“What Are The Most Positive Things You See About The Modern World?”: 35 Replies By The Bored Panda Community
We see a LOT of articles about how everything is going bad these days but can people share any positives that are happening right now to balance this out and give everyone a little bit of an uplift? Turns out they can and they did. Here's how the thread played out!
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Just met up with a bunch of lads I’ve now know for 12 years online only. We all talk almost everyday, we know each other’s jobs, wives names, kids names, everything but never met. We met up and it was amazing almost like we never weren’t in person friends before. The modern world let’s you connect with people you may have never met before technology.
Advances in science/medicine...and if everyone had equal access to these advances--or even the basics--that would make it even better!
Living in a society that tolerates and respects differences from the traditional norms. There was an era in human history where simply being left-handed was a death sentence, let alone practicing any actual "social deviance". Now we live in a world where you can be openly gay, transgender, etc. and most people will at least not make a big deal of it (if not openly support your right to be yourself).
"now we live in a world where you can be openly...". Parts of the world. Only parts of the world
My cat rubbing against my legs every morning to say hello, my dog jumping up to say hi whenever we go outside, our pets being there for us always
The up and coming generation values life experiences over materialism.
I think materialism and the search for experience will always be around, but alternating. Salaries not keeping up with the cost of living may be a factor in driving the more Romantic spirit. If one can only afford a small bachelor, a walk in the wilderness or dancing the night away becomes more tempting. When I lived in a poor-ish neighbourhood, people were constantly outside socializing, much more so than in the middle-class neighbour where people had more private space, including backyards.
I know it's been around for a long time now, and it's always been a part of my life, but...
I'm still a Big fan of electricity!
And I love daylight light bulbs!!!
Oh I love this! Today in the modern world, I have been able to talk to my grandparents more, and my uncle. I can keep track of my friends and check in on them when I feel as if they someone to lean on. Overall, while I seem unsociable- and I am as an introvert- I actually have managed to have a full and sociable life thanks to our tech!
A colleague complained that her mother-in-law was not sociable at all, but spent a lot of time on social media. I told her that her m-i-l was possibly on the autism spectrum and found it hard to socialize in person. Since she still wanted human contact, social media was probably easiest. My colleague confirmed that her m-i-l was indeed very articulate and friendly online.
Communication, talk with people across the world, instantly. Order online from anywhere, from whoever has it cheapest...and you can check first.
Not dying from infections....vaccinations.
Cleaning, cooking is so much easier now.
All kids are allowed to be educated. Few are working up chimneys or in mines at primary school age.
Light at night, inside or out.
No poo in the streets, clean safe water - in most places.
Far more rights for women, in most places.
Being able to make your own decision on religions ...or not, in most places.
Being able to do research and discover things at a touch of a button.
Most people don't pay to live in a drafty bare dirt floor hut made of sticks and pay for the privilege..in most places.
Mostly agree with you, but I do love it dark out at night for sleep or especially for astral events. Light pollution has rendered most observetories usless now. Astronomers have had to fight for the few remaining.
Anti vaxxers screwed up US healthcare system aside, modern medicine.
Although there are a ton of conditions we cannot cure and/or treat all that well there are many more that we can. Medicine has come a tremendous way just in my life time. It's got farther to go yet, especially when pseudo science is thrown into the mix. But we can cure and treat more illnesses, injuries and diseases now than when I was born.
It makes you wonder if, in 100 years, medical people will think of our days as barbaric dark ages
Dogs.... those fluffy balls of limitless happiness.
In a world of complete and utter s**t everywhere - they are stupidly happy and make (almost) everyone around them happy.
I'm going to say internet communication. I'm bipolar and an ambivert and for some reason my parents moved me just after high school to the middle of nowhere. Can you say no friends? If it weren't for my long term internet friends, I would have no one to talk to for the longest time. Being bipolar means I suffer from extreme depressive slumps, but I can just as easily be unhandibly hyperactive. It's very hard to make friends in person, but I have had online friends to talk me down for so long that my closest friends are online.
The fact that the younger generation are beginning to NOT put up with the sh*t that is done in the name of 'growth' and 'progress' by the 'ruling' classes and governments. It makes me think that once they start voting the 'established' political parties around the world, and the corporations are going to rapidly loose support.
