Polish Artist Leaves The City To Live In The Countryside And Embroider Dresses And Hoops Almost Getting Depressed On The Way
Exactly one and a half year ago I moved from the city to the old house in the country side. That was epic. I left a cosy and clean apartment just to find myself in the old rotten house without hot tap water. It was cold, snowy winter here in Poland. In the evenings only dogs barked and that was the most depressing sound of my life. I didn’t get depressed. I sort of survied up until spring and then magic happened. I started resonating wiht the nature around, growing garden, meditating and I had lots of time to embroider three dimentional hoops. I was using polymer clay masks or shapes that I sculpted and baked myself. I stitched them on the hoops. I also started beadwork on clothes, beacause why not to make yourself princess-worth dress?
Now I have an shop and a website, I post regulary on Instagram and what is the best – I love every bit of stitching of my works.
See more on my facebook
and Instagram
More info: nibyniebo.com