Each school has a popular kid—the one with a million-dollar smile and an indestructible sense of self that carries their name to every corner of every hallway. Many of us were even jealous of their attention and the things that came with it.

But in a lot of ways, life begins only after graduation, and these people don't always make use of the head start they have. So Reddit user ZoroX made a post on the platform, asking everyone to share the downfalls of those who seemed to have it all growing up. And they received plenty of memorable stories.


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them He failed out of college during his senior year. Got hooked on d***s, was a deadbeat dad, did more d***s. Then finally got clean, went back and finished college, now is a d**g counselor AND reconnected with his kids!
F****n strong work Doug!

406xray , MART PRODUCTION Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Dude sodomized his girlfriend with the business end of a shotgun for cheating on him.
He's seen nothing but prison walls for 26 years now.

OldKingMouse , RDNE Stock project Report

We got in touch with ZoroX and they said the idea to ask the internet this question came to them completely out of the blue. "I wasn't even thinking about it, it just popped into my head randomly," the Redditor explained to Bored Panda.

"As I kept going through the comments, I noticed that a few common themes emerged, mostly drugs, alcohol, and DUI," they added.

All of which remind us of the pitfalls we see among Hollywood stars as well. Looks like excess and misfortune sometimes do go hand in hand.


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them He dropped out of high school, went to jail, then got his s**t together and went back to school. He is now a math teacher at a prestigious high school.

Few_Cook8399 , Tra Nguyen Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them He beat the s**t out of the disabled kid ( who was well loved by everyone and told dad jokes). The problem was that kid got a brain bleed and almost died, so he went to prison for attempted manslaughter. What did disabled kid do to deserve this? Allegedly, he told a somewhat flirty joke to the popular guy's sister (who was 1 grade below us). I think it was along the of "if you were a desert , you'd be a cutie pie" kind of joke. His parents don't even visit him in prison.

that_catlady , Kindel Media Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Two of them decided to take hunting rifles and shoot several rounds into the principals house at night, thinking the police wouldn't catch them and they would just not follow through with a possible attempted murder.

Unhappy-Television91 , Thgusstavo Santana Report


Some research supports the notion that there are some serious downsides to being popular as a kid. For instance, Lara Mayeux and her colleagues found that popularity is linked to risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and early sexual activity among high school students. Becoming more popular can also lead to peer resentment and dislike. Another study found that only 9 percent of popular children are widely liked by their peers.

Then there are distorted relationships. Jennifer Crocker and her colleagues argue that focusing on self-image goals at the expense of more compassionate goals leads people to feel competitive, anxious, depressed, and disconnected.


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Tried to hit me with his car and lost control and put it in the ditch. Cops came, realized he was DUI and underage and lost his Scholarship.

Then-Bed1001 , Kaique Rocha Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Didn’t exactly f**k up his life but he managed to put two brand new Audi A8s into the same telephone pole outside of school.

Second time we all stuck around in the school parking lot to witness the aftermath. His dad was apocalyptic “YOU HIT THE SAME F*****G POLE! HOW? HOW?”

He got a used banana yellow wagon after that. It was hilarious.

FirmlyThatGuy , Guillaume Meurice Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Went to a house party shortly after grad, got kicked out for being douche bags. Went back to the party and beat the host to death with a bat. Petitioned for a conditional release so they could "spend Christmas with family"

You know completely normal s**t.

Nobanob , cottonbro studio Report


ZoroX believes that we remain interested in how our peers are doing because as we progress in life, we often have a sense of who might face challenges based on their behavior in school (especially bullies) and we want to know if our gut feeling is correct.

But at the end of the day, it's difficult to know for certain if someone's doing well after school because of their social status or skills.

"It's a mixed bag—determination and skill often lead to success, but if someone is popular due to their parents' influence, they might have an easier path because of the opportunities and respect that come with a notable family name."

What's certain is that if you want to better your chances, you must try to avoid being a jerk. "It will only hinder your progress and limit your opportunities. Treat others with respect, but don't be afraid to stand up for yourself if necessary. This insight comes from another question I asked on r/AskReddit about 'What is the easiest way to mess up your life?'—a lot of responses pointed to being rude and unkind to others."