As a teacher, I can say I completely agree with this. Do they sometimes not do their work? Yes, but usually it's because they don't see the value in it. They question why things are worth their time, which I personally see as a good thing. You have to show them why it's important. They're kids and because of that, it's our jobs to show them why they need things. So, you do things like show the kid who's sure they're going to be a Youtube star that they need to be able to understand what they read by showing them the Youtube terms on how to get paid. Or, show the kid who thinks they don't need school because he's going to play for the NFL the average salaries for linemen. These kids don't sit at the older generations' knees and stare at them in reverence just because they're older, they will treat the older generation just like the older generation treats them.
Accepting differences is starting to happen more often?! Still a ways to go, but some movement.
Running water. Did not have it when I was young. Simply turning a tap is so much easier than hauling 20L buckets.
So much of today's society can be traced back to the availability of clean running water. It's like Maslow's " hierarchy of needs". Not having to worry about things on one level gives you the freedom to explore the next one.
Certain projects, errands, tasks take mere minutes or at least only a couple of hours when they used to take several hours up to a few days. The lines between a lot of gender specific situations have been blurred. Answers can be found much faster (due largely to experience).
The world is getting better as it gets worse but there are just as many platforms to learn about each situation.
The world is getting better as it gets worse is poignant. And it makes me hopeful on an other wise pretty dismal day. Thank you!
Acceptance. The modern world knows that everyone is different and unique, and everyone deserves respect.
This isn't 100% true. This is only true in wealthy white-dominated parts of the world. China was recently lambasted for going to Malawi to film Africans for humorous racist tiktoks (I'm african). Also in Africa only in South Africa do we tolerate different identities. There are ongoing tribal conflicts across africa e.g. Ethiopia vs Tigray etc. In our country (SA) you are constitutionally protected with any identity (gay, atheist, etc.,) but outside SA you are going to be in trouble if you flaunt your non-heteronormativity or atheism. For example Nigeria has a something like 99% religiosity. We note with interest the correlation between racism, Baptist christianty, Trumpism, and the Deep South in USA (mason/dixon). We conclude that it literally is only wealthy areas like northwest europe and maybe NY/CA in USA that are tolerant.
Genetic modification. The scientifically illiterate love to s**t on it, but it's the reason we can produce the amount of food we do, why we need less pesticides, and why it's far more nutritious than it once was (just look at golden rice literally preventing blindness). And for many sick people it's the reason they have medication - eg. insulin is produced through GM microbes. Like vaccines, the success of genetic research has allowed people to forget what life was like before it.
The biggest complaint of those who have proper knowledge about the gmo industry is that it is a huge lever to kill healthy small farming and convert it to industrialized monoculture environment rape. The unfortunate common practice is that big corporations with gmo fields ensure their seed is spread into local farmers field, then they prove enfringements of these farmers using the gmo seeds without paying and in the legal battle offer a deal to take over the locals land and hire the farmers (of course really bad deals). This is no consiparcy but a very common practice, huge in underdeveloped countries especially in South America, but also happening e.g. In Germany to have farmers loose their "bio" /organic certification and driving them into bankruptcy to take over.
Anyone else feel that people are waking up to the world. Fed up of big companies running the politicians, more and more aware of how we need to look after each other and our planet. Just need some politicians to make a stand and example then more will follow.
We need to rid ourselves of those politicians who only think about their bank accounts.
The concept of every living thing being connected in a complicated and wonderful net of coexistance instead of: „Hey us humans are the crown of the world and nature is our slave and nothing but a source for our uprising!“
Disabled people are able to "see" more drs with video appts. Rather than struggle with getting up and ready to leave, fight traffic or public transit, risk illness sitting in a waiting room, we can just... dial our phone. Granted, not every appt can be this way, but we can keep way more this way. After YEARS of advocating for video appointments, it's suddenly very easy.
Autistic people find each other around the world via social media and it's such a treasure to recognize others and understand you are not alone. Without the need to socialize in real life which is a strain.
How easy it is for people to do things these days. I remember having to go to a library to study for tests, but now everything is one Wikipedia. Or when I wanted to learn a song on guitar I had to go to the store and get a tabs book, but now they are online.
Which means libraries are closing down and town centres are becoming empty
Medical progress, hygiene, womens rights, more freedom of choice (job, partner, clothes,...)
Two words: Cat Videos.
