Portable Wind Turbine Blows Everyone Away On Kickstarter, Raising Almost Entire Goal In A Day
Trinity is a second-generation, waterproof, portable wind turbine that will let you generate power on the go. The Kickstarter met its funding goal in just over one day, with the new 50, 400, 1,000 and 2,500W models to be delivered in 2016; the smallest weighs only 650g (1.4 lbs.), and the largest, with a 300,000 mAh battery, weighs 19 kg (42 lbs) and supposedly can charge an electric car. Janulus, the Minnesota-based company behind the Trinity, ran a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2014 to bring the first model to the public.
“We saw so much potential, so many ways a product like this could branch out,” Agust Agustsson, Vice President of Janulus, told Cleantechnica. “People are getting more power hungry when it comes to their smart phones. Trinity is very light weight, so you can carry it with you as a reserve battery wherever you are,” he added. Apparently Janulus’ CEO, Einar Agustsson, carries one around in his backpack.
More info: janulus.com | Kickstarter (h/t: inhabitat, cleantechnica)
The Trinity lets you generate wind power on the go
It comes in four models that collapse for easy transportation
A mobile app lets you interact with your turbine
Larger models can help power your RV
They can even plug into your home grid!
The smallest weighs just 650g and the largest 19kg
Watch the Trinity in action below:
Share on FacebookI loved the fact that it is portable. I know going camping or hiking is about nature and all of that, but let us face it, we need our technology to take pictures, to view the map, call for help if ever needed... So great job :D
I loved the fact that it is portable. I know going camping or hiking is about nature and all of that, but let us face it, we need our technology to take pictures, to view the map, call for help if ever needed... So great job :D