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Not dumb, actually one of the smartest people I've ever met, just not what we expected from him. He was absolutely brilliant and got shipped off to a special academy for genius kids for the last year or two of high school. The pressure broke him and he died homeless on the sidewalk in his early 30's.

Edit to clarify since I typed this too quickly: The special school isn't what messed him up, it was the intense pressure on him to succeed. The man spent his life constantly being told he had to keep going further and try harder and that he was going to change the world. That's a lot to put on someone, especially a kid.

Ungarlmek , MART PRODUCTION Report

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negatoriswrecks avatar
Negatoris Wrecks
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was on the street for 10 years: so. Many. "Gifted kids". Let your kids know you'd love them if they were a worm.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them He and 3 of his buddies got drunk at a parking lot hangout after practice, drove home, and their car went off the side of a bridge into the river below, killing all 4 of them.

loki8481 , Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Flashy good looking kid, John, who was honestly quite talented at taekwondo kept pushing and poking and bullying the quiet new kid who immigrated from Venezuela.

After the immigrant kid, Andre, had enough and pushed back, John challenged him to a fight after school.

The fight was over hilariously quickly. Tkd dude tried a flashy kick you'd see in a Van Dame movie and it looked good but missed. Andre just easily dodged it, threw a right hook to the jaw and then a left round house kick to the face.

John was out f*****g cold standing up.

Later we found out that Andre's dad was a former military police officer in Venezuela and a kickboxer of some repute so he had taught his kid from an early age how to protect himself.

Anyways, this happened in March and we never saw John till graduation in the summer. He spent the rest of the school year being homeschooled.

aussydog , Julia Larson Report

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annaekberg avatar
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I guess he fücked around with the wrong person.... and found out.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Four of them in a car. Driver going *very* fast on an expressway late at night. Lost control of the vehicle and flipped it, ejecting three of them not wearing a seatbelt. Driver got rolled over by the car and was killed instantly, second was killed from the injuries, third had severe brain damage and requires assistance until his dying day. One passenger was wearing a seatbelt and left with minor injuries except the trauma of watching two of his friends die and one of his friends become severely disabled.

edit: many of you have asked where this was. it was upstate ny, i dont remember the year but at least 15 years ago. given how many of you asked where it was, or shared similar stories, i think the overall theme here is: **wear the seatbelt every time**.

jenkag , Maxim Hopman Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Full ride for football at any school you can name. Decides to rob a Walgreens with his buddies one Friday night. He lost everything. I saw him working at McDonald’s a few years later.

Tangboy50000 , Rafael Classen Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Got addicted to d***s. Rich parents got him out, rehab, then got him a lucrative job that needs no qualification. Now he is still in media, well paid, enough that he became a functioning d**g addict.

Some people have everything handed to them, they can't even f**k up properly.


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bensonkirsten avatar
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I also had a classmate like this. Died young from all the d.r.u.g.s.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them More like his body f****d up his life. 

Cancer. Luke died of Cancer. F**k cancer. 

Luke was one of the best. Everyone liked him and I’m saying that as one of the school nerds while he was a high school football star player. Genuine great guy all around. .

stucky602 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them He decided it was a good idea to get high on pills and go for a drive. He ran over a lady and her dog killing them both. He left his car and called the police to say that the car was stolen by a "black guy". After they found the car and the accident, they called him into the station for a talk. He went up to the police station with the keys in his pocket.

CanableCrops , Thái An Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them He got his GF pregnant. Pregnant GF dumped him and started dating his best friend. Shortly after giving birth, she got pregnant again. She dumped the BFF and goes back to popular kid. Popular kid learned she was pregnant with BFF’s child. He got into his car and parked on BFF’s street. He waited for BFF to show up and shot him thrice. The GF was in the car with him and even gave him the gun.

BFF survived and popular kid and crazy GF are currently in jail. It’s in Canada btw.