I’m glad there’s more awareness against animal abuse of any kind, it’s been a very slow process but I definitely see some progress
There's definitely been progress when it comes to a lot of animals, particularly I see a lot more people thinking the weirder or 'scarier' animals of yesteryear are cute now, and worth saving! There's even a kids show about a SPIDER now! And he's a cute spider! And people LIKE him and think he's cute! And I just... I cry sometimes, thinking about that. Thinking about kids growing up thinking spiders are cute, and just an animal like a cat, not some kind of scary monster that should be killed for existing.
Being able to meet someone from overseas, and develop a relationship with him, without paying exorbitant phone bills, or having to write letters through snail mail (although that still can be an occasional option), and be able to share photos, videos and messages in real time, and being able to video chat. Long distance relationships have never had it easier.
More people than ever before are living a higher quality of life in terms of their longevity, health, access to food, clothing and shelter. Even people who are considered poor in our world today have access to conveniences that poor people in previous times could not have imagined.
The ability to solve engineering problems with advanced computer software.
Being able to communicate with family and friends no matter where they are in the world.
One day I was making pancakes in Norway. My mother was making pancakes in the Netherlands. And my brother in Spain. Modern technologies made us laugh together :D
I don't have to sweep. Because of Roomba and a nice vacuum that can go on wood/tile, too.
Calculators. Now, I can think about the math, not the process.
The generation of people 30 and under. They are overwhelmingly accepting of others no matter the differences.
I want to believe that. I do. But all I’ve seen is a generation of entitled kids who don’t realize you don’t get a participation trophy for life, and losing is okay too.
Social mobility. My great-grandmother was an indentured servant during her childhood in Germany and suffered tremendous abuse and disregard for her life. She came to America and had kids of her own, who had an impoverished and abusive life, and on top of that, there was not only elitism, but also anti-immigrant sentiment and anti-German sentiment; but my grandfather's upbringing wasn't as tough as hers. My dad had an impoverished life, but not as difficult as his dad's. My sibling and I grew up "working poor," but now live comfortable, white collar, middle-class lives. And my kids have a access to college, access to healthcare, and, while we're certainly not rich, the kids live in comfort and have the opportunity to shape their futures, at least somewhat. In my great-grandmother's time, there was no opportunity for people of her class, and she would never have imagined her great-great grandchildren having such comfortable lives and bright futures. It's also good to see that the same promise of a brighter future is starting to come true for EVERYONE, and I'm glad that it's finally coming. Many people have waited for a brighter future longer than my family did, and I want them to have it!
My neighboar, who's been deceased 10 years now, used to tell me that she was sold by her family to serve for a riich family when she was 10 ("i used to love studying, but i was cut short and did not graduate primary school"). Then WW2 happened with it's own atrocities where she was left an orphan taking care of her younger siblings at 16. I used to listen these stories and think "WTF is this XIX century nonsense, how is there any still living person experiencing this???"
While globalization may be problematic in its own terms, I am just amazed to be in a world where there’s so much diversity and where I can learn about the history and practices of other cultures. Our ancestors were never able to learn about how the people on the other side of the globe lived and now in this era not only can I learn about a completely different culture, I can easily learn the language or even talk to someone from that culture within seconds!! There’s just so much to see and learn and I don’t think I’d have the same passions if I lived in only a couple decades ago.
I am constantly downloading and watching documentaries of different cultures, architecture, people and their customs from around the world. I am never bored watching these.
It's almost impossible to grasp the huge impact the availability of information worldwide has on our lifes. If you have ever had any contact with science you know how much current advances are based on the work of hundrets and thousands of scientists before. And only since a couple of decades all this knowledge is but a mouse-click away. Before a fraction might have been published in journals of which a fraction is available at your library.. None of our current technology, starting from the very basics such as the steel we build things with, would be possible without this. To stick with this "tiny" example: I can't recall the exact number, but more than 50% of the steel types available at 2010 have been developed in the 10 years before. Steel is used in almost all machines than produce or build anything. Hence making the world around us (Even the saw blade for that wood furniture you bought). And this is only a tiny example.
I'm grateful that the understanding of addiction has improved. Most people now acknowledge that the "War on Drugs" was every bit as destructive as the drugs themselves. There are so many more options for people with substance use disorders, including drug court, harm reduction programs, and medically-assisted treatment.
I'm grateful that the understanding of addiction has improved. Most people now acknowledge that the "War on Drugs" was every bit as destructive as the drugs themselves. There are so many more options for people with substance use disorders, including drug court, harm reduction programs, and medically-assisted treatment.