another thread giving me depression. Who at BP is determined to make 2023 even more nasty right from the beginning? 😭
The righty is mad that the things they believe in are being proven wrong.
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