Jai-envie-de-chier , cottonbro studio Report

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bobcollins_1 avatar
Bob Collins
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Great example of why Canadians are happy that handguns are so hard to get up here.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them This kid wasn't necessarily popular, but he was on the verge.

He wanted nothing more in the world than to be on our High School's Cross Country team. He just didn't have the chops for it. He'd practice and practice, and try out repeatedly, but could never quite make the cut.

Everybody knew about his desire to be on the team, and I think most of us were pulling for him, because he had the heart, just not the legs.

Anyway, one day in gym class, we were having a "fitness test" in which we were to run laps around the outer perimeter of our school, and complete as many laps as possible.

Most of us dropped out after a lap or two, and went to sit on the bleachers.

There were a bunch of Cross Country kids, though, who had taken this as a challenge, and were running seemingly endless laps.

Not-quite-popular kid figured that if he could keep up with those guys, he'd show that he deserved to be on the team.

Lap after lap, he hung right at the back of their pack, never catching up, but never falling completely away, either. The large group of us who had already given up and were sitting on the bleachers saw this, and we all started rooting for this kid, and watching closely.

As the pack passed our bleachers on yet another lap, the kid following behind visibly s**t his pants. Turds poured from the leg holes of his gym shorts, and onto the pavement as we all watched in horror.

The kid just kept running.

On the next lap, our gym teacher, who fancied himself a drill sergeant, flagged the kid down, chewed his a*s, and made him clean up the turds as we all sat there wishing for an unexpected asteroid strike to put us out of out collective misery.

His popularity never recovered. He never ran a single meter for our Cross Country team.

If anybody wants to make a Rudy-esque film out of this, hit me up and I'll fill in the blanks.

EarhornJones , Clem Onojeghuo Report

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shaunlee avatar
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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Remember peeps and Pandas, sometimes it just ain't worth it. Sh*t may have hit the pavement but he tried, so I'll give him that at least -_-

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Took pictures of himself getting head from the football coaches daughter and slipped a copy under the coaches office door as revenge for some slight against him.

He was one of the top football players.

He was dumb enough to think the coaches daughter wouldn’t say who it was in the picture. Of course she told, and of course he knew, and of course he was kicked off the team. Few months of disciplinary actions after because he sort of spiraled and he was sent to one of those schools for people with difficulty functioning in normal schools.

I don’t know if it ruined his life, but it ruined his trajectory and he wound up dropping out of the local community college instead of going off to Florida State like he had planned.

Mryan7600 , Pixabay Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Thought he'd be cool by **chugging** an entire bottle of vodka. Killed himself via alcohol poisoning.

Charlie24601 , rebcenter moscow Report

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conniehirsch avatar
Connie Hirsch
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is truly tragic. And particularly because young people new to alcohol have very efficient livers that get the alcohol into the bloodstream quicker. If you imbibe regularly there's a certain amount of liver damage and it's easier to tolerate a couple shots.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Got suspended for something really dumb so he and a couple buddies tried to burn down our vice principal's house. Got the address wrong and almost burned a family alive.

JumboDakotaSmoke , Hunain Bin Shahid Report

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freyathewanderer_1 avatar
Freya the Wanderer
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is horribly wrong on som many levels! It's bad enough they wanted to harm the Vice Principal this way; putting an unrelated and innocent family in peril is inexcusable.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them He didn’t become a pro baseball player like he told everyone he would because he partied too much and in turn became the meanest piece of s**t ever any time you would see him. He would bully the f**k out of anyone he ran into from HS at bars to make himself still feel cool (just a side note he would mime playing baseball while you spoke to him the entire time)

He got married and cheated on her repeatedly with strippers. When she found out and was planning to divorce him, he blew his head off with a shotgun.

DrPeterVankman , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them They poured some chemicals on the football field to spell out our graduation year for a senior prank. It killed the grass and ruined the soil under it.

The grass and soil on a football field are specific and expensive. It cost 10s of thousands of dollars to repair it on such short notice.

The school wanted to be lenient. However, the insurance company required them to get the police involved to cover the claim. So they were arrested.

esoteric_enigma , Tom Fisk Report

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feins0016 avatar
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This one is hard, because dumb kids don't know how much that can be damaging, but also not something that should be encouraged ever.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Had sex with the German foreign exchange student on the principal's desk during a pep rally.

Instant expulsion. Exchange student was sent back to Germany.

In his defense, it was consensual and she was devastatingly attractive.

InfiniteBackspace , Budgeron Bach Report

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shaunlee avatar
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not sure it was a good idea to begin with but on the principal's desk, of all places???

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Dug up the body of an 11 year old boy that died in 1921 in a cemetery for black veterans and their family and then decapitated the body and smoked Marijuana from the skull.

imagetarplayer , Jacob Amson Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Sitting on railings. Just don't do it.

I know one girl who I went to high school with who was sitting on someone's deck railing at a party. Fell backwards, broke her back, is in a wheelchair to this day.

Another kid was sitting on the railing at a Skytrain station (Vancouver's subway that is largely on elevated track), fell backwards a full story onto concrete and died, right in front of his girlfriend. Just one second chatting happily to his loved one, the next second he's gone, the next second he's dead.

It seems like such a dumb little thing, but it's so not worth it to sit on a railing.

rampop , Marina Zvada Report

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negatoriswrecks avatar
Negatoris Wrecks
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This happens in Waikiki all the time. I don't even like to lean on railings.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Beat the hell out of a girl he was hooking up with who told him she was pregnant and almost killed her. Got put in jail for 20ish years.

JennyClownBanger , Lisa Fotios Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Kid was kinda smart, but an excellent multi-sport athlete. He had a full baseball scholarship lined up for a state school. The summer after senior year at a party he got drunk, picked a fight and got his knees broken.

Don't know what happened to him, but I know he didn't go to college.

DiabloIV , Jacob Bentzinger Report

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avalemar avatar
Ava Lemar
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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is pretty sad. He probably has had nothing but regrets since then.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Guy had a telephone pole fall on his car a couple of years after high school. Instead of calling to have it removed, he and a friend tried to remove it themselves. The guy ended up getting crushed to death. Extremely tragic, but also extremely stupid.

WalrusWorldly87 , Artyom Kulakov Report

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My mom went to school with a popular kid who was DUI and crashed with another popular and generally more well liked kid. The passenger was badly hurt, the driver only superficially. He didn't want to get caught so left, leaving the passenger to die on the side of the road. It was later determined that he would have absolutely lived if the driver called 911. He was still alive for hours.

Driver got caught anyway. I think he's out and still lives in the small town he grew up in, and it's a "no one talks about it, but everyone knows" kind of situation. He has no real social life bc of it.

kelsogamesonly Report

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deborahbrett avatar
Deborah B
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Didn't even have the basic humanity to do an annoymous 911, or bang on someone's door "There's been a major car accident on x road, and I don't have my phone, call 911!" Moron.

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35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them He got caught cheating on the SATs and lost his college scholarship. Now he’s working at his dad’s car wash. Karma’s wild. 😬.

xmimixcutiex , RDNE Stock project Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them MLM. Tried to leverage his social influence to get people in on it. Burned a lot of bridges. Skipped town and works at McDonald's. He wasn't a bad guy or anything but I consider trying to get someone in a pyramid a hostile act.

PckMan , Shahbaz Ali Report

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Went on a joyride after the prom and crashed, killing one of the passengers. Spent two years in jail followed by a lifetime of shame.

AardvarkStriking256 Report


He would pick on this kid with Autism and the school would look the other way. He was on his way to getting a football scholarship. Only the kid’s uncle was with some kind of white supremacist biker gang. Who showed up broke his knee and busted his head open with a bike chain. When the popular kid was walking home with his friends. Because he couldn’t participate in the sport due to how badly his knee was damaged. He could no longer receive the scholarship.

Husbandaru Report


35 Times The "Popular Kid" Destroyed Their Life Despite Having Everything Going For Them Vandalized the school with racist graffiti as a senior prank.

DaedricWorldEater , Felicity Tai Report

Note: this post originally had 69 images. It’s been shortened to the top 35 images based on user votes.